Unit Information

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919 results

Trinity College Dublin1592-03-03Founded by royal charter dated 3 March 1592McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.tcd.ie/
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland1784-02-11Founded in 1784 as the national training body for surgery in IrelandMcGauran et al. 2005; www.rcsi.ie; The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Charter Amendment) Act 1965 (No. 1 (Private) of 1965); Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Charters Amendment) Act 2003 (No. 1 (Private) of 2003)
Royal Irish Academy1785-05-01Founded in 1785, RIA is an all-Ireland, independent academic body that promotes study and excellence in the sciences, humanities and social sciences.McGauran et al.2005; www.ria.ie
Turf Club1784-01-012018-01-01The Turf Club (and INHSC) was the Regulatory Body for horseracing in Ireland, it was replaced by the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board in January 2018McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.turfclub.ie/; Racing Board and Racecourses Act, 1945; Horse Racing Ireland Act 2016; www.irhb.ie
Irish Stock Exchange Ltd.1995-05-30Roots stretch back to 1793 when the Exchange first opened for trading in Dublin. Before was known as the "Irish Unit of the International Stock Exchange of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland Limited "; became known as the "Irish Stock Exchange Limited" on the basis of the Stock Exchange Act, 1995 McGauran et al. 2005; www.ise.ie; Stock Exchange Act, 1995
Law Society of Ireland1830-06-24n/aMcGauran et al. 2005; www.lawsociety.ie; Solicitors Acts 1954-2002
Office of Public Works1831-08-01Also known as Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland; includes the Government Supplies Agency McGauran et al. 2005; www.opw.ie; Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924
General Register Office1845-04-01n/aMcGauran et al. 2005; www.groireland.ie; Marriages (Ireland) Act 1844; Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1863
University College Cork1908-01-01Founded in 1845 under the name of Queen's College, Cork; then renamed as University College Cork by Charter in 1908; and under the Universities Act 1997 is known as National University of Ireland, Cork McGauran et al. 2005; www.ucc.ie; Universities Act 1997
University of Galway 1845-01-01Established in 1845 as Queen's College Galway; became University College Galway in 1908; under the Universities Act 1997 was known as National University of Ireland, Galway until 21 February 2024, when it was renamed University of Galway McGauran et al. 2005; www.nuigalway.ie
Royal Irish Academy of Music1848-01-01Founded in 1848, The Royal Irish Academy of Music is Ireland’s oldest conservatoireMcGauran et al. 2005; www.riam.ie, the Educational Endowments (Ireland) Act 1885
Valuation Office1852-01-012023-03-01Subsequently merged with Property Registration Authority and Ordnance Survey Ireland to form Tailte ÉireannMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.valoff.ie/; Valuation (Ireland) Act 1852; Valuation Acts and Statutory Instruments 1963 to 2005, specifically Valuation Act 2001. Tailte Éireann Act 2022 (No. 50 of 2022); S.I. No. 58/2023; https://http:/​/​www.valoff.ie/​en/​about-us/​tailte-eireann/​
Irish Prison Service1854-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.irishprisons.ie/; The Prison Service (Ireland) Act 1883; and various Prisons Acts 1933-2007
National Gallery of Ireland1854-08-10McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nationalgallery.ie/; National Gallery of Ireland Acts 1854 to 1963
University College Dublin1881-01-01Known as Catholic University of Ireland from 1854 to 1881; in 1881 was renamed as University College Dublin; incorporated into NUI in 1908 mcgauran et al. 2005; www.ucd.ie; University College Dublin Act 1934; University College Dublin Act 1960; Royal Universities Act 1881; Universities Act 1997
Commissioners of Irish Lights1867-01-01Under the Dublin Port Act (1867), responsibility for lighthouses, lightships, buoys and beacons around the coast of Ireland was vested in the Commissioners of Irish Lights. The British-Irish Act 1999 provided for merge with Foyle Fisheries Commission into the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission as the 'Lights Agency' however this did not take place (see http://www.northsouthministerialcouncil.org/index/north-south-implementation-bodies/foyle_carlingford-and-irish-lights.htm) McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.cil.ie/; " An Act for Promoting the Trade of Dublin, by rendering its Port and Harbour more commodious, 1786"; "Merchant Shipping Act of 1854"; "Dublin Port Act (1867); No. 661/1935: Irish Lights Commissioners (Adaptation) Order, 1935; No. 37/1997: MERCHANT SHIPPING (COMMISSIONERS OF IRISH LIGHTS) ACT, 1997; British-Irish Agreement Act, 1999
National Library of Ireland1877-01-01Was established as an autonomous cultural institution in May 2005 under the National Cultural Institutions Act 1997. The Library on Kildare Street in Dublin was opened to the public on 29 August 1890. The Industrial and Commercial Property (Protection) Act 1927 gave the NLI legal deposit status for the first time. In 1986-1992 was under the aegis of the Dept. of An Taoiseach. In 1992 (until present) was transferred to the Dept. of Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht (now under Arts, Sports and Tourism) McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nli.ie/en/homepage.aspx; National Cultural Institutions Act 1997; Industrial and Commercial Property (Protection) Act 1927; Dublin Science and Art Museum Act 1877; Irish Times, 28 August 1890
National Museum of Ireland1997-01-01Consists of four separate museum buildings: the NMI - Archaeology and History (1890), the NMI - Decorative Arts and History (1997), the NMI - Natural History (1857), the NMI Country Life (2001). McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.museum.ie/ National Cultural Institutions Act, 1997
National Theatre Society Ltd.1925-01-012006-01-31Abbey Theatre established in 1903, nationalised in 1925 as the National Theatre Society Limited. On 31 January 2006 this company was dissolved and all assets and liabilities were transferred to a newly established company, Abbey Theatre Amharclann Na Mainistreach, which now runs the theatre. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.abbeytheatre.ie/
Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General1923-01-11McGauran et al. 2005; http://audgen.gov.ie/; Comptroller and Auditor General Act, 1923; DÁIL EIREANN. Tuairisc Choiste ar Cheapa Árd-Sgrúdóra. 11th January, 1923
Irish Film Censor's Office (IFCO)1923-07-162008-07-20Replaced by Irish Film Classification Office in 2008McGauran et al. 2005; www.ifco.ie; Censorship of Films Act, 1923; the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008
Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland1845-01-012014-10-16Pre-independence body but remit revised by legislation in 1961 and 1973. Dissolved in 2014 and functions transferred to the new Charities Regulatory Authority. Charitable Donations and Bequests (Ireland) Act 1844; McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.charitycommissioners.ie/; Charities Acts 1961 & 1973; www.charitiesregulator.ie; Charities Act 2009; S.I. No. 456/2014; S.I. No. 457/2014
Office of the Revenue Commissioners1923-02-21The Revenue Commissioners took over functions previously performed by two UK-wide bodies—the Commissioners of Inland Revenue and the Commissioners of Customs and ExciseMcGauran et al. 2005; www.revenue.ie; S.I. No. 2/1923--Revenue Commissioners Order 1923, dated 21/2/1923; https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/1923-02-20/13/
Office of the Chief State Solicitor1924-06-01Is a constituent element of the Attorney General's Office http://www.attorneygeneral.ie/csso/english/index.htm; The ministers and secretaries Act, 1924 (especially section 6)
Office of the Attorney General (II)1924-06-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.attorneygeneral.ie/; The ministers and secretaries Act, 1924 (especially section 6)
State Laboratory1924-01-01Created from amalgamation of the laboratory of the Revenue Commissioners with the chemistry laboratory of the Department of Agriculture McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.statelab.ie/;
Office of the Registrar of Friendly Societies1896-08-07Statutory footing can be traced back to the Friendly Societies Act 1896, adapted and modified by the Registrar of Friendly Societies (Adaptation Order) 1926. Also performs functions of the Registrar of Companies McGauran et al. 2005; some information on www.cro.ie; Friendly Socities Act 1896 to 1977; Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1893 to 1978; Trade Union Acts 1871 to 1990
Army Pensions Board1927-04-30McGauran et al. 2005; No. 64/1928; Army Pensions Act 1927; Dáil Éireann - Volume 588 - 06 July, 2004--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies
Irish Patents Office1927-10-012019-12-02The Irish Patents Office was replaced by the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland from 2 December 2019McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.patentsoffice.ie/; Industrial and Commercial Property (Protection) Act 1927; Patents Acts 1964 & 1992; Trade Marks Act 1996; Intellectual Property (Miscellanious Provisions) Act 1998; Industrial Designs Act 2001; European Communities (Supplementary Protection Certificate) Regulations 1993; S.I. No. 586/2019
Electricity Supply Board1927-08-11Electricity Supply Act, 1927; www.esb.ie; FitzGerald, 1963
Irish Manuscripts Commission Ltd.1928-10-10McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.irishmanuscripts.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 26 - 17 October, 1928--CEISTEANNA—QUESTIONS. ORAL ANSWERS. - MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION; Dáil Éireann - Volume 168 - 12 June, 1958--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Companies, Commissions, Committees and Advisory Councils
Censorship of Publications Board1929-07-16McGauran et al. 2005; Censorship of Publications Act 1929
Therapeutic Substances Advisory Committee1933-05-011993-01-01Therapeutic Substances Act 1932; S.I. No.106 of 1933; Dáil Éireann - Volume 407 - 07 May, 1991--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies; S.I. No. 406/1992; Animal Remedies Act, 1993
Met Éireann1936-12-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.met.ie/; Meteorological Services (Re-distribution of Public Services) Order, 1936 (SR & O No 276 of 1936) and later reassignments - eg Communications (Transfer of Departmental Administration and Ministerial Functions) (No. 2) Order, 1987; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 13 February, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
Aer Lingus1936-05-221993-12-21Aer Lingus and Aerlinte Eireann restructured in 1993 into Aer Lingus Group plc.http://www.aerlingus.com/; Air Navigation and Transport Act 1936; Air Companies (Amendment) Act, 1993
Hospitals Trust Board1938-08-062008-01-01'The Board, no longer having any functions to discharge and no monies remaining, is to be dissolved. Final accounts are in preparation and once received the relevant legislative amendments will be made in order to facilitate the winding up the Hospital Trust Board.' (Written Answers). The Hospitals Trust (1940) Ltd. was dissolved on 23 Jan. 2008 (CRO).McGauran et al. 2005; Public Hospitals (Amendment) Act, 1938; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 19 February, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
Irish Red Cross Society1939-07-01Prior to 1939 was established as autonomous entity with the British Red Cross Society during the War of Independence in 1920; some records also show that the Red Cross operated during the 1916 Easter Rising McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.redcross.ie/; Red Cross Acts 1938, 1944 and 1954; S.I. No.216 (1955)
Mining Board (II)1940-11-14McGauran et al. 2005; The Minerals Development Act 1940; Dáil Éireann - Volume 588 - 06 July, 2004--Written Answers. - State Boards
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies1940-06-19As the world’s second, and Ireland’s only, Institute for Advanced Studies, DIAS is a globally embedded institution that attracts scholars and academics from around the world. It conducts and publishes advanced research across three disciplines: Celtic Studies, Theoretical Physics and Cosmic Physics. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.dias.ie/; Institute of Advanced Studies Act 1940 http://www.dias.ie/lang/en/commun/act.html
Córas Iompair Éireann1945-01-01Was established in 1944 as limited company, but converted to Statutory Corporation in 1950. Formed from the dissolution of the Great Southern Railways Company and the Dublin United Transport Company, Limited. Also took over the functions of the Board of Control of the Royal Canal and the Grand Canal Company. It currently consists of three subsidiary public companies: Iarnród Éireann-Irish Rail; Bus Éireann-Irish Bus; Bus Átha Cliath-Dublin Bus. Former statutory subsidiaries are Aerlód Teoranta and Óstlanna Iompair Eireann Teo. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.cie.ie/; Various Transport Acts starting with 1950 , especially Transport Act 1974 and Transport (Re-organization of Córas Iompair Éireann) Act 1986
Censorship of Publications Appeal Board1946-02-13McGauran et al. 2005; Censorship of Publications Acts 1946 and 1967; http://www.citizensinformation.ie/categories/travel-and-recreation/recreational-activities-in-ireland/censorship-in-ireland/censorship_of_publications_in_ireland; Dáil Éireann - Volume 588 - 06 July, 2004--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
Bord na Móna plc1946-06-21McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.bnm.ie/; Turf Development Acts 1946 and 1950; S.I. No. 212/1946
Placenames Commission1946-10-242012-10-11Future placenames orders will be made by the Minister of State following public consultation and on consideration of advice provided by a voluntary Placenames Committee (established 19 September 2013). A new Placenames Committee was appointed on the 13th September 2016. The primary responsibility of the Placenames Committee is to advise the Minister for the Gaeltacht in relation to the Placenames of Ireland as defined in section 31 of the Official Languages Act, 2003.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.logainm.ie/; Place-names Act 1973; http://www.ahg.gov.ie/en/Irish/ThePlacenamesBranch/; Dept. of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, 'Critical Review of the Placenames Commission'; Dept. of Public Expenditure and Reform, 'Summary of agency rationalisation measures as at January 2014', Table B - http://per.gov.ie/wp-content/uploads/Table-B.pdf; https://www.logainm.ie/en/inf/coiste
Irish National Stud Co. Ltd.1946-08-31Stud farm established in 1900, became British National Stud 1916. Handed over to the Irish Government 1943-1946. (http://www.irish-national-stud.ie/tourism/history/; http://www.nationalstud.co.uk/about-History.asp)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.irish-national-stud.ie/; National Stud Acts, 1945; 1953; 1969; 2000; S.I. No. 289/1946
Labour Court1946-09-23McGauran 2005 et al.; http://www.labourcourt.ie/; Industrial Relations Act 1946
Library Council1948-05-122012-11-01'Objects of New Library Council' Irish Times 13 May 1948; McGauran et al. 2005; Public Libraries Act 1947; Local Government Act 2001; Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2012; S.I. No. 422/2012; Seanad Éireann Debate Vol. 215 No. 13 - Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2012: Second Stage, 6 June 2012
Arramara Teoranta1949-12-012014-05-09Privatised through sale to Acadian Seaplants of Nova Scotia.McGauran et al. 2005; FitzGerald, 1963; http://www.arramara.ie/; Alginate Industries (Ireland) Limited (Acquisition of shares) Acts 1949, 1954 and 2002 ; Written answers, Thursday, 10 April 2014, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Departmental Agencies; 'New Canadian owner of Connemara seaweed company reassures harvesters' Connacht Tribune, 9 May 2014.
IDA Ireland1994-01-01A Subsidiary Body of Forfás until dissolution of Forfás in 2014McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.idaireland.com/; Industrial Development Act 1993; Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Act 2014; S.I. No. 304/2014
Central Statistics Office1949-06-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.cso.ie/; Statistics Act 1993
Irish Potato Marketing Co. Ltd.1950-02-161997-09-17In 1997, IPM became a subsidiary of Donegal Creameries PLC, one of Ireland's largest food and agri-business companies.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ipm.ie/; S.I. No. 355/1951; State Guarantees Act, 1954; S.I. No. 260/1969; Dáil Éireann - Volume 226 - 15 February, 1967--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies; 'Potato buy confirmed by Donegal Creameries' Irish Independent, 18 Sept. 1997
Arts Council1951-05-08McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.artscouncil.ie/; The Arts Acts 1951; 1973 and 2003
An Bord Altranais1951-06-072012-10-02Replaced by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nursingboard.ie/; Nurses Act 1950 and 1985; S.I. No. 164/1951; www.nmbi.ie; Nurses and Midwives Act 2011; S.I. No. 385/2012
Bord Iascaigh Mhara1952-04-24McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.bim.ie/; Sea Fisheries Act 1952 and subsequent amendments
Adoption Board1953-01-012010-11-01Replaced by Adoption Authority of Ireland McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.aai.gov.ie/; Adoption Act 1952; S.I. No. 380/1952; Adoption Act 2010
Animal Remedies Consultative Committee1957-06-01Animal Remedies Acts 1956 & 1993; S.I. No. 861/2007
Opticians Board1956-11-142015-02-06Replaced by the Optical Registration BoardMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.opticiansboard.ie/; Opticians Act 1956; S.I. No. 286/1956; and Opticians (Amendment) Act 2003; http:/​/​www.coru.ie; Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 41/2015
Board for the Employment of the Blind1957-04-252006-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; FitzGerald, 1963; Dáil Éireann - Volume 168 - 12 June, 1958--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Companies, Commissions, Committees and Advisory Councils; Dáil Éireann - Volume 253 - 20 April, 1971--Written Answers. - Departmental Committees and State-Sponsored Bodies
Institute of Public Administration1957-11-06Became a company limited by guarantee on 31/12/1963; also became a recognised college of the National University of Ireland in 2002 McGauran et al. 2005; www.ipa.ie; 'Improving Public Administration' The Irish Press, 2 November 1957
Voluntary Health Insurance Board1957-02-12McGauran et al. 2005; www.vhi.ie; Voluntary Health Insurance Act 1957 and subsequent Amendement Acts: 1996 and 1998; S.I. No.24 (1957); S.I. No.46 (1957)
Bord na gCon1958-07-112020-10-01Succeeded by Rásaíocht Con Éireann from 1 October 2020McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.igb.ie/; Greyhound Industry Act 1958; S.I. No. 150/1958; Greyhound Racing Act 2019 (No. 15 of 2019); S.I. No. 399/2020
Irish National Productivity Committee1959-01-011972-05-30Functions taken over by Irish Productivity CentreDáil Éireann - Volume 190 - 14 June, 1961--Committee on Finance. - Vote 44—Industry and Commerce; Dáil Éireann - Volume 262 - 11 July, 1972--Committee on Finance. - Vote 40: Industry and Commerce
Shannon Development1959-01-282014-09-05While Shannon Development's primary reporting line is to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation, they also liaise with the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Failte Ireland and Tourism Ireland in their role as the Regional Tourism Authority for the Shannon Region. Responsibility for tourism and aviation were delegated under S.I. No. 94/1987. On 5 Septemnber 2014 Shannon Development became part of Shannon Group plc and was renamed Shannon Commercial Enterprises DAC (Trading as Shannon Commercial Properties) and Shannon Developments previous enterprise support, employment development and tourism functions were transferred to the IDA, Enterprise Ireland and Fáilte Ireland. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.shannon-dev.ie/; Shannon Free Airport Development Company Ltd. Act, 1959; www.shannongroup.ie; www.gov.ie; State Airports (Shannon Group) Act 2014; S.I. No. 396/2014
National Building Agency Ltd.1960-12-13McGauran et al. 2005; National Building Agency Limited Act 1963; National Building Agency Limited (Amendment) Act 1969; National Building Agency Limited (Amendment) Act 1974; CRO
Economic and Social Research Institute1960-06-24Founded in 1960 as the Economic Research Institute. In 1966 extended its title to the Economic and Social Research Institute. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.esri.ie/; CRO
Radio Telefís Éireann 1966-03-08Radio established on 1 January 1926; television on 31 December 1961; officially replaced Radio Éireann under Broadcasting Authority (Amendment) Act, 1966 McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.rte.ie/; Broadcasting Authority (Amendment) Act, 1966; Broadcasting Acts 1976 and 2001
Poisons Council1961-06-262011-07-12The last Poisons Council expired 12 July 2011 and has not been replaced as of January 2020McGauran et al. 2005; The Poisons Act 1961
National Social Work Qualifications Board1997-02-272011-03-31Replaced the National Validation Body on Social Work Qualifications and Training; functions taken over by the Health and Social Care Professionals CouncilMcGauran et al. 2005; S.I. No. 97/1997; Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. Nos. 144 & 145/2011
Dublin Dental Hospital Board1963-07-17McGauran et al. 2005; Statutory Instrument No. 129 of 1963; Statutory Instrument No.370 of 1980
Blood Transfusion Service Board1965-04-15Previously a company known as the National Blood Transfusion Association (1948-1965). Also known as the Irish Blood Transfusion Services Board. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.giveblood.ie/; Statutory Instruments No.78 of 1965; No.209 of 1988; No.22 of 2000
National Drugs Advisory Board1966-07-121996-01-01Replaced by Irish Medicines BoardMcGauran et al. 2005; The Statutory Instrument No.163 of 1966; Statutory Instrument No. 291 of 1987; Statutory Instrument No.335 of 1980; Irish Medicines Board Act, 1995
Coiste an Asgard1968-01-012010-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.asgard2.ie/
Medical Bureau of Road Safety1968-11-27McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ucd.ie/legalmed/mbrs.html; Road Traffic Act 1968; S.I. No. 241/1968
Higher Education Authority1968-08-15Placed on a statutory footing in 1972 McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.hea.ie/; Higher Education Authority Act 1971; 'Higher Education Authority Formed' Irish Times, 16 August 1968
Advisory Council for English Language Schools1969-01-012010-01-01Absorbed into National Qualifications Authority of IrelandMcGauran et al. 2005; Written answers, Tuesday, 19 January 2010, Department of Education and Science - Language Schools
Chester Beatty Library1969-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.cbl.ie/; Chester Beatty Library Acts 1968 and 1986
Drug Treatment Centre Board1988-04-222013-01-01Was preceded by the National Drug Advisory and Treatment Centre established as a charity in 1969. Absorbed into HSE on 1 January 2013McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.addictionireland.ie/; Health (Corporate Bodies) Act 1961 (No.27 of 1961); S.I. No.76 of 1988; S.I. No. 222 of 1991; S.I. No.296 of 1992; Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009; S.I. No. 493/2012
Crafts Council of Ireland1976-09-21Previously a volunteer body (formed 1971), nationalised in 1976 as a limited company under the Dept of Industry and Commerce. Since 19 January 2014 is primarily referred to as the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.dccoi.ie/
University of Limerick1989-06-22Founded in 1972 as the National Institute for Higher Education, Limerick, it became a university in 1989 in accordance with the University of Limerick Act 1989.McGauran et al. 2005; www.ul.ie; University of Limerick Act 1989; University of Limerick Act 1991; National Institute for Higher Education, Limerick Act 1980
Hospitals Bodies Administrative Bureau1973-03-082005-01-01Merged into HSEMcGauran et al. 2005; S.I. No. 53/1973; Health Act 2004; S.I. No. 885/2004
Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal1974-05-08McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/Criminal_Injuries_Compensation_Scheme; Dáil Éireann - Volume 354 - 12 December, 1984--Written Answers. - Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions1974-07-23McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.dppireland.ie/; Prosecution of Offences Act 1974
Law Reform Commission1975-10-20McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.lawreform.ie/; Law Reform Commission Act 1975; S.I. No. 214/1975
Local Government Computer Services Board1975-09-172012-08-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.lgcsb.ie/; Local Government Services (Corporate Bodies) Act 1971; S.I. No.212 of 1975; the LGCSB Establishment Order (Amendment) 2004; Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2012; S.I. No. 287/2012; S.I. No. 288/2012
Forensic Science Ireland1975-01-01Named the Forensic Science Laboratory until November 2015McGauran et al. 2005; www.justice.ie; www.forensicscience.ie; Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Act 2014; S.I. No. 508/2015
Irish Taxation Institute1967-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.taxinstitute.ie/
Bord Gáis Éireann 1976-09-132014-06-20Established as Limited Company in 1975; converted to Statutory Corporation in 1976; Restructured as Ervia in 2014 McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.bordgais.ie/; Various Gas Acts from 1976 to 2002; S.I. No. 209/1976; ESB (Electronic Communications Networks) Act 2014; S.I. No. 287/2014
Central Applications Office1976-01-23The Central Applications Office processes applications for undergraduate courses in Irish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.cao.ie/
Broadcasting Complaints Commission1977-03-312009-10-01Merged with BCI in 2009 to form Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.bai.ie/; Broadcasting Authority Act 1960; Broadcasting Authority (Amendment) Act 1976; Radio and television Act 1988; Broadcasting Act 1990; Ministerial Order 1992; Broadcasting Act 2001; Broadcasting Act 2009; Dáil Éireann - Volume 588 - 06 July, 2004--Written Answers. - State Boards
Employment Appeals Tribunal1977-05-09Replaced the Redundancy Appeals Tribunal (est. in 1967); merged into Workplace Relations Commission in October 2015 but continues to hear appeals submitted before 1 October 2015McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.eatribunal.ie/; Unfair Dismissals Act 1977; Workplace Relations Act 2015
An Bord Pleanála1977-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.pleanala.ie/; Local Government (Planning and Development) Act 1976; S.I. No. 308/1976; Planning and Development Acts 2000 to 2006; Building Control Act 1990.
Postgraduate Medical and Dental Board1980-03-072009-01-01Replaced former non-statuatory Council for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education. Absorbed into HSE in 2009.McGauran et al. 2005; Medical Practitioners Act 1978; Medical Practitioners Act 2007; S.I. No. 555/2008
Medical Council1979-04-26McGauran et al. 2005;http://www.medicalcouncil.ie/;Medical Practitioners Act 1978
Housing Finance Agency plc1982-02-08McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.hfa.ie/; Housing Finance Agency Act 1981
Rent Tribunal1983-08-022016-01-08From 1 October 2009, administrative support services to the Rent Tribunal were provided by the PRTB and the Rent Tribunal was located at the offices of the PRTB. On 8 January 2016 the Rent Tribunal was absorbed into the Residential Tenancies Board.McGauran et al., 2005; Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) (Amendment) Act 1983; S.I. No. 220/1983; S.I. No. 222/1983; S.I No.140/1988; Written answers--Tuesday, 30 June 2009- Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government-- Private Rented Accommodation; Written answers--Tuesday, 23 March 2010 Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government--Private Residential Tenancies Board; www.rtb.ie; Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2015; S.I. No. 151/2016; S.I. No. 4/2016
Legal Aid Board (incl. Refugee Legal Service)1979-12-22Was set up as a statutory body on foot of the Civil Legal Aid Act 1995McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.legalaidboard.ie; Civil Legal Aid Act 1995; Dáil Éireann - Volume 337 - 02 July, 1982--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies
Screen Ireland1981-08-14Known as the Irish Film Board until renamed Screen Ireland in June 2018. Hiatus between 1987 and 1993 (see Dáil Éireann - Volume 373 - 25 June, 1987-- Estimates, 1987. - Vote 3: Department of the Taoiseach (Revised Estimate) and 'Higgins move to reactivate film board welcomed' P Woodworth, Irish Times, 31/03/1993). McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.irishfilmboard.ie/; Irish Film Board Act 1980; S.I. No. 282/1981; Irish Film Board (Amendment) Act 1993; Irish Film Board (Amendment) Act 1997; Irish Film Board (Amendment) Act 2000; National Cultural Institutions (National Concert Hall) Act 2015; S.I. No. 182/2018
Údarás na Gaeltachta1980-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.udaras.ie/; The Údarás na Gaeltachta Acts 1979 to 1999; S.I. No. 424/1979
Dublin City University1980-01-01Awarded University status in 1989http://www.dcu.ie/; National Institute For Higher Education, Dublin, Act, 1980; Dublin City University Act 1989
Central Fisheries Board1980-10-222010-07-01Replaced Inland Fisheries Trust (and also took over functions of Boards of Conservators); replaced by Inland Fisheries IrelandMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.cfb.ie/; Fisheries Act 1980; Inland Fisheries Act 2010
National Concert Hall Ltd.1981-09-09Functions of RTÉ relating to orchestras and choirs were transferred to the NCH on 28 February 2023McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nch.ie/; National Cultural Institutions (National Concert Hall) (Amendment) Act 2023 (No. 1 of 2023); S.I. No. 130/2023
Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland1981-04-14http://www.asai.ie/
National Lottery1986-09-292014-02-27McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.lotto.ie/; The National Lottery Act 1986; National Lottery Act 2013; S.I. No. 102/2014; 'Privatised national lottery gambles on long-term growth' Irish Times, 28 Feb 2014
Fire Services Council1983-06-222012-06-08McGauran et al. 2005; Fire Services Act 1981; S.I. No. 175/1983; Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2012
An Post1984-01-01Former subsidiaries include PostGEM. Also acts as joint owner of the Prize Bond Company, Ltd. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.anpost.ie/AnPost; Postal and Telecommunications Services Act 1983; the National Lottery Act 1986
Department of the Taoiseach 1937-07-01http://www.taoiseach.gov.ie/; Constitution (Consequential Provisions) Act, 1937
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (I)1997-07-122010-05-02McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.entemp.ie/; S.I. No. 305/1997; S.I. No. 185/2010
Department of Finance 1924-06-01Dept of Finance took over responsibility for e-government from Dept of Taoiseach in 2008http://www.finance.gov.ie/; Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924
Department of Health and Children1997-07-122011-06-04http://www.dohc.ie/; S.I. No. 308/1997; S.I. No. 219/2011
Department of Transport (II)2002-06-192011-04-02http://www.transport.ie/; S.I. No. 305/2002; S.I. No. 141/2011
Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform1997-07-092010-06-02http://www.justice.ie/; S.I. No. 298/1997; S.I. No. 216/2010
Department of Foreign Affairs (II)1971-03-032011-06-02http://www.dfa.ie/; S.I. No. 158/1971; S.I. No. 246/2011
Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism2002-06-192010-05-02S.I. 309/2002; S.I. No. 178/2010
Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs 2002-06-192010-06-02S.I. No. 308/2002; S.I. No. 215/2010
Department of Social and Family Affairs2002-06-202010-05-02http://www.welfare.ie/; S.I. No. 310/2002; S.I. No. 186/2010
Department of Defence 1924-06-01Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924; http://www.defence.ie/
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government2003-06-102011-05-02http://www.environ.ie/; S.I. No. 233/2003; S.I. No. 193/2011
Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources2007-10-202016-07-23http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/; Creation: S.I. No. 706 of 2007, Termination: S.I. No. 421 of 2016
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food2007-10-202011-10-17S.I. No. 705/2007; S.I. No. 455/2011
Department of Education and Science1997-10-012010-05-02http://www.education.ie/; S.I. No. 430/1997; S.I. No. 184/2010
Office of the Ombudsman1983-07-07Legislation created the office in 1980; the first Ombudsman took up office in 1984 following passing of I.R. Uimh. 424/1983 — An tOrdú um an Acht Ombudsman, 1980 (An Lá Ceaptha), 1983.McGauran et al. 2005; http://ombudsman.gov.ie/en/; The Ombudsman Act 1980; I.R. Uimh. 424/1983 — An tOrdú um an Acht Ombudsman, 1980 (An Lá Ceaptha), 1983.
Irish National Accreditation Board1995-02-01Orginally an autonomous division of Forfás, became a Committee of the Health and Safety Authority under the Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Act 2014.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.inab.ie/; Industrial Development Act, 1993; Report of the Laboratory of the Dublin Region Public Analyst for the years 1995 and 1996, Eastern Health Board; Dáil Éireann - Volume 465 - 09 May, 1996 Private Members' Business. - National Standards Authority of Ireland Bill, 1996: Second Stage (Resumed); S.I. No. 294/1999; Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Act 2014
President's Award1985-03-28Gaisce or ‘great achievement’ is a self-development programme for young people between the ages of 15-25 and has been in existence since 1985.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.gaisce.ie/; Finance Act, 1985 (Section 16)
Dental Council1985-11-13McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.dentalcouncil.ie/; The Dentists Act 1985
Combat Poverty Agency1986-09-152009-06-30McGauran et al. 2005; The Combat Poverty Agency Act 1986; S.I. No. 308/1986; Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008
Health Research Board1986-08-14Amalgamation of the Medico-Social Research Board and the Medical Research Council of IrelandMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.hrb.ie/; S.I. No.279/1986; S.I. No.452/1986; S.I. No.115/2002; S.I. No.205/2002
National Statistics Board1986-02-01Was initially set up on a non-statutory basis in 1986; and was established on a statutory basis in 1994McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nsb.ie/; The Statistics Act 1993
Dublin Bus1987-02-02Prior to 1987, didn't exist as a separate subsidiary company, but as a part of CIÉ. In 1987 was given a new status: an operating subsidiary company with CIÉ as a holding companyMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.dublinbus.ie/; The Transport (Re-organization of Córas Iompair Éireann) Act 1986
Iarnród Éireann1987-02-02Prior to 1987, didn't exist as a separate subsidiary company, but as a part of the CIÉ. In 1987 was given a new status: an operating subsidiary company with the CIÉ as a holding company McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.irishrail.ie/; The Transport (Re-organization of Córas Iompair Éireann) Act 1986
Bus Éireann1987-02-02Prior to 1987, didn't exist as a separate subsidiary company, but as a part of the CIÉ. In 1987 was given a new status: an operating subsidiary company with the CIÉ as a holding companyMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.buseireann.ie/; The Transport (Re-organization of Córas Iompair Éireann) Act 1986
Valuation Tribunal1988-07-22McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.valuationtribunal.ie/; The Valuation Act 1988; Valuation Act 2001; S.I. No. 191/1988
Foras Áiseanna Saothair1988-01-012013-10-27McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.fas.ie/; Labour Services Act 1987; Further Education and Training Act 2013; http:/​/​www.solas.ie/​
An Chomhairle Oiliúna1967-05-151988-01-01Merge w/ Youth Employment Agency and National Manpower Service into FAS Industrial Training Act 1967, S.I. No. 117/1967; Labour Services Act 1987
Youth Employment Agency1982-01-271988-01-01Merge with AnCO and National Manpower Service into FASYouth Employment Agency Act, 1981; S.I. No. 16/1982; Labour Services Act 1987; S.I. No. 248/1987
National Archives1988-06-01Took over the functions previously performed by the State Paper Office (1702) and the Public Record Office of Ireland (1867)http://www.nationalarchives.ie/; The National Archives Act 1986
Córas Beostoic agus Feola 1979-10-011994-12-01Created from dissolution of Córas Beostoic agus Feola Teoranta in 1979; Death by merge to form An Bord Bia 1994Córas Beostoic agus Feola Act 1979; An Bord Bia Act 1994
Department of Posts and Telegraphs1924-06-011984-01-02abolished by the Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1983Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1983
Department of Supplies1939-09-081945-08-01Functions transferred to Minister of Industry and CommerceMinisters and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1939; Minister for Supplies (Transfer of Functions) Act, 1945; S.I. No. 171/1945
Teagasc1988-09-08Took over the functions previously performed by the Agricultural Institute (An Foras Taluntais), An Chomhairle Oiliúna Talmhaíochta, and local committees of agricultureMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.teagasc.ie/; Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988
Coillte Teoranta1989-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.coillte.ie/; The Forestry Act 1988; S.I. No. 367/1988
Milk Quota Appeals Tribunal1990-03-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 481 - 14 October, 1997--Written Answers. - Milk Quota Appeals Tribunal; www.agriculture.gov.ie/farmingsectors/dairy/milkquotas/milkquotaappealstribunal/
Health and Safety Authority2005-09-01Replaced the 'National Authority for Occupational Health and Safety' (est. in 1989); renamed as 'Health and Safety Authority of Ireland' in 2005 (See Safety, Health and Welfare Act 2005)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.hsa.ie/; Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Acts 1989 and 2005
Office of the Data Protection Commissioners1989-01-09McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.dataprotection.ie/; Data Protection Act 1988 and Data Protection Amendment Act 2003
Medico-Social Research Board1965-04-151986-01-01Merged with Medical Research Council of Ireland in 1986 to form the Health Research BoardHealth (Corporate Bodies) Act 1961; S.I. No. 80/1965; S.I. No. 169/1974; S.I. No.279/1986; S.I. No. 450/1986; S.I. No. 452/1986; http://www.hrb.ie/
Medical Research Council of Ireland1937-01-261986-10-31Dissolved to form Medical Research Board, which merged with Medico-Social Research Board into Health Research BoardS.I. No. 371/1986; S.I. No. 451 & 452/1986; http://www.hrb.ie/; FitzGerald, 1963; IPA Yearbook
Integrate Ireland Language and Training Ltd.1999-03-302008-08-08At first, established in 1999 as the Refugee Language Support Unit (RLSU), a two-year pilot project under the aegis of the Centre for Language and Communication Studies (CLCS), Trinity College Dublin. In September 2001 the RSLU became Integrate Ireland Language and Training Ltd. (IILT) McGauran et al. 2005; http://web.archive.org/web/20050308182828/www.iilt.ie/AboutUs.asp; 'Refugee Language Support Unit Launched' Trinity College Press Release, 30 March 1999.
Pensions Board1990-12-212014-03-07Became the Pensions Authority in 2014McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.pensionsauthority.ie/; Pensions Act 1990; Social Welfare and Pensions (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2013; S.I. No. 103/2014
Environmental Information Service1990-09-012009-09-04Office and Information Centre closed in 2009, website maintained by the Library CouncilMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.enfo.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 13 February, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
Irish Museum of Modern Art1991-05-25McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.modernart.ie/; National Cultural Institutions Act, 1997
National Treasury Management Agency1990-12-03In Feb 2010, NTMA took over from Dept of Finance responsibility for its shareholdings in credit instituions supported by State as a result of banking inquiry, and related functions dealing with restructuirng of banking sector to avoid any perception of political interference. The NTMA was restructured under the National Treasury Management Agency (Amendment) Act 2014, granting the NTMA new functions relating to State bodies and assets and proposals for investment (whereby NTMA operates under the title ‘New Economy and Recovery Authority (or “NewERA”)’, and transferring functions of the National Development Finance Agency to NTMA. The Act also provided for the dissolution of the National Pensions Reserve Fund (to be replaced by the Irish Strategic Investment Fund).McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ntma.ie/; National Treasury Management Act 1990; S.I. No. 276/1990
Competition Authority1991-10-012014-10-31Took over functions of Restrictive Practices Commission in 1991. First established as a statutory non-departmental body but was converted to statutory corporation in 2002 (by the Competition Act 2002). Merged with the National Consumer Agency in 2014 to create the Competition and Consumer Protection CommissionMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.tca.ie/; Irish Takeover Panel Act 1997; S.I. No. 249/1991; Competition Acts 1991, 2002, 2006; Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014
Discovery Programme Ltd.1991-05-11Was initially set up through a personal initiative of the then Taoiseach Charles Haughey; it is a company limited by guarantee and does not have a share capital and is now funded by the Heritage Council http://www.discoveryprogramme.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 437 - 15 December, 1993--Written Answers. - Discovery Programme
Fulbright Commission Ireland1992-02-03An Bord Scoláireachtaí Cómalairte, established in 1957 by means of the Scholarship Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1957, was replaced under the Educational Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1991.http://www.fulbright.ie/; Scholarship Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1957; the Educational Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1991; S.I. No. 354/1991.
Labour Relations Commission1991-01-212015-10-01Created following recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry on Industrial Relations (CIR) (established in 1978). Merged into Workplace Relations Commission in October 2015. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.lrc.ie/; Industrial Relations Act 1990; S.I. No. 7/1991
Marine Institute1992-10-30Prior to 1991: The Salmon Research Trust of Ireland was established in 1955; on the 1st of January 1990 the Salmon Research Agency took charge of the facilities on behalf of the Minister for the Marine; the Fisheries Research Centre, Abbotstown became part of the Marine Institute in January 1997; in July 1999 the Salmon Research Agency was transferred to the Marine Institutehttp://www.marine.ie/; The Marine Institute Act 1991; S.I. No. 316/1992
Salmon Research Agency1990-01-011999-07-01Originally Salmon Research Trust of Ireland, became Salmon Research Agency 1990; Absorbed into Marine Institute July 1999http://www.marine.ie/
National Cancer Registry1991-02-04McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ncri.ie/; S.I. No. 19/1991; S.I. No. 293/1996
Temple Bar Cultural Trust1990-10-242014-01-01Dissolved, in April 2013 the Board of the Temple Bar Cultural Trust requested that Dublin City Council (the Shareholder) begin the process of winding down the Trust and for the council to take over the responsibilities, functions and assets of the Trust. http://www.templebar.ie/; www.discoverireland.ie/Arts-Culture-Heritage/temple-bar-cultural-trust-and-temple-bar-cultural-information-centre/31040; www.irishtimes.com/culture/council-assumes-full-control-of-temple-bar-cultural-trust-1.1712075
Building Regulations Advisory Body1991-12-042012-06-13Was re-appointed for a five-year term in January 2002 by S.I. No.2/2002. The Minister appointed the final BRAB on 14th June 2007 for a period of 5 years, expiring on 13th June 2012. BRAB was subsumed into the Department.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.environ.ie/en/DevelopmentandHousing/BuildingStandards/BRAB/; Building Control Act 1990; S.I. No.2/2002; www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/question/2013-01-16/840; www.kildarestreet.com/wrans/?id=2017-05-09a.576
Environmental Protection Agency1993-07-26McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.epa.ie/; Environmental Agency Protection Act 1992; S.I. No. 213/1993; Waste Management Act 1996; Protection of the Environment Act 2003
Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland1992-04-012014-07-30RPI absorbed into EPAMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.rpii.ie/; Radiological Protection Act 1991; Radiological Protection (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2014
National Council for Forest Research and Development1993-04-15Merged back into Dept in 2009 but still an entity within itMcGauran et al. 2005; Dáil Éireann - Volume 588 - 06 July, 2004--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies; http://www.coford.ie/
International Education Board of Ireland1993-01-012009-11-30ceased trading on 30th November 2009 and its main functions transferred to Enterprise IrelandMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.educationireland.ie/
Irish Horse Board1993-10-302008-01-01Absorbed into Horse Sport Ireland as the Breeding Sub-Board of Horse Sport Ireland.http://www.irishsporthorse.com/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 613 - 25 January, 2006--Written Answers. - Irish Horse Board; 'Equestrian: Kennedy slams IHB plans for merger' Parkes, L., Irish Independent, 4 June 2008; 'Walsh launches new Horse Board' Irish Independent, 1 November 1993.
Léargas1993-10-28Léargas manage international and national exchange programmes in education, youth and community work, and vocational education and trainingMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.leargas.ie/
National Economic and Social Development Office2007-01-01In 2006 the following non-statutory bodies were dissolved and ncorporated into NESDO: National Economic and Social Council (NESC), the National Economic and Social Forum (NESF), and the National Centre for Partnership and Performance (NCPP)http://www.nesdo.ie/; National Economic and Social Development Act 2006
National Economic and Social Forum1993-06-232010-03-01Was assigned new roles in 1997 (monitoring the national policy process) and in 2003 (to convene public consultations on public policy issues). Is part of the National Economic and Social Development Office (NESDO) est. in January 2007. Absorbed into National Economic and Social CouncilMcGauran et al. 2005; National Economic and Social Development Act 2006; National Economic and Social Forum and National Centre for Partnership and Performance Dissolution Order 2010
National Economic and Social Council1973-11-02Is part of the National Economic and Social Development Office (NESDO) est. in January 2007McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nesc.ie/; National Economic and Social Development Act 2006
National Centre for Partnership and Performance2001-10-222010-04-01On 1 January 2007 was placed on a statutory footing as part of the new National Economic and Social Development Office (NESDO)McGauran et al. 2005; National Economic and Social Development Act 2006; S.I. No 140/2010; Taoiseach's Address at the Launch of the National Centre for Partnership and Performance, 22/10/2001
Office for Social Inclusion2002-12-012009-07-01Absorbed into the Dept. of Social and Family Affairs as the Social Inclusion Divisionhttp://www.socialinclusion.ie/; http://www.welfare.ie/; DSFA Annual Reports 2004-2007; National Action Plan against Poverty and Social Exclusion: 2003–2005; Social Inclusion Division Strategic Plan 2009 -2011
Bord Bia1994-12-011 July 2004: Responsibility for the development of the horticultural industry in Ireland, which rested with the former Bord Glas, was integrated into Bord Bia. 1 June 2009: The responsibility for seafood promotion in domestic and international markets was transferred from BIM (Bord Iascaigh Mharaigh) to Bord Bia. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.bordbia.ie/; An Bord Bia Act 1994 and amendment acts: 1995, 1996, 2004
Bord Glas1990-03-222004-07-01Absorbed into Bord Bia in 2004http://www.bordbia.ie/; Bord Glas Act, 1990; An Bord Bia (Amendment) Act 2004
Forfás1994-01-012014-07-31Body through which powers were delegated to IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and Science Foundation Ireland (2003). Took over functions of Industrial Development Authority and Eolas. Absorbed into Dept of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation in 2014.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.forfas.ie/; Industrial Development Acts 1993-2003; Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Act 2014; S.I. No. 304/2014
Irish Aviation Authority1994-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.iaa.ie/; Irish Aviation Authority Act 1993
National Milk Agency1994-12-30Prior to 1994: existed as Milk Boards (1936-1993)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nationalmilkagency.ie/; The Milk (Regulation of Supply) Act 1994; S.I. No. 409/1994
National Roads Authority1993-12-232015-08-01Dissolved, merged into Transport Infrastructure IrelandMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nra.ie/; Roads Act 1993; S.I. No. 407/1993; Roads Act 2015; S.I. No. 297 of 2015
Dublin Transportation Office1995-11-092009-12-01Legislation to replace Dublin Transport Office with Dublin Transport Authority (Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008) enacted on same day as legislation to rename Dublin Transport Authority as National Transport Authority (Public Transport Regulation Act 2009)McGauran et al. 2005; The Dublin Transportation Office (Establishment ) Order: S.I. No. 289/1995; S.I. No. 474/2009
Irish Medicines Board1996-01-012014-07-01Replaced by the Health Products Regulatory Authority in July 2014McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.imb.ie/; Irish Medicine Board Act 1995; www.hpra.ie; Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Act 2013; S.I. No. 205/2014
Irish Goods Council1978-08-251991-09-01Merge with the Irish Export Board to form Irish Trade Board 1991Trade and Marketing Promotion Act 1991; Dáil Éireann - Volume 337 - 02 July, 1982--Written Answers. - Non-Commercial State Bodies
Irish Export Board1959-09-011991-09-01Replaced Córas Tráchtála Teoranta (Limited Company); Merge with the Irish Goods Council to form Irish Trade Board 1991Export Promotion Act, 1959; Trade and Marketing Promotion Act 1991
Irish Trade Board1991-09-011998-07-22Now part of Enterprise Ireland-merge with ForbairtTrade and Marketing Promotion Act 1991; Industrial Development (Enterprise Ireland) Act 1998
Judicial Appointments Advisory Board1995-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; Courts and Court Officers Act 1995; http://www.jaab.ie/
National Centre for Guidence in Education1995-06-01National Centre for Guidance in Education aims to develop and support quality guidance provision in the education sector as part of lifelong learning in accordance with national and international best practiceMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ncge.ie/
National Oil Reserves Agency1995-02-22Established in 1995 as a subsidiary of the Irish National Petroleum Corporation Limited (INPC, est. in 1979). In 2007 established as state agency under the aegis of the Dept. of Communications, Marine and Natural ResourcesMcGauran et al. 2005; Irish National Petroleum Corporation Limited Act 2001; National Oil Reserves Agency Act 2007; http://www.nora.ie/
Heritage Council1995-07-10McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.heritagecouncil.ie/; Heritage Act 1995
Commission on School Accommodation1996-03-012011-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; Written answers, Thursday, 6 May 2010-- Department of Education and Science-School Accommodation; Written answers Wednesday, 22 June 2011, Department of Education and Skills - Schools Recognition; Written answers, Tuesday, 25 October 2011, Department of Education and Skills, Departmental Agencies
Consultative Council on Hepatitis C1996-11-26McGauran et al. 2005; S.I. No. 339/1996; http://www.consultativecouncilonhepc.ie/
Criminal Assets Bureau1996-10-15http://www.garda.ie/cab.html; Criminal Assets Bureau Act 1996
Department of Communications1984-01-021991-02-08Incorporated Transport and Posts and Telegraphs. Functions transferred to Department of Marine and Department of Tourism and Transport, 1987, and Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications in 1991.Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1983; S.I. No. 91/1987; S.I. No. 92/1987; S.I. No. 26/1991
Department of Transport (I)1980-01-251984-01-02Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 11/1980; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1983
Department of Labour 1966-07-121993-01-21Coakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1966; S.I. No. 162/1966; S.I. No. 20/1993
Judicial Studies Institute1996-01-012011-01-25Replaced by the Committee for Judicial StudiesMcGauran et al. 2005; Court and Court Officers Act 1995; http://www.aji.ie/supports/judicial_education
NDP/CSF Evaluation Unit1996-01-012006-06-01Replaced by Central Expenditure Evaluation Unit in Dept. of Finance (Later Dept. of Public Expenditure and Reform)McGauran et al. 2005; http://publicspendingcode.per.gov.ie/about-us/; Written Answers - Departmental Expenditure. Wednesday, 28 June 2006, Dáil Eireann Debate Vol. 622 No. 78; Written Answers - Departmental Expenditure. Wednesday, 7 February 2007, Dáil Eireann Debate Vol. 631 No. 1
Port of Cork Company1997-03-03McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.portofcork.ie/; Harbours Act 1996; S.I. 95/1997
Port of Waterford Company1997-06-16McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.portofwaterford.com/; Harbours Act 1996; S.I. No. 253/1997
Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner2000-01-202016-12-31Replaced by the International Protection OfficeMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.orac.ie/; Refugee Act 1996; S.I. No. 8/2000; www.ipo.gov.ie; International Protection Act 2015; S.I. No. 661/2016 - International Protection Act 2015 (Establishment Day) Order 2016
Office of the Appeal Commissioners1968-03-262016-03-21Replaced Special Commissioners, replaced by the Tax Appeals Commission. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.appealcommissioners.ie/; Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1968; Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997; Finance (Tax Appeals) Act 2015; S.I. No. 111/2016
Drogheda Port Company1997-03-032017-10-02Prior to 1997 existed as Drogheda Harbour Commissioners for about 200 years. Under the Harbours Act 2015, Drogheda Port Company was dissolved in October 2017 and transferred in its entirity to Louth County Council. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.droghedaport.ie/; Harbours Act 1996; S.I. No 95/1997; S.I. No. 238/2004; Harbours Act 2015; S.I. No. 424/2017
Dublin Dockland Development Authority1997-05-012016-03-01Dissolved McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.dublindocklands.ie/; Dublin Docklands Development Authority Act 1997; Dublin Docklands Development Authority (Dissolution) Act 2015; S.I. No. 113/2016
Dublin Port Company1997-03-03The port of Dublin dates back to 1707, and was managed by the Dublin Port and Docks Board from 1867. It was corporatised to become Dublin Port Company in 1997McGauran et al. 2005; www.dublinport.ie/; Harbours Act 1996; S.I. Nos. 95 & 98/1997
Dún Laoghaire Harbour Company1997-03-032018-10-03Under the Harbours Act 2015, Dún Laoghaire Harbour Company was dissolved in October 2018 and transferred in its entirity to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.dlharbour.ie/; Harbours Act 1996; S.I. No. 95/1997; S.I. No.188/1997; Harbours Act 2015; S.I. No. 391/2018
Expert Group on Future Skills Needs1997-01-01http://www.skillsireland.ie/
Office of the Information Commissioner1997-04-21McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.oic.gov.ie/en/; Freedom of Information Act 1997 and FOI (Amendment) Act 2003
Irish Takeover Panel1997-04-29http://www.irishtakeoverpanel.ie/; Irish Takeover Panel Act 1997
National Council on Ageing and Older People1997-03-192009-09-01The Council was established in succession to the National Council for the Elderly (1990-1997) and the National Council for the Aged (1981-1990)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ncaop.ie/; S.I. No. 120/1997; Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009
National Standards Authority of Ireland1997-04-14McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nsai.ie/; National Standards Authority of Ireland Act 1996
National Competitiveness Council1997-05-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.competitiveness.ie/
Women's Health Council1997-06-242009-10-01On 1st October 2009, the Women's Health Council was subsumed into the Department of Health and Children.McGauran et al. 2005; S.I. No. 278/1997; Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009
Aquaculture Licence Appeals Board1998-06-17McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.alab.ie/; Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1997
An Chomhairle um Oideachais Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta2002-03-01COGG was founded to establish a structure to cater for the educational needs of Gaeltacht schools and of Gaelscoileanna. COGG's role relates to both primary and post-primary education.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.cogg.ie/; Education Act 1998
Department of Education (I)1924-06-011997-09-30Renamed the Department of Education and ScienceS.I. 430/1997; Coakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924
Department of Social Welfare1947-01-221997-07-11MINISTERS AND SECRETARIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1946; S.I. No. 307/1997; http://www.welfare.ie/
Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs1997-07-122002-06-19S.I. No. 307/1997; S.I. No. 310 of 2002; http://www.welfare.ie/
Department of Transport and Power1959-07-271977-09-23Coakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1959; S.I. No. 305/1977
Department of Tourism and Transport (I)1977-09-241980-01-24Tourism policy responsibility transferred to Industry, Commerce and Tourism in 1980Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 305/1977; S.I. No. 11/1980
Department of External Affairs1924-06-011971-03-03Became Department of Foreign AffairsMinisters and Secretaries Act, 1924; S.I. 158/1971; Coakley & Gallagher 2005
Department of Justice (I)1924-06-011997-07-08MINISTERS AND SECRETARIES ACT, 1924; S.I. No. 298/1997; Coakley and Gallagher 2005
Department of Equality and Law Reform1993-01-211997-07-08Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 20/1993; S.I. No. 297/1997
Department of Agriculture and Food (III)2002-06-192007-10-20Rural Development units ceded in 2002; Fisheries added in 2007 S.I. No. 306/2002; S.I. No. 705/2007; http://www.agriculture.gov.ie/; DAFF Annual Reports 2003-2007
Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development1999-09-272002-06-19Rural Development units added, then cededS.I. 307/1999; S.I. No. 306/2002; http://www.agriculture.gov.ie/; DAFRD Annual Reports 1999-2001
Department of Agriculture and Food (II)1997-07-121999-09-26SI 302/1997; SI 307/1999; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No.1
Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry1993-01-211997-07-11S.I. 11/1993; S.I. 302/1997; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No.1
Department of Agriculture and Food (I)1987-03-311993-01-20Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 97/1987; S.I. No. 11/1993
Department of Agriculture (II)1977-02-091987-03-30Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 31/1977; S.I. No. 97/1987
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries1965-07-061977-02-08Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 146/1965; S.I. No. 31/1977
Department of Agriculture (I)1928-09-011965-07-05Land Commission transferred to Department of Fisheries to form Department of Lands and FisheriesCoakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1928; S.I. No. 60/1928; S.I. No. 146/1965
Department of Lands and Agriculture1924-06-011928-09-01Land Commission transferred to Department of Fisheries in 1928 to form Department of Lands and FisheriesCoakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1928
Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation1997-07-122002-06-18Formerly Department of Tourism and Trade; Arts Policy added to form Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism in 2002S.I. 304/1997; S.I. 309/2002; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of Tourism and Trade1993-01-201997-07-11S.I. No. 16/1993; S.I. No. 304/1997; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources2002-06-192007-10-20S.I. No. 307 of 2002; S.I. No. 706 of 2007; http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of Marine and Natural Resources1997-07-122002-06-19S.I. No. 301/1997; S.I. No. 307/2002; http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of the Marine1987-03-191997-07-11S.I. No. 82/1987; S.I. No. 301/1997; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of Tourism, Fisheries, and Forestry1986-02-191987-03-18Tourism policy area added from Industry, Trade, Commerce, and Tourism in 1986 (S.I. No. 42/1986). It was moved again in 1987 to the Department of Tourism and Transport (S.I. No. 95/1987)Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 40/1986; S.I. No. 42/1986; S.I. No. 82/1987; S.I. No. 95/1987
Department of Fisheries and Forestry1978-07-151986-02-18Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 195/1978; S.I. No. 40/1986
Department of Fisheries (II)1977-02-091978-07-14Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 29/1977; S.I. No. 195/1978
Department of Lands1934-04-011977-02-08Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 40/1934; S.I. No. 29/1977
Department of Lands and Fisheries1928-09-011934-04-01Lands Commission transferred from Department of Lands and Agriculture in 1928Coakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1928; S.I. No. 40/1934
Department of Fisheries (I)1924-06-011928-09-01Coakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1928
Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht, and the Islands1997-07-122002-06-19IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1; S.I. No. 306/1997; S.I. No. 308/2002
Department of Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht1993-01-201997-07-12S.I. 22/1993; S.I. No. 306/1997; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of the Gaeltacht1956-07-021993-01-19MINISTERS AND SECRETARIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1956; S.I. 22/1993; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of Enterprise and Employment1993-01-201997-07-11Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 19/1993; S.I. No. 305/1997
Department of Industry and Commerce (II)1986-02-191993-01-19Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 41/1986; S.I. No. 19/1993
Department of Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism1983-12-171986-02-19Responsibility for industry transferred from Dept of Industry and Energy in 1983 Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 384/1983; S.I. No. 41/1986
Department of Trade, Commerce and Tourism1981-08-211983-12-16Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 290/1981; S.I. No. 384/1983
Department of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism1980-01-231981-08-20Responsibility for tourism transferred from Department of Tourism and Transport (S.I. No. 8/1980)Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 10/1980; S.I. No. 290 of 1981
Department of Industry, Commerce and Energy1977-09-231980-01-22Responsibility for energy transferred to Department of Energy (formerly Department of Economic Planning) S.I. No. 9/1980Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 306/1977; S.I. No. 10/1980
Department of Industry and Commerce (I)1924-06-011977-09-22Coakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924; S.I. No. 306/1977
Department of Health (I)1947-01-221997-07-11Coakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1946; S.I. No. 308/1997
Department of the President of the Executive Council1924-06-011937-07-01Renamed with adoption of ConstitutionCoakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924; Constitution (Consequential Provisions) Act, 1937
Department of the Environment and Local Government1997-07-222003-06-09S.I. No. 322/1997; S.I. No. 233 of 2003; Coakley & Gallagher 2005
Department of the Environment1977-08-171997-07-21S.I. No. 269/1977; S.I. No. 322/1997; Coakley & Gallagher 2005
Department of Local Government 1947-01-221977-08-16http://www.environ.ie/; Coakley & Gallagher 2005; No. 16/1947; S.I. No. 269/1977
Department of Local Government and Public Health1924-06-011947-01-22Health and Welfare functions lost to new departments in 1947http://www.environ.ie/; Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924; S.I. No. 16/1947
Department of Public Enterprise1997-07-122002-06-18S.I. No. 299/1997; S.I. No. 305/2002; http://www.transport.ie/; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of Transport, Energy and Communications1993-01-221997-07-11S.I. No. 17/1993; S.I. No. 299/1997; http://www.transport.ie/; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications1991-02-071993-01-22http://www.transport.ie/; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1; S.I. No. 25/1991; S.I. No. 17/1993
Department of Tourism and Transport (II)1987-03-201991-02-06S.I. 83/1987; S.I. 25/1991; http://www.transport.ie/; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of the Public Service1973-11-011987-03-19Functions transferred to Department of Finance Coakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1973; S.I. No. 83/1987
Department of Energy (II)1983-12-171993-01-19Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 385/1983; S.I. No. 16/1993
Department of Industry and Energy1981-08-211983-12-16Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 289/1981; S.I. No. 385/1983
Department of Energy (I)1980-01-211981-08-20Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 12/1980; S.I. No. 289/1981
Department of Economic Planning and Development1977-12-131980-01-20Functions transferred to Department of Finance, 1980Coakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1977; S.I. No. 12/1980
Galway Harbour Company1997-03-03McGauran et al. 2005; www.galwayharbour.com/; Harbours Act 1996; www.theportofgalway.ie
Local Government Management Services Board1997-01-012012-08-01McGauran et al. 2005; www.lgmsb.ie/; S.I. No.410/1996; S.I. No. 289/2012; Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2012; S.I. No. 287/2012
New Ross Port Company1997-03-03McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.transport.ie/; Harbours Act 1996; S.I. No. 95/1997
Designated Areas Appeals Advisory Board1998-01-01https://www.npws.ie/sites/default/files/files/daaab-guidelines.pdf; Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Statement of Strategy 2008-2010; Written answers, Wednesday, 29 January 2014 - Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Special Protection Areas Appeals
Enterprise Ireland1998-07-23Created from Forbairt (1994-secession from IDA) and and An Bord Tráchtála; A Subsidiary Body of Forfás until dissolution of Forfás in 2014McGauran et al. 2005; www.enterprise-ireland.com/; Industrial Development (Enterprise Ireland) Act 1998; S.I. No.252/1998; S.I. No.127/1999; Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Act 2014; S.I. No. 304/2014
ERDF and Cohesion Fund Financial Control Unit1998-01-012006-06-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ndp.ie/; ERDF and Cohesion Fund Financial Control Unit Annual Reports 1999-2006; Dáil debates, Wednesday, 29 January 2014 - Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed)
Food Safety Authority of Ireland1998-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; www.fsai.ie/; Food Safety Authority of Ireland Act 1998
Loughs Agency1998-01-01It is an agency of the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission (FCILC)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.loughs-agency.org/; North/South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) (NI) Order 1999; the British-Irish Agreement Acts 1999 and 2002; the Foyle Fisheries Act (NI) 1952 (as amended) and the Foyle Fisheries Act 1952 (as amended)
National Centre for Technology in Education1998-03-012011-09-01No Board existed for the NCTE in 2011. Since September 2011, the NCTE is within the remit of Dublin West Education Centre alongside the Department’s largest support service, the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST). McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ncte.ie/; Written Answers - Departmental Agencies, Wednesday, 21 March 2012, Dáil Éireann Debate Vol. 758 No. 7
National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism1998-01-012008-12-30Closed due to budgetary cutbacksMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nccri.ie/
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment1987-12-08Put on statutory footing by Education Act 1998McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ncca.ie/; Written Answers - National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Tuesday, 8 April 1997, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 477 No. 2; Education Act 1998; S.I. No. 470/1999
National Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee1998-11-20McGauran et al. 2005; Housing (Traveller Accomodation) Act 1998; S.I. No. 448/1998
Referendum Commission1998-03-022023-02-09Under the Referendum Act 2001 lost its function to put the arguments for and against referendum proposals. Main function at the moment: to explain the subject matter of referendum proposals, to promote public awareness and to encourage the electorate to vote at the poll. Replaced by the Electoral Commission McGauran et al. 2005; Referendum Act 1998; Referendum (Amendment) Act 2001; http://www.refcom.ie/; Electoral Reform Act 2022 (No. 30 of 2022); S.I. No. 32/2023
An Foras Teanga1999-12-02Also known as North/South Language Body. Is comprised of two agencies: Ulster-Scots Agency and Foras na Gaeilge, each of which has its own board, whose members together constitute the board of the An Foras TeangaMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.anforasteanga.ie/; the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; the North-South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999
Comhar - National Sustainable Development Partnership1999-02-262012-01-02Absorbed into NESC in January 2012McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nesc.ie/
Commission for Regulation of Utilities2002-04-30Replaced the Commission for Electricity Regulation. Named the Commission for Energy Regulation until 2017. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.cer.ie/; Gas (Interim) (Regulation) Act, 2002; S.I. No. 146/2002; Energy Act 2016; S.I. No. 397/2017
Courts Service1999-11-09McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.courts.ie/; Courts Service Act, 1998; S.I. No. 349/1999
Equality Authority1999-10-182014-11-01Replaced the Employment Equality Agency which was set up in 1977 under the Employment Equality Act 1977. Merged with the Irish Human Rights Commission in 2014 to create the Irish Human Rights and Equality CommissionMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.equality.ie/; The Employment Equality Act 1998; the Equal Status Act 2000; www.ihrec.ie; Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014; S.I. No. 450/2014
Equality Tribunal1999-10-182015-10-01Also known as the Office of the Director of Equality Investigations--name changed to Equality Tribunal by the Equality Act 2004 (section 30). Merged with the National Employment Rights Authority, Labour Relations Commission, Rights Commissioners Service and the Employment Appeals Tribunalin 2015 to create the Workplace Relations Commission.http://www.equalitytribunal.ie/; Employment Equality Act 1998; Equal Status Act 2000; Equality Act 2004; Workplace Relations Act 2015; S.I. No. 412/2015 - Workplace Relations Act 2015 (Establishment Day) Order 2015
Foras na Gaeilge1999-12-02McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.gaeilge.ie/; the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; the North-South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999
Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission1999-12-02McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.northsouthministerialcouncil.org/index/north-south-bodies/foyle_carlingford-and-irish-lights.htm; North/South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) (NI) Order 1999; and the British-Irish Agreement Acts 1999 and 2002
Institute of Public Health in Ireland1999-11-22CRO lists creation date as 01/10/2002McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.publichealth.ie/; Press release Dept of Health & Children (22/11/99)
InterTradeIreland1999-12-02McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.intertradeireland.com/; British-Irish Agreement Act 1999
Irish Sports Council1999-07-012015-10-01Dissolved, merged into Sport IrelandMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.irishsportscouncil.ie/; Irish Sports Council Act 1999; S.I. No. 173/1999; Sport Ireland Act 2015; S.I. No. 415/2015
Irish Water Safety Association (II)1999-11-262006-06-26Prior to 1999: Water Safety Ireland (1945-1998); the Irish Water Safety Association (1971-1987) - was amalgamated with fire and road safety under the auspices of the National Safety Council. In 1998 the Government decided to re-establish Water Safety as a singular organization. In 2006 was replaced by Irish Water SafetyMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.iws.ie/; S.I. No.361/1999; S.I. No. 389 of 2006
National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery1999-11-012012-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; S.I. No. 376/1999; Nurses and Midwives Act 2011; S.I. No. 715/2011
National Crime Council1999-09-012008-10-14The NCC ceased operations on 14 October 2008 as a result of a Government decision to rationalise State Agencies in the context of Budget 2009McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.irlgov.ie/crimecouncil/
National Educational Psychological Service Agency1999-09-01NEPS psychologists work with both primary and post-primary schools and are concerned with learning, behaviour, social and emotional development. Each psychologist is assigned to a group of schools.McGauran et al. 2005; Seanad Éireann - Volume 164 - 05 December, 2000--Adjournment Matter. - Psychological Service; https://www.education.ie/en/Schools-Colleges/Services/National-Educational-Psychological-Service-NEPS-/NEPS-Home-Page.html
National Salmon Commission2000-03-212010-07-011999 Fisheries (Amendment) Act; SI 80/2000; Inland Fisheries Act 2010
North/South Ministerial Council1999-03-08McGauran et al. 2005; British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; http://www.northsouthministerialcouncil.org/
Safe Food - Food Safety Promotion Board1999-12-02McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.safefoodonline.com/; British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; the North-South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999
Special European Union Programmes Body (SEUPB)1999-12-02http://www.seupb.org/; the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; the North-South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999
Tha Boord O Ulstér-Scotch1999-12-02McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ulsterscotsagency.com/; the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; the North-South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999
Tourism Ireland Ltd.2000-12-11McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.tourismireland.com/; Belfast Agreement of Good Friday 1998; CRO
Waterways Ireland1999-12-02McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.waterwaysireland.org/; the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999
Western Development Commission1999-02-01Was established on a non-statutory basis in 1997 and became a statutory body in January 1999 on the basis of the Western Development Commission Act 1998McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.wdc.ie/; Western Development Commission Act 1998; S.I. No.9/1999
Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences2000-01-012012-03-29McGauran et al. 2005; http://research.ie/; Written answers, Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Department of Education and Skills -Departmental Bodies Data
National Advisory Committee on Drugs2000-07-01During 2000-2002 acted under the auspices of the Dept. of Tourism, Sport and Recreation. Also established on a non-statutory basis iniatially for a three year period starting with 2000; and then extended to 2008 McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nacd.ie/
National Disability Authority2000-06-12McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nda.ie/; National Disability Authority Act 1999; S.I. No. 162/2000
Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council2000-04-10Replaced the National Ambulance Advisory CouncilMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.phecit.ie/; S.I. No.108/2000; S.I. No. 109/2000; S.I. No.575/2004; S.I. No. 510/2005
Refugee Appeals Tribunal2000-10-042016-12-31Replaced by the International Protection Appeals TribunalMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.refappeal.ie/; 1951 Geneva Convention on the status of refugees; Refugee Act 1996; www.protectionappeals.ie; International Protection Act 2015; S.I. No. 661/2016 - International Protection Act 2015 (Establishment Day) Order 2016
Science Foundation Ireland2003-07-252024-08-01Was established in 2000 as a sub-board of Forfás. In 2003 was established on a statutory basis. It was folded into Taighde Éireann on 1 August 2024.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.sfi.ie/; Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) Act 2003
Shannon Foynes Port Company2000-09-18Was formed by the amalgamation of Shannon Estuary Ports and Foynes Port Company under the Harbours Act 2000. Shannon Estuary Ports was established by the Harbours Act 1996 from the former Limerick Harbour Commissioners. Foynes Port Company was est. by the Harbours act 1996 from the former Foynes Harbour TrusteesMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.sfpc.ie/; Harbours Act 2000; S.I. 283/2000
Broadcasting Commission of Ireland2001-09-012009-10-01Prior to 2001, existed under the name of the Independent Radio and Television Commission (IRTC) est. in 1988. Merged with BCC in 2009 to form Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.bai.ie/; Radio and Television Act 1988; the Broadcasting Act 2001; the Broadcasting (Funding) Act 2003; Broadcasting Act 2009
Commission for Aviation Regulation2001-02-272023-05-01The Commission for Aviation Regulation was dissolved and its functions transferred to the Irish Aviation Authority on 1 May 2023McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.aviationreg.ie/; Aviation Regulation Act 2001; S.I. No. 219/2023
Company Law Review Group2001-07-09Was accorded statutory advisory status by Part 7 of the Company Law Enforcement Act 2001 and operates on a two-yearly cycleshttp://www.clrg.org/; Company Law Enforcement Act 2001
Crisis Pregnancy Agency2001-10-022010-01-01Absorbed into HSE as HSE Crisis Pregnancy ProgrammeMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.crisispregnancy.ie/; S.I. No. 446/2001; Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009; S.I. No. 543/2009
Further Education and Training Awards Council2001-06-112012-11-06Is responisble for making awards previously made by BIM, Fáilte Ireland (CERT), FÁS, NCVA and Teagasc; will merge with HETAC and NQAI after 2008 budgetMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.fetac.ie/; Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999; Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012; S.I. No. 436/2012; http:/​/​www.qualificationsandquality.ie/​
Health Insurance Authority2001-02-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.hia.ie/; the Health Insurance Act 1994; the Health Insurance (Amendment) Act 2001; the Health Insurance (Amendment) Act 2003
Higher Education and Training Awards Council 2001-06-112012-11-06It is a successor body to the National Council for Educational Awards (NCEA) which was established in 1979McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.hetac.ie/; Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999; Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012; S.I. No. 436/2012; http:/​/​www.qualificationsandquality.ie/​
Horse Racing Ireland2001-12-18Succeeded the Irish Horseracing Authority (founded in 1994) and its predecessor the Racing Board (founded in 1945). Tote Ireland Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Horse Racing Ireland, with responsibility for the operation of a Totalisator on the 24 racecourses in the Republic of Ireland (http://www.tote.ie/).McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.goracing.ie/; Horse and Greyhound Racing Act 2001;
Irish Human Rights Commission2001-07-252014-11-01Set up as a direct result of the Good Equality Authority in 2014 to create the Irish Human Rights and Equality CommissionMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ihrc.ie/; Human Rights Commission Acts 2000 and 2001; S.I. No. 340/2001; www.ihrec.ie; Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014; S.I. No. 450/2014
Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology2001-06-012012-03-29McGauran et al. 2005; http://research.ie/; Written answers, Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Department of Education and Skills -Departmental Bodies Data
National Children's Advisory Council2001-05-01Was established as part of the National Children's StrategyMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.dcya.gov.ie/viewdoc.asp?fn=%2Fdocuments%2FNational_Childrens_Advisory_Council_.htm
National Forum on Europe2001-10-182009-04-01www.forumoneurope.ie/
National Pensions Reserve Fund Commission2001-04-022014-12-22Following the commencement of the relevant provisions of the National Treasury Management Agency (Amendment) Act 2014, the NPRF‘s investment mandate ended on 22 December 2014 with the establishment of the Irish Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF), to which NPRC's assets were transferred. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nprf.ie/; National Pensions Reserve Fund Act 2000; National Treasury Management Agency (Amendment) Act 2014; S.I. No. 586/2014
National Qualifications Authority of Ireland2001-02-012012-11-06McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nqai.ie/; Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999; Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012; S.I. No. 436/2012
Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement2001-11-282022-07-07Replaced by the Corporate Enforcement Authority McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.odce.ie/; Company Law Enforcement Act 2001; the Companies Act 1963 to 2006; Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Act 2021 (Commencement) Order 2022
Health Service Employers Agency1996-07-152005-01-01Absorbed into HSEMcGauran et al. 2005; S.I. No. 213/1996; Health Act 2004
Parole Board2001-04-01Replaced Sentence Review Group and was established on an interim administrative basis in 2001. Placed on a statutory footing via the Parole Act 2019 (No. 28 of 2019)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/Parole_Board; Parole Act 2019 (No. 28 of 2019); S.I. No. 406/2021
Railway Procurement Agency2001-12-012015-08-01Dissolved, merged into Transport Infrastructure IrelandMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.rpa.ie/; Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Act 2001; Roads Act 2015; S.I. No. 297 of 2015
Cómhlucht Siúicre Eireann, Teoranta1933-09-221991-04-01Nationalised in 1933 to rescue company and privatized in 1991 as part of the Greencore Plc. GroupPalcic and Reeves, 2007; FitzGerald, 1963; Sugar Manufacture Act, 1933; Sugar Act 1991; http://www.irish-sugar.ie/
British and Irish Steam Packet Company, Ltd1965-03-151992-01-01First founded in 1836, nationalized in 1965, privatized in 1992--taken over by Irish Ferries (division of Irish Continental Group)Palcic and Reeves, 2007; British & Irish Steam Packet Company Limited (Acquisition) Act, 1965
Medical Research Board1986-10-311987-01-01This body was created to take over from the Medical Research Council of Ireland when it was dissolved on 31 October 1986. It was merged into the newly formed Health Research Board shortly thereafter.S.I. No. 371/1986; S.I. No. 451 & 452/1986
Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education2002-10-312008-11-30Funding ceased 30 November 2008 as a result of a Government decision to rationalise State Agencies in the context of Budget 2009http://www.cecde.ie/, http://www.budget.gov.ie/(Annex D, 2009)
Shannon Estuary Ports1997-03-032000-09-18Death by merge into Shannon Foynes Port Company Harbours Act 1996; the Harbours Act 2000; S.I. No. 283/2000; http://www.sfpc.ie/
Foynes Port Company1997-03-032000-09-18Death by merge into Shannon Foynes Port CompanyHarbours Act 1996; the Harbours Act 2000; http://www.sfpc.ie/
Reception and Integration Agency2001-04-02Replaced the Directorate for Asylum Support Services and the Refugee Agency (est. in 1991)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ria.gov.ie/
Standards in Public Office Commission2001-12-10Replaced the Public Offices Commission, which was established in 1995 on the basis of the Ethics in Public Office Act 1995McGauran et al. 2005; Standards in Public Office Act 2001; http://www.sipo.gov.ie/
State Claims Agency2001-11-30National Treasury Management Agency (Amendment) Act 2000; S.I. No. 526/2001; http://www.stateclaims.ie/
Agriculture Appeals Office2002-05-13McGauran et al. 2005; Agriculture Appeals Act 2001; S.I. No. 558/2002; S.I. No.65/2006; S.I. No. 584/2006; Dáil Éireann - Volume 561 - 13 February, 2003--Written Answers. - Agriculture Appeals Office; http://www.agriappeals.gov.ie/
Commission for Communications Regulation2002-12-01McGauran et al. 2005; Communications Regulation Act 2002; http://www.comreg.ie/
Bord na gCapall1971-02-081989-05-09Horse Industry Act, 1970; S.I. No. 43/1971; Bord na gCapall (Dissolution) Act, 1989
Office of Tobacco Control2002-05-012011-01-01Set up on an administrative basis in late 2000 pending legislation and received statutory status in 01/05/2002, with the enactment of section 2 of the Public Health (Tobacco) Act, 2002; subsumed into the HSE on January 1, 2011McGauran et al. 2005; Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2002; Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Act 2010
Irish Council for Bioethics2002-05-152010-12-01Established by the Royal Irish Academy in 2002 in response to the Oct. 2000 report by Inter-Departmental Group on Modern Biotechnology. Status changed to company limited by guarantee not having share capital in 2008. A National Advisory Committee on Bioethics was established in March 2012 to advise the Minister for Health in this area.http://www.bioethics.ie/; CRO; http://www.dohc.ie/about_us/divisions/bioethics.html
Irish Universities Quality Board2003-02-012012-11-06Universities Act 1997 set up Quality Assurance framework, from which the IUQB was developed; CRO has it registered form 21/02/06http://www.iuqb.ie/; Universities Act 1997; Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012; S.I. No. 436/2012; http:/​/​www.qualificationsandquality.ie/​
Marine Casualty Investigation Board2002-06-05McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.mcib.ie/; Merchant Shipping (Investigation of Marine Casualties) Act, 2000; S.I. No. 290/2002
Mental Health Commission2002-04-05McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.mhcirl.ie/; Mental Health Act, 2001; S.I. No. 91/2002
Family Support Agency2003-05-062014-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.fsa.ie/; Family Support Agency Act 2001; Child and Family Agency Act 2013
National Education Welfare Board2002-07-052014-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; Education (Welfare) Act 2000; http://www.newb.ie/; Child and Family Agency Act 2013
National Treatment Purchase Fund2002-04-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ntpf.ie/; S.I. No. 179/2004
Office of the Ombudsman for Children2003-12-18http://www.oco.ie/; Ombudsman for Children Act 2002; S.I. No. 712/2003
Ordnance Survey Ireland1824-01-012023-03-01Dates back to 1824 when the Ordnance Survey Office was set up. Ordnance Survey Ireland operated as part of the civil service under the Department of Finance from 1924 until 2002 when it became a commercial state enterprise under the Ordnance Survey Ireland Act 2001. Subsequently merged with the Property Registration Authority and the Valuation Office to form Tailte ÉireannMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.osi.ie/; Ordnance Survey Ireland Act 2001; S.I. No. 73/2002; Tailte Éireann Act 2022 (No. 50 of 2022); S.I. No. 58/2023; https://http:/​/​www.valoff.ie/​en/​about-us/​tailte-eireann/​
Residential Institutions Redress Board2002-12-16The Redress Board was set up under the Residential Institutions Redress Act, 2002 to make fair and reasonable awards to persons who, as children, were abused while resident in industrial schools, reformatories and other institutions subject to state regulation or inspection.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.rirb.ie/; Residential Institutions Redress Act 2002
Agricultural Institute1958-05-231988-09-08Legislation drafted to dissolve the Agricultural Institute in 1977 (National Agricultural Advisory, Education and Research Authority Act, 1977); however, the Institute was never dissolved and its autonomy was legally secured under the Agriculture (An Chomhairle Oiliuna Talmhaiochta) Act, 1979. Finally dissolved in 1988, merged with An Chomhairle Oiliúna Talmhaíochta and the local committees of agriculture to form TeagascAgriculture (An Foras Talúntais) Act 1958; Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act, 1988
An Bord Bainne1961-05-171975-03-28Took over functions of Butter Marketing Committee--export of butter. Then came to include export of all dairy products (from Department of Agriculture) in 1964.Dairy Produce Marketing Act, 1961; S.I. No. 63/1975
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland2002-05-01McGauran et al. 2005; Sustainable Energy Act 2002; http://www.sei.ie/
An Coimisinéir Teanga2004-02-23Official Languages Act 2003; http://www.coimisineir.ie/
An Bord Gráin1958-07-291973-02-01Cereals marketing board--had to cease when the Common Agricultural Policy came into effectAgricultural Produce (Cereals) (Amendment) Act, 1958; S.I. No. 160/1963; Dáil Éireann - Volume 265 - 03 May, 1973
Comhairle Olla1969-05-091984-12-01Functions reabsorbed into Department of Agriculture when dissolvedWool Marketing Act, 1968; Wool Marketing Act, 1984; Dáil Éireann - Volume 352 - 28 June, 1984
Fire Prevention Council1978-07-201987-12-18The National Road Safety Association, the Fire Prevention Council and the Irish Water Safety Council were merged in 1987 to form the National Safety Council.S.I. No. 206/1978; S.I. No. 327/1987
Irish Water Safety Association (I)1971-04-011987-12-18Established on a statutory basis on August 1 1980. The National Road Safety Association, the Fire Prevention Council and the Irish Water Safety Council were merged in 1987 to form the National Safety Council.S.I. No. 244/1980; S.I. No. 327/1987; Dáil Éireann - Volume 261 - 20 June, 1972--Committee on Finance. - Vote 26: Local Government
National Road Safety Association1974-04-081987-12-18the National Road Safety Association, the Fire Prevention Council and the Irish Water Safety Council were merged in 1987 to form the National Safety CouncilS.I. No. 103/1974; S.I. No. 327/1987
National Safety Council1987-12-182007-10-10Created from the merger of the National Road Safety Association, the Fire Prevention Council and the Irish Water Safety Council. S.I. No. 327/1987; S.I. No. 813 of 2007; http://web.archive.org/web/20060101092046/http://www.nsc.ie/
Eolas1988-01-011994-01-01Created by merge of National Board for Science and Technology and the Institute for Industrial Research and StandardsScience and Technology Act, 1987; Industrial Development Act 1993
Comhairle2000-06-122007-03-30Became Citizens Information Board in 2007Comhairle Act, 2000; Citizens Information Act 2007; S.I. No. 141/2007
Nuclear Energy Board1973-11-301992-04-01Functions transferred to Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland in 1992Nuclear Energy Act 1971; S.I. No. 319/1973; Radiological Protection Act, 1991
Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland2003-05-012010-10-01Created through restructuring of the Central Bank. Merged with Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority to create the Central Bank of Ireland in 2010 McGauran et al. 2005; Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Act 2003; www.centralbank.ie; Central Bank Reform Act 2010; S.I. No. 469/2010
Civil Defence Board2003-05-072012-12-31Civil Defense structures first established in 1950; functions transferred back into Dept. of Defence under the Civil Defence Act 2012McGauran et al. 2005; Civil Defence Act 2002; http://www.civildefence.ie/; Civil Defence Act 2012
Digital Hub Development Agency2003-07-21Was created in 2003 at the time of the dissolution of the Digital Media Development LimitedMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.thedigitalhub.com/; Digital Hub Development Agency Act 2003
Hospitals Commission1933-09-011976-04-01Functions and property transferred to the Eastern Health Board in 1976.FitzGerald, 1963; Public Hospitals Act, 1933; S.I. No. 79/1976
Irish Steel Holdings Limited1947-06-011996-05-01Nationalised 1947; privatised--went into receivership 1994; purchased by Irish Ispat--finalized 1996State Guarantees Act, 1954; Irish Steel Holdings Limited Act, 1960; Irish Steel Limited Act, 1996; FitzGerald, 1963; Palcic and Reeves 2007
Medical Registration Council1927-05-281979-04-26Replaced by Medical Council in 1979Medical Practitioners Act 1927, 1951, 1955, 1961, 1978
Institute for Industrial Research and Standards1946-08-271988-01-01Set up as an independent Government sponsored organisation in 1946; reconstituted in 1961; Merge with National Board for Science & Technology to form EolasIndustrial Research and Standards Acts 1946 & 1961; Science and Technology Act, 1987
Fáilte Ireland2003-05-28McGauran et al. 2005; National Tourism Development Authority Act 2003; http://www.failteireland.ie/
Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority2005-12-13http://www.iaasa.ie/; Companies (Auditing and Accounting) Act 2003; S.I. No 791 of 2005
Licensing Authority for Sea-fishing boats2003-07-01Fisheries (Amendment) Act 2003
National Council for Special Education2003-12-24First established as an independent statutory body by order of the Minister for Education and Science in December 2003; formally established under the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004.S.I. No.270/2004; Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004; http://www.ncse.ie/
National Development Finance Agency2003-01-01In 2005 the role and functions of the NDFA were expanded to include a specialised procurement delivery function. In 2014, the NDFA was absorbed into the National Treasury Management Agency but is still operational under the same name. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ndfa.ie/; National Development Finance Agency Act, 2002; S.I. No. 617/2002; National Treasury Management Agency (Amendment) Act 2014; S.I. No. 586/2014; www.ntma.ie
Office of the Pensions Ombudsman2003-09-022018-01-01In January 2018 the Office of the Pensions Ombudsman and Financial Services Ombudsman Bureau merged to form the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.pensionsombudsman.ie/; Pensions Act 1990; Pensions (Amendment) Act 2002; pensions Ombudsman Regulations (S.I. No. 397/2003); www.fspo.ie; Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Act 2017; S.I. No. 524/2017
State Examinations Commission2003-03-06The Commission assumed responsibility from the Dept. of Education and Science from 2003 onwardsMcGauran et al. 2005; Education Act 1998; S.I. No.373/2003; http://www.examinations.ie/
Commission for Public Service Appointments2004-10-192012-10-31Prior to 2004: similar functions were fulfilled by the Civil Service Commissioners (1956-2004) and Local Appointments Commissioners (1926-2004). In 2004 these bodies were dissolved and substituted by the Commission for Public Service AppointmentsPublic Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act 2004; http://www.cpsa.ie/; Ombudsman (Amendment) Act 2012
Commission for Taxi Regulation2004-09-012011-01-01Its powers were significantly extended on the basis of the Taxi Regulation Act 2003 (Part3) (Commencement) Order 2005 (S.I. No.610/2005)Taxi Regulation Act 2003; S.I. No. 610/2005; Public Transport Regulation Act 2009; S.I. No. 614/2010
daa2004-10-01In October 2004 Dublin Airport Authority assumed responsibility for all the assets, liabilities and contracts of the former Aer Rianta. In 2014 Dublin Airport Authority was renamed daa under the State Airports Shannon Group) Act 2014.State Airports Act 2004; http://www.dublinairportauthority.com/
Houses of the Oireachtas Commission2004-01-01Received authority and responsibility for provision of services to the Houses of the Oireachtas and their Committees from the ultimate authority of the Minister for FinanceHouses of the Oireachtas Commission Act 2003; http://www.oireachtas.ie/
Irish Expert Body on Fluorides and Health2004-04-07http://www.fluoridesandhealth.ie/
Irish Financial Services Appeals Tribunal2004-01-01http://www.ifsat.ie/; Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Acts 2003; S.I. No. 224/2008
National Haemophilia Council2004-06-22S.I. No.451/2004; http://www.nationalhaemophiliacouncil.ie/
Office of the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government2004-06-232012-10-26Was established in 2004 as part of a reorganised governance structure for the Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (ICSTI),now known as the Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation. In 2012 was absorbed into Science Foundation Ireland with the Director General of Science Foundation Ireland taking on the role of Chief Scientific Adviser.http://www.chiefscientificadviser.ie/; 'Tánaiste announces appointment of Ireland's first Chief Science Adviser', press release, Dept. of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation; SFI Press Release 26 October 2012, 'Director General of SFI to take on additional role of Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government'; 'Summary of agency rationalisation measures as at January 2014: Table B', Dept. of Public Expenditure and Reform
Public Record Office of Ireland1867-01-011988-06-01Death by merge into National ArchivesPublic Records (Ireland) Act, 1867; http://www.nationalarchives.ie/aboutus/history.html; The National Archives Act 1986
State Paper Office1702-01-011988-06-01Merge into National ArchivesIPA Yearbooks; http://www.nationalarchives.ie/about-us/history/; The National Archives Act 1986
Health Education Bureau1975-01-301987-12-31S.I. No. 22/1975; S.I. No. 324/1987
An Foras Forbartha Teoranta1964-03-261993-08-01Operated in partnership with UN first 5 yrs. Absorbed by research unit of Environmental Protection Agency in 1993Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992; S.I. No. 215/1993
Food Safety Advisory Board1995-06-221997-12-31Replaced by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (S.I. 524/1997)S.I. No. 155/1995; S.I. No. 523/1997
Redundancy Appeals Tribunal1968-01-011977-05-09Functions taken over by Employment Appeals TribunalRedundancy Payments Act, 1967; S.I. No. 302/1967; S.I. No. 26/1969; Unfair Dismissals Act, 1977
Forbairt1994-01-011998-07-22Subsidiary body of Forfas; merged with Irish Trade Board to form Enterprise IrelandIndustrial Development Act 1993; Industrial Development (Enterprise Ireland) Act 1998
Ombudsman for the Defence Forces2005-08-31Ombudsman (Defence Forces) Act 2004; http://odf.ie/; S.I. No. 568/2005
Personal Injuries Resolution Board2004-04-13Rebranded in 2023 as the Personal Injuries Resolution Board, previously the Personal Injuries Assessment BoardS.I. No. 627/2023
Private Residential Tenancies Board2004-09-012016-04-07Replaced by the Residential Tenancies BoardResidential Tenancies Act 2004; http://www.prtb.ie/; www.rtb.ie; Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2015; S.I. No. 151/2016
Private Security Authority2004-10-28Private Security Services Act 2004; http://www.psa.gov.ie/
Public Appointments Service2004-10-19Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act 2004; http://www.publicjobs.ie/
Special Education Appeals Board2006-04-03Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004
Advisory Council for Science Technology and Innovation2005-04-012012-01-01Established as a successor body to The Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (est. in 1997)https://publicpolicy.ie/perspectives/fostering-innovation-in-irish-innovation-policy/
Affordable Homes Partnership2005-08-012010-12-31The Housing & Sustainable Communities Agency has taken on some of the functions of the Affordable Homes PartnershipSI 383 of 2005; SI 293 of 2007; www.housing.ie/; Written Answers - State Agencies--Thursday, 20 January 2011
Culture Ireland2005-02-012013-01-31Note: Plans announced in Feb 2007 to make Culture Ireland a statutory body never materialised. On 31 Jan. 2013, a Delegation Order delegated the functions of directing Culture Ireland to a Principal Officer within the Dept. of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.http://www.cultureireland.ie/; Dept. of Public Expenditure and Reform 'Summary of agency rationalisation measures as at January 2014', Table B http://per.gov.ie/summary-of-agency-rationalisation-measures-as-at-january-2014/; Written answers, Thursday, 7 March 2013 - Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Departmental Appointments
Financial Services Ombudsman Bureau2005-04-012018-01-01In January 2018 Financial Services Ombudsman Bureau and Office of the Pensions Ombudsman merged to form the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO)Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Act 2004; http://www.financialombudsman.ie/; www.fspo.ie; Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Act 2017; S.I. No. 524/2017
An Chomhairle Oiliúna Talmhaíochta1979-07-201988-09-08Replaced and integrated the advisory services previously provided by the 27 county committees of agriculture and the education, the National Agricultural Authority & special advisory services of the Dept of Agriculture. Dissolved into TeagascAgriculture Act 1979; Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act, 1988
Area Development Management Ltd.1992-10-142005-07-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.pobal.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 458 - 21 November, 1995--Written Answers. - Establishment of ADM; Dáil Éireann - Volume 663 - 14 October, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies
Irish Horseracing Authority1994-12-012001-12-18replaced the Racing Board (1945-1994); replaced by Horse Racing IrelandIrish Horseracing Industry Act, 1994; S.I. No. 391/1994; Horse and Greyhound Racing Act, 2001
National Agricultural Authority1977-07-041979-07-20Replaced An Foras Talúntais in 1977; Replaced by An Chomhairle Oiliúna Talmhaíochta (Council for Development in Agriculture) under Agriculture Act 1979National Agricultural Advisory, Education and Research Authority Act, 1977; Agriculture Act 1979
Racing Board1945-06-221994-12-01Replaced the Board of Control for Mechanical Betting in Ireland in 1945; replaced by Irish Horseracing Authority in 1994Racing Board and Racecourses Act, 1945; Irish Horseracing Industry Act, 1994
Health and Social Care Professionals Council2007-03-20Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; SI 124 of 2007; http://www.coru.ie/
Health Service Executive2005-01-01Prior to 2004, services were delivered through a complex structure of ten regional Health Boards, the Eastern Regional Health Authority and a number of other agencies and organizationsHealth Act 2004; http://www.hse.ie/
Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service2005-04-01http://www.inis.gov.ie/
Pobal2005-07-01Previously known as Area Development Management Limited (est. in 1992): ADM was established following the second national social partnership agreement, the Programme for Economic and Social Progress (PESP), 1991-1993. In 2005 the company changed its name to Pobalhttp://www.pobal.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 663 - 14 October, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies
Commission for Railway Regulation2006-01-01Previously named the Railway Safety Commission, renamed as Commission for Railway Regulation in February 2016Railway Safety Act 2005; http://www.rsc.ie/; www.crr.ie; Public Transport Act 2016; S.I. No. 69/2016
Welfare Service1969-01-011979-01-01As a service was established in 1962 under the title: 'Probation and After-Care Service'. In 1969 was re-named to the 'Welfare Service'. In 1979 was re-named to the 'Probation and Welfare Service'http://www.probation.ie/
Dormant Accounts Board2006-01-042012-12-31Composed after the Dormant Accounts Fund Disbursements Board was dissolved--government was given discretion over accountsDormant Account Acts 2001 and 2005; Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Act 2012
Education Finance Board2006-02-172013-03-29The Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse (Amendment) Act 2005; Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Act 2012; S.I. No. 96/2013; Written Answers, Wednesday, 22 January 2014, No. 80 - Departmental Bodies Establishment
Eirgrid2001-02-07SI 445 of 2000; Electricity Regulation Act 1999; SI 60 of 2005; http://www.eirgrid.com/
Grangegorman Development Agency2006-05-10The Grangegorman Development Agency (GDA) is a statutory agency established in 2006 to redevelop the former St. Brendan’s Hospital grounds in Dublin City Centre. http://www.ggda.ie/; Grangegorman Development Agency Act 2005; S.I. No. 252/2006
Health Repayment Scheme Appeals Office2006-06-302012-01-01Health (Repayment Scheme) Act 2006; Written answers, Thursday, 5 March 2009 - Department of Health and Children, Health Repayment Scheme; Written answers, Thursday, 17 May 2012, Department of Health - Nursing Home Repayment Scheme
Industrial Development Authority1949-05-011994-01-01Merged with Eolas to form Forfas and its subsidiaries (IDA Ireland and Forbairt)Industrial Development Authority Act, 1950; Industrial Development Act, 1993
An Foras Tionscal1952-01-011970-04-01Absorbed into Industrial Development AuthorityUndeveloped Areas Act, 1952; Industrial Development Act, 1969
National Ambulance Advisory Council1998-02-042000-04-10Replaced by Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council in 2000S.I. No. 27/1998; S.I. No. 108/2000
Gaeltarra Éireann1958-04-011980-01-01Took over administration of Rural Industries previously administered by the Gaeltacht Services Division. Replaced by Údarás na Gaeltachta-1980 Gaeltacht Industries Acts, 1957 to 1977; Údarás na Gaeltachta Act, 1979
National Property Services Regulatory Authority2006-12-01http://www.npsra.ie/; 'Debate on property regulation bill to start in Seanad next week' Irish Times, 14 May 2009; Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011
Property Registration Authority2006-11-042023-03-01Replaced the Registrar of Deeds and Titles (est. in 1964) as the 'registering authority' in relation to property registration in Ireland. Subsequently merged with Ordnance Survey Ireland and Valuation Office into Tailte ÉireannRegistration of Deeds and Title Act 2006; http://www.landregistry.ie/eng/; Tailte Éireann Act 2022 (No. 50 of 2022); S.I. No. 58/2023; https://http:/​/​www.valoff.ie/​en/​about-us/​tailte-eireann/​
Road Safety Authority2006-09-01Road Safety Authority Act 2006; http://www.rsa.ie/
Teaching Council2006-03-28Replaced the Registration Council for Secondary Teachershttp://www.teachingcouncil.ie/; Teaching Council Act, 2001; S.I. No. 185/2006
Veterinary Council of Ireland2006-01-01Created by reconstitution of former Veterinary Council (1931-2006)Veterinary Practice Act 2005; http://www.vci.ie/
Veterinary Council1931-11-102006-01-01Dissolved in 2006, replaced by Veterinary Council of IrelandVeterinary Surgeons Act 1931; Veterinary Practice Act 2005
Citizens Information Board2007-02-21Formerly known as the National Social Services Board (1984-2000) and Comhairle (2000-2007)Citizens Information Act 2007; http://www.citizensinformationboard.ie/
Health Information and Quality Authority2007-04-21Integrated and expanded functions of two agencies: the Social Services Inspectorate (SSI) (est. in 1999) and the Irish Health Services Accreditation Board (IHSAB) (est. in 2002)Health Act 2007; http://www.hiqa.ie/
National Cancer Screening Services Board2007-01-012010-04-01Prior to 2007 was known as the National Breast Screening Board (established in 2004 as a statutory corporation); staff and liabilities transferred to the HSEhttp://www.cancerscreening.ie/; S.I. No. 632/2006; Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009; S.I. No. 118/2010
National Breast Screening Board (II)2005-01-012007-01-01Replaced by National Cancer Screening Services Board under S.I. No. 632 & 633/2006S.I. 891/2004; S.I. No. 633/2006
National Consumer Agency2007-05-012014-10-31Prior to 2007 was known as the Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs (est. in 1978), merged with Competition Authority in 2014 to create the Competition and Consumer Protection Commissionhttp://www.consumerconnect.ie/; Consumer Protection Act 2007; Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014
National Employment Rights Authority2007-02-012015-10-01Established in February 2007 on an interim basis pending the enactment of the Employment Law Compliance Bill which will give NERA a statutory footing. Merged with other organisations into the Workplace Relations Commission in 2015. Workplace Relations Act 2015http://www.employmentrights.ie/en/
National Paediatric Hospital Development Board2007-05-23S.I. No. 246/2007; http://www.newchildrenshospital.ie/index.cfm/page/NPHDB
National Sports Campus Development Authority2007-01-012015-10-01replaced Campus and Stadium Ireland Ltd. (CSID). Dissolved, merged into Sport Ireland 2015National Sports Campus Development Authority Act 2006; http://www.csid.ie/; Sport Ireland Act 2015; S.I. No. 415/2015
Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority2007-01-01Prior to 2007, these function were exercised by the Seafood Control Division of the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural ResourcesSea-Fisheries and Maritime Jurisdiction Act 2006; http://sfpa.oghamtech.ie/
Mass-Radiography Board1964-06-181975-04-01preceded by National Mass-Radiography Association Limited (1950-1964)S.I. No. 152/1964; S.I. No. 59/1975
Bord na Gaeilge1978-11-011999-12-02Merged into Foras na Gaeilge in 1999.Bord na Gaeilge Act, 1978; the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; the North-South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999
Fair Trade Commission1953-05-071972-06-20Replaced by Restrictive Practices Commission in 1972Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1953; Restrictive Practices Act, 1972
Restrictive Practices Commission1972-06-201991-10-01Continuation/name change of Fair Trade Commission; functions transferred to Competition Authority in 1991Restrictive Practices Act, 1972; Competition Act, 1991
National Board for Science and Technology1978-04-051988-01-01Merged with Institute for Industrial Research and Standards to form EolasNational Board For Science and Technology Act, 1977; S.I. No. 78/1978; Science and Technology Act, 1987
National Rehabilitation Board1967-12-202000-06-12Replaced the National Organisation for Rehabilitation; in 2000 dissolved and absorbed into Comhairle, Eastern Regional Health Authority, FÁS, and the National Disability AuthorityS.I. No. 300/1967; S.I. No. 171/2000
Taiscí Stáit Teoranta1964-02-211972-03-28Became Foir TeorantaTaiscí Stáit Teoranta Act 1963; Foir Teoranta Act, 1972; Dáil Éireann - Volume 226 - 15 February, 1967--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies
An Cheard-Chomhairle1960-04-111967-05-15regulated apprenticeships--functions taken over by AnCOApprenticeship Act, 1959; Industrial Training Act, 1967
Irish Health Services Accreditation Board2002-05-012007-04-21Dissolved, merge into Health Information and Quality AuthorityS.I. No. 160/2002; Health Act 2007
Social Services Inspectorate1999-04-012007-04-21The SSI was administered by the Department of Health and Children (DoHC) until May 2007, when it was established on a statutory basis as the Office of the Chief Inspector of Social Services within the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA). Health Act 2007; http://web.archive.org/web/20060108031204/http://www.issi.ie/; Dail Eireann - Volume 554 - 09 October, 2002--Written Answers. - Social Services Inspectorate
Special Residential Services Board2003-11-072007-07-23Became the Children Acts Advisory BoardMcGauran et al. 2005; Children Act 2001; Child Care (Amendment) Act 2007; http://www.caab.ie/
Children Acts Advisory Board2007-07-232011-09-08Change of name from the Special Residential Services Board which was established on a statutory basis in 2003. Child Care (Amendment) Act 2007; Child Care (Amendment) Act 2011; S.I. No. 453/2011; http://www.caab.ie/
National Development Corporation Ltd1986-06-111991-12-30Replaced National Enterprise Agency; Absorbed by Industrial Development AuthorityNational Development Corporation Act, 1986; Industrial Development (Amendment) Act, 1991
National Enterprise Agency, Ltd1980-05-161986-06-11Replaced by National Development CorporationNational Development Corporation Act, 1986; Dáil Éireann - Volume 322 - 24 June, 1980 - Written Answers. - National Enterprise Agency
National Authority for Occupational Safety and Health1989-11-012005-09-01Created with merge of Factories Advisory Council, Office Premises Advisory Council, Mines & Quarries Council, Dangerous Substances Advisory Council; Death by Change of Name to Health and Safety AuthoritySafety, Health and Welfare At Work Act, 1989; Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005
Office Premises Advisory Council1959-04-011989-11-01Merged into National Authority for Occupational Safety and HealthOffice Premises Act, 1958; Safety, Health and Welfare At Work Act, 1989
Factories Advisory Council 1956-10-011989-11-01Merged into National Authority for Occupational Safety and HealthFactories Act 1955; Safety, Health and Welfare At Work Act, 1989
Mines and Quarries Advisory Committee1966-07-281989-11-01Merged into National Authority for Occupational Safety and HealthMines and Quarries Act 1965; Safety, Health and Welfare At Work Act, 1989
Dangerous Substances Advisory Council1979-01-011989-11-01Merged into National Authority for Occupational Safety and HealthDangerous Substances (Amendment) Act, 1979; Safety, Health and Welfare At Work Act, 1989
National Social Service Board (II)1984-07-192000-06-12Replaced by ComhairleNational Social Service Board Act, 1984; S.I. No. 185/1984; S.I. No. 19/1988; Comhairle Act, 2000
Local Appointments Commission1926-01-012004-10-19In 2004, the Civil Service Commissioners (1956-2004) and Local Appointments Commissioners (1926-2004) were dissolved and substituted by the Commission for Public Service AppointmentsLocal Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926; Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act 2004
Civil Service Commissioners (II)1957-02-182004-10-19In 2004, the Civil Service Commissioners (1956-2004) and Local Appointments Commissioners (1926-2004) were dissolved and substituted by the Commission for Public Service AppointmentsCivil Service Commissioners Act, 1956; S.I. No. 17/1957; Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act 2004
National Heritage Council1988-09-051995-07-10Predecessor of Heritage Councilhttp://www.heritagecouncil.ie/
National Science Council1968-01-041978-04-05Established on OECD recommendation; Replaced by National Board for Science and TechnologyDáil Éireann - Volume 293 - 04 November, 1976; National Board for Science and Technology Bill, 1976: Second Stage; National Board for Science and Technology Act 1977; 'Science Policy Necessary' Irish Times, 5 January 1968.
Advisory Committee on Cultural Relations1949-01-012005-02-01Replaced by Culture IrelandDáil Éireann - Volume 127 - 21 November, 1951 - Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cultural Relations Committee; Dáil Debate - Vol. 647 No. 1, 13 Feb 2008 Q. 232
National Manpower Service1971-06-011988-01-01Merged into FASLabour Services Act, 1987; 'Manpower Service puts 800 in jobs' Irish Times, 25 Sept. 1971
Water Pollution Advisory Council1977-06-131990-07-18Replaced informal council set up Feb 1975Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977; Local Government (Water Pollution) (Amendment) Act, 1990
Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission2007-05-09http://www.gardaombudsman.ie/; The Garda Síochána Act 2005
Horse Sport Ireland, Ltd.2006-11-20http://www.horsesportireland.ie/
Agricultural Wages Board1937-04-221977-02-28Replaced by a joint labour committee for agricultural workersAgricultural Wages Act, 1936; Industrial Relations Act, 1976
Bord na Leabhar Gaeilge1952-09-052008-01-01Absorbed into Foras na Gaeilge; functions are now carried out under the name of Clár na Leabhar Gaeilgehttp://www.gaeilge.ie/Foras_na_Gaeilge/Clar_na_Leabhar_Gaeilge.asp; 'Book Body Meets' the Irish Press, 5 Sept. 1952; http://www.educationmatters.ie/2007/10/31/irish-language-books-board-disbanded/
Council for Education, Recruitment and Training for the Hotel Industry1963-11-072003-05-28Established by Bord Fáilte; Functions transferred to National Tourism Development Authority (Fáilte Ireland) and FETAC now has responsibility for awardsNational Tourism Development Authority Act 2003; http://web.archive.org/web/20010201150400/http://www.cert.ie/
Dairy Disposal Company, Ltd.1927-04-291972-01-013 subsidiaries-Cleeves Confectionary (Limerick) Ltd., Condensed Milk Co. of Ireland Ltd, Newmarket Dairy Co. LtdCreamery Act 1928; MacCarthaigh 2009
Dental Board1928-08-031985-11-13Replaced by Dental Council, funded by registration fees--like Law SocietyDentists Act 1928; Dentists Act, 1985; FitzGerald, 1963
Independent Radio and Television Commission1988-10-172001-09-01Replaced by Broadcasting Commission of IrelandRadio and Television Act, 1988; Broadcasting Act, 2001
Irish Folklore Commission1935-04-011971-04-01Archives now held at UCDS.I. No. 16/1957; S.I. No. 193/1957; http://www.ucd.ie/ucdnews/may95/folklore.html; O'Sullivan, S. (1974) 'The Work of the Irish Folklore Commission', University College Dublin.
Fóir Teoranta1972-03-281991-04-02Replaced Taiscí Stáit Teoranta in 1972; Absorbed into Industrial Credit Corporation Public Limited Company in 1991Fóir Teoranta Act, 1972; Foir Teoranta (Amendment) Act, 1973; Fóir Teoranta (Dissolution) Act, 1990
Bord Fáilte Éireann1955-07-012003-05-28Replaced An Bord Fáilte and Fógra Fáilte, added publishing/publicity functions. Replaced by National Tourism Development Authority (Fáilte Ireland)Tourist Traffic Act 1955; National Tourism Development Authority Act 2003
Circuit Court Rules Committee1936-11-28Courts of Justice Act, 1936; 28th Interim Report of the Committee on Court Practice and Procedure
District Court Rules Committee1936-11-28Courts of Justice Act, 1936; 28th Interim Report of the Committee on Court Practice and Procedure
Superior Court Rules Committee1936-11-28Courts of Justice Act, 1936; 28th Interim Report of the Committee on Court Practice and Procedure
Public Offices Commission1995-11-012001-12-10Replaced by Standards in Public Office CommissionEthics in Public Office Act 1995; Standards in Public Office Act, 2001
Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Ltd.1999-12-102007-01-01Replaced by the National Sports Campus Development Authority; http://www.nscda.ie/National Sports Campus Development Act 2006
Committee on Court Practice and Procedure1962-04-13Question Posed By: Deputy Leo Varadkar--Subject: Departmental Bodies--Date: 13 February 2008--Question Number: 371, 373, 378; http://www.jcfj.ie/pqs/index.php?option=com_sobi2&sobi2Task=sobi2Details&catid=180&sobi2Id=569&Itemid=27
An Bord Scoláireachtaí Cómalairte1957-12-231992-02-03Replaced by the Ireland - United States Commission for Educational Exchange (The Fulbright Commission)Scholarship Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1957; the Educational Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1991; http://www.fulbright.ie/
Registration Council for Secondary Teachers1914-01-012006-03-28Replaced by the Teaching CouncilIntermediate Education (Ireland) Act 1914; Teaching Council Act, 2001; S.I. No. 185/2006
General Medical Services (Payments) Board1972-07-282005-01-01Became part of HSES.I. No. 184/1972; Health Act 2004
Office for Health Gain1994-01-012005-01-01Health Act 2004; McGauran et al. 2005
Office for Health Management1997-06-012005-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; Health Act 2004; OHM Annual reports, available at https://pnd.hseland.ie/corp/ohmpublications/ohmpublications.html, and newsletter at https://pnd.hseland.ie/corp/ohmpublications/newsletter/20050315163637.html
Pigs and Bacon Commission1940-01-011983-08-01replaced the Bacon Marketing Board and the Pigs Marketing Board; privatised 1983Pigs and Bacon (Amendment) Act, 1939; Seanad Éireann - Volume 102 - 30 November, 1983--State Guarantees Act, 1954 (Amendment of Schedule) (No. 2) Order, 1983
Agricultural Credit Corporation1927-09-302001-12-01Purchased by RabobankAgricultural Credit Act, 1927; Acc Bank Act, 1992; Acc Bank Act, 2001; Palcic and Reeves 2007; MacCarthaigh 2009
Hospitals Joint Services Board 1965-07-141990-06-30Privatised--became part of Connacht Court groupHealth (Corporate Bodies) Act, 1961; S.I. No. 157/1965; S.I. No. 140/1990; S.I. No. 145/1990
National Community Development Agency1982-12-081984-07-19Replaced National Social Service Board (I); Replaced by National Social Service Board (II)National Community Development Agency Act, 1982; National Social Service Board Act, 1984
National Health Council1948-03-031996-11-06Health Act, 1947; S.I. No. 81/1948; Health (Amendment) (No. 3) Act, 1996
National Prices Commission1971-10-151986-01-01S.I. No. 285/1971; Lyons, P. (2007) 'Competition and Merger Law and Practice 1953-2002' p. 219 (available at http://webird.tcd.ie/bitstream/2262/11978/1/LyonsP0507.pdf)
Industrial Credit Corporation1933-10-042001-01-01Purchased by Bank of ScotlandIndustrial Credit Act, 1933; ICC Bank Act, 1992; Palcic and Reeves 2007; FitzGerald, 1963; MacCarthaigh 2009
Registration of Deeds and Titles Rules Committee2006-11-04Formerly Registration of Titles Rules CommitteeRegistration of Deeds and Title Act 2006; Question Number: 370, Question Posed By: Deputy Leo Varadkar, Subject: Departmental Bodies, Date: 13 February 2008
Registration of Title Rules Committee1964-07-042006-11-04Formerly Local Registration of Title Rules Committee; Replaced by Registration of Deeds and Titles Rules CommitteeRegistration of Title Act 1964; Registration of Deeds and Title Act 2006; Question Number: 370, Question Posed By: Deputy Leo Varadkar, Subject: Departmental Bodies, Date: 13 February 2008
Great Southern Hotels1961-06-272006-08-24Nationalised in 1961 as a subsidiary of CIE, then Aer Rianta and the DAAMacCarthaigh 2009; FitzGerald, 1963; Transport Act, 1963; Dáil Éireann - Volume 203 - 28 May, 1963--Committee on Finance. - Transport Bill, 1963 [Seanad]— Second Stage; 'DAA sells Great Southern Hotels chain' RTE News, 24 August 2006
Dormant Accounts Fund Disbursements Board2002-06-052006-01-04Replaced by Dormant Accounts BoardMcGauran et al. 2005; Dormant Account Acts 2001 and 2005
National Council for Vocational Awards1991-11-292001-06-11Replaced by FETACQualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999; Dáil Éireann - Volume 420 - 05 June, 1992--Estimates, 1992. - Vote 29: Third-Level and Further Education (Revised Estimate); http://web.archive.org/web/20010201070000/http://www.ncva.ie/
National Council for Educational Awards1980-07-162001-06-11Existed as an ad hoc body since 1972, replaced by HETACNational Council for Educational Awards Act 1979; Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999
National Committee for Development Education1994-06-302002-12-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 644 - 18 December, 2007 - Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies; http://web.archive.org/web/20011214234002/http://www.ncde.ie/index.html
Probation and Welfare Service1979-01-012006-06-26Previously known as the 'Welfare Service'. In 1979 was re-named to the 'Probation and Welfare Service'. Restructured as the 'Probation Service' in 2006. The Probation of Offenders Act (1907) provided for statutory supervision of offenders in the community and is the foundation for probation work in Ireland. McGauran et al. 2005; Criminal Justice (Community Service) Act 1983; Criminal Justice Act 2006; http://www.probation.ie/
Local Registration of Title Rules Committee1936-11-281964-07-04Became the Registration of Title Rules Committee Courts of Justice Act 1936; Registration of Title Act 1964; Subject: Departmental Bodies, Date: 13 February 2008, Question Number: 370, Question Posed By: Deputy Leo Varadkar
Irish National Petroleum Corporation1979-07-022001-07-16purchased by Tosco Corp.Irish National Petroleum Corporation Limited Act, 2001; http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/Energy/Oil+Supply+Division/National+Petroleum+Corporation+%28INPC%29.htm Palcic and Reeves 2007
Bord Telecom Éireann1984-01-011999-07-01Became eircom after privatisation in 1999; subsidiaries included EIRTRADE Services, Ltd., Telecommunications Investments, plc., and EIRCELL.Postal and Telecommunications Services Act, 1983; Postal and Telecommunications Services (Amendment) Act, 1999; MacCarthaigh 2009
Irish Land Commission1881-08-221999-03-31Existed under various forms under British government since 1881; took on some of the functions of the Congested Districts Board under Land Law (Commission) Act, 1923Land Law (Ireland) Act 1881; Land Law (Commission) Act, 1923; Irish Land Commission (Dissolution) Act, 1992; S.I. No. 75/1999; Seanad Éireann - Volume 134 - 21 October, 1992--Irish Land Commission (Dissolution) Bill, 1989: Second Stage
National Industrial and Economic Council1963-10-091973-11-02Chaired by T.K. Whitaker 1963-1967 (http://www.pgil-eirdata.org/html/pgil_datasets/authors/w/Whitaker,TK/life.htm). Replaced by NESC in 1973Lee, J., 1991; Dáil Éireann - Volume 233 - 06 March, 1968--Committee on Finance. - Vote 40—Industry and Commerce; Dáil Éireann - Volume 205 - 23 October, 1963--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - National Industrial Economic Council
Wildlife Advisory Council1977-06-011995-07-10Merged into Heritage CouncilWildlife Act, 1976; Heritage Act 1995
Eastern Health Shared Services2000-03-012005-01-01Merged into HSEHealth Act 2004; http://web.archive.org/web/20020812001530/www.ehss.ie/frames/about/index.html
Probation Service2006-06-26Replaced the 'Probation and Welfare Service' in 2006Criminal Justice Act 2006; http://www.probation.ie/
Criminal Law Codification Advisory Committee2007-02-01http://www.criminalcode.ie/; Criminal Justice Act 2006
Inspector of Prisons and Places of Detention2002-04-012007-11-21First suggestions on appointment of an inspector of prisons in Ireland can be traced back to 1985 - 'The Whitaker report'Prisons Act 2007; Dáil Éireann - Volume 560 - 04 February, 2003--Written Answers. - Inspector of Prisons; http://www.inspectorofprisons.gov.ie/
Electronic Communications Appeal Panel2003-01-012007-06-13S.I. No.307/2003; http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/Communications/Regulation+and+Postal+Division/The+former+Electronic+Communications+Appeals+Panel.htm; Dáil Éireann - Volume 656 - 29 May, 2008--Written Answers. - Commission for Communications Regulation
Telefís na Gaelige2007-04-01Was established as a wholly owned subsidiary by RTE in 1996. It was established as independent public corporation in 2007 (Broadcasting Act 2001)http://www.tg4.ie/bearla/; Broadcasting Act 2001
National Film Studios of Ireland1975-06-011982-04-01Ardmore Film Studios were purchased by the Government in 1973, run by RTE until 1975 when name changed to NFSI; statutory basis in 1980; closed and went into receivership & company liquidated April 1982National Film Studios of Ireland Limited Act, 1980; Dáil Éireann - Volume 334 - 18 May, 1982--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Ardmore Studios Closure; Dáil Éireann - Volume 340 - 02 March, 1983--Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - National Film Studios
National Savings Committee1955-12-211985-01-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 241 - 08 July, 1969--Committee on Finance. - Vote 6: Office of the Minister for Finance; Dáil Éireann - Volume 168 - 12 June, 1958--Written Answers. - State-sponsored Companies, Commissions, Committees and Advisory Councils; Private Members' Business. - Protection of Investments: Motion (Resumed). Wednesday, 15 February 1984, Dáil Éireann Debate - Vol. 347 No. 13
Probation and After-Care Service1962-01-011969-01-01Probation officers can be traced back to the 1907 Probation of Offenders Act; but no separate agency/service was established. As a service was established in 1962 under the title: 'Probation and After-Care Service'. In 1969 was reorganized and re-named the 'Welfare Service'. Probation of Offenders Act 1907; Criminal Justice (Administration) Act 1914; Criminal Justice Act 1960; http://www.probation.ie/
Merchandise Marks Commission1932-03-101980-01-01Merchandise Marks Act, 1931; Irish Times, 12 March 1932; Dáil Éireann - Volume 323 - 23 October, 1980--Ceisteanna—Questions . Oral Answers . - State Advisory Bodies
Nitrigin Eireann Teoranta1961-10-032008-12-01Ended up as a holding company for the state's 51% shareholding in IFI (Irish Fertilizer)Nítrigin Éireann Teoranta Acts 1963 to 2001; Dáil Éireann - Volume 588 - 06 July, 2004--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 19 February, 2008--Written Answers. - Semi-State Bodies; CRO
National Monuments Advisory Council1930-08-021990-01-01Lapsed while legislation to establish replacement body (Historic Monuments Council) pending enactment (see Dáil Éireann - Volume 418 - 08 April, 1992--Written Answers. - National Monuments Advisory Council), ultimately replaced by Heritage Council under Heritage Act, 1995National Monuments Acts, 1930 to 1987; Heritage Act 1995; Dáil Éireann - Volume 168 - 12 June, 1958--Written Answers. - State-sponsored Companies, Commissions, Committees and Advisory Councils
Córas Beostoic agus Feola Teoranta1969-02-041979-10-01Replaced by Córas Beostoic agus Feola in 1979Córas Beostoic agus Feola Act, 1979
Inland Fisheries Trust Incorporated1951-05-071980-10-29Death by replacement by Central Fisheries BoardFisheries Act, 1980; CRO
Hospital Sterile Supplies Board1965-01-061965-07-14Replaced by Hospitals Joint Services BoardS.I. No. 1/1965; S.I. No. 157/1965
An Coiste Téarmaíochta1968-01-011999-12-02Committees of Irish-language experts were set up as early as 1927 in order to provide terminology for the education system. An Buanchoiste Téarmaíochta (The Permanent Terminology Committee) was established by the Minister of Education in 1968. Merged into Foras na Gaeilge 1999the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; the North-South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999; http://gaeilge.ie/Foras_na_Gaeilge/The_Terminology_Committee.asp
An Gúm1925-03-061999-12-02Merged into Foras na Gaeilgehttp://gaeilge.ie/Foras_na_Gaeilge/An_Gum.asp; the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; the North-South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999; Dáil Éireann - Volume 42 - 28 June, 1932, Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - An Gúm.
An Coimisiún Dumpála1969-01-011985-01-01Imposition of Duties (Dumping and Subsidies) Act 1968; Ceisteanna-Questions. Oral Answers. - Dumping Controls. Dáil Éireann Debate Vol. 259 No. 8, Wednesday, 8 March 1972; Dáil Éireann - Volume 358 - 07 May, 1985--Written Answers. - Statutory/Non-Statutory Bodies and Committees
Public Service Advisory Council1973-11-011987-01-01Ministers and Secretaries Act 1973; S.I. No. 293/1973; Dáil Éireann - Volume 422 - 08 July, 1992--Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Public Service Advisory Council
Grain Importers (Eire) Ltd1939-09-291960-11-17State Guarantees Act, 1954; S.I. No. 88/1961; State Enterprises; By John O'Donovan, M.A., D.ECON.SC.[Read before the Society, 12th May, 1950.]; Dáil Éireann - Volume 222 - 29 March, 1966--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Overdraft of Grain Importers, Limited.
Credit Union Advisory Committee1966-03-01Credit Union Act, 1966; S.I. No. 29/1967; Credit Union Act 1997; S.I. No. 193/2007; http://www.financialregulator.ie/ABOUT-US/COMMITTEE/Pages/statutory-panels.aspx
Aer Rianta1937-04-052004-10-01Under the 2004 State Airports Act, the DAA assumed responsibility for all the assets, liabilities and contracts of the former Aer Rianta; eventually some responsibility will go to Cork and Shannon Airport Authorities. Aer Rianta was originally the holding company for Aer Lingus and Aerlinte EireannAir Navigation and Transport Act, 1936; S.I. No. 177/1938; Air Companies Act, 1966; State Airports Act 2004; http://www.dublinairportauthority.com/company-profile/company-history.html
Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Éireann1972-10-272004-01-09Dáil Éireann - Volume 577 - 16 December, 2003--Written Answers. - Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Éireann; http://web.archive.org/web/20030607005819/http://ite.ie/index.htm
Motor Insurance Advisory Board1984-11-162004-09-01S.I. No. 299/1984; Dáil Éireann - Volume 603 - 25 May, 2005--Written Answers. - Motor Insurance
National Validation Body on Social Work Qualifications and Training1994-01-011997-02-27Replaced by statutory National Social Work Qualifications BoardS.I. No. 97/1997; Dáil Éireann - Volume 455 - 20 September, 1995--Written Answers. - Ministerial Appointments
Employment Equality Agency1977-10-011999-10-18Replaced by the Equality Authority in 1999Employment Equality Act 1977; The Employment Equality Act 1998
Archbishop Marsh's Library1707-01-01http://www.marshlibrary.ie/; An Act for settling and preserving a publick library for ever…, 1707; S.I. No. 8/1970; National Cultural Institutions Act, 1997
Anglo Irish Bank2009-01-212011-10-14Nationalized in 2009, and on 14 October 2011, the name of Anglo Irish Bank Corporation Limited was changed to Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Limited, trading as IBRC.Anglo-Irish Bank Corporation Act 2009; http://www.angloirishbank.ie/; Laeven & Valencia, 'Systemic Banking Crises Database: An Update', IMF Working Paper WP/12/163, p. 29.
Irish Maritime Development Office2000-07-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.imdo.ie/; Marine Institute Act 1991; Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1999
Butter Marketing Committee1935-06-291961-05-17A Butter Marketing Committee was in existence at creamery industry level pre 1930 and had some official standing. The Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Act, No 21 of 1935 enabled the Minister to give recognition to marketing organisations e.g. the Butter Marketing Committee. Substance was given to this recognition in SI 354/1935 - Butter (Levy and Bounty) Order 1935; Replaced by An Bord BainneS.I. No. 354/1935; S.I. No. 205/1952; Dairy Produce Marketing Act, 1961
Digital Media Development Limited2000-03-282003-07-21Dissolved and replaced by Digital Hub Development AgencyS.I. No. 220/2001; Digital Hub Development Agency Act 2003; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 19 February, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
Cospóir1978-02-101999-07-01Replaced by statutory Irish Sports CouncilIrish Sports Council Act 1999; Dáil Éireann - Volume 323 - 05 November, 1980--Ceisteanna—Questions . Oral Answers . - Departmental Advisory Bodies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 463 - 28 March, 1996--Written Answers. - Sports Activities Recognition
Agency for Personal Service Overseas1974-03-282004-01-01In 2004 APSO was merged into the Irish government’s Development Cooperation Ireland (DCI) office Dáil Éireann - Volume 482 - 12 November, 1997--Written Answers. - Non-Commercial Agencies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 642 - 22 November, 2007--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies; http://web.archive.org/web/20020331052250/http://www.apso.ie/; Listed in McGauran et al. 2005
Refugee Agency 1991-04-012001-04-02Merge w/ Directorate for Asylum Support Services to form the Reception and Integration Agency Dáil Éireann - Volume 533 - 03 April, 2001--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies; http://www.ria.gov.ie/
Directorate for Asylum Support Services1999-11-012001-04-02Merged w/ Refugee Agency to form the Reception and Integration Agency in 2001. Before November 1999 the Eastern Health Board was responsible for the provision of accommodation for asylum seekers. Dáil Éireann - Volume 528 - 12 December, 2000--Written Answers. - Accommodation for Asylum Seekers; Dáil Éireann - Volume 532 - 06 March, 2001--Written Answers. - Asylum Support Services; http://www.ria.gov.ie/
Irish Life Assurance Co., Ltd1939-03-151991-07-01Former subsidiaries include Irish Estates, Ltd. and IlascoInsurance Act 1936; Insurance Amendment Act 1938; Palcic and Reeves 2007
Sentence Review Group1989-12-012001-04-01Replaced by Parole BoardDáil Éireann - Volume 537 - 31 May, 2001--Written Answers. - Sentence Review Group; Dáil Éireann - Volume 394 - 13 December, 1989--Written Answers. - Long-Term Prisoners; http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/Parole_Board
Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation1997-04-012005-04-01Under aegis of Forfas; ICSTI was replaced by Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovationhttp://web.archive.org/web/20021219022343/www.forfas.ie/icsti/; Address by Mr Noel Treacy T.D. Minister for Science, Technology and Commerce to the Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation on Tuesday, 14 September 1999
Comhairle na Gaeilge1969-06-131978-11-01predecessor of Bord na GaeilgeSeanad Éireann - Volume 89 - 07 June, 1978--An Bille um Bord na Gaeilge, 1978: An Dara Céim. Bord na Gaeilge Bill, 1978: Second Stage; 'Taking another look at Irish: Haughey's new council' Irish Times, 14 June 1969
Córas Tráchtála Teoranta1951-06-011959-09-01Replaced by Córas Tráchtála (Irish Export Board)Export Promotion Act, 1959; Dáil Éireann - Volume 176 - 09 July, 1959--Export Promotion Bill, 1959—Second Stage; IPA Yearbook 1967
Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (II)2007-05-01In May 2007 the old Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (est. in 1875) replaced by the new Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland which has an expanded remit as a regulator of pharmacy in IrelandPharmacy Act 2007; http://www.pharmaceuticalsociety.ie/
Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (I)1875-01-012007-05-01Replaced by new Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland in 2007 under the Pharmacy Act 2007Pharmacies Acts 1875-1962; Pharmacy Act 2007; http://www.pharmaceuticalsociety.ie/; http://web.archive.org/web/20010402023121/http://www.pharmaceuticalsociety.ie/
Erin Foods1963-08-201990-01-01Subsidiary of Irish SugarSugar Manufacture (Amendment) Act, 1962; S.I. No. 195/1965; McCarthaigh 2009
Press Council of Ireland2007-11-06Independent press regulation body; prior to 2006, similar functions were exercised by the Press Industry Steering Committee (2004-2006), which proposed the creation of the Press Council of Ireland and election of the Press OmbudsmanCRO lists date of registration as 06/11/08; see also http://www.pressombudsman.ie/ (which has 1 Jan 08 as start)
Office of the Press Ombudsman2008-01-01Prior to 2006, similar functions were exercised by the Press Industry Steering Committee (2004-2006), which proposed the creation of the Press Council of Ireland and election of the Press Ombudsmanhttp://www.pressombudsman.ie/
Irish Shipping Ltd1941-03-211984-11-14Irish Shipping Limited Act, 1947; Dáil Éireann - Volume 353 - 14 November, 1984--Irish Shipping Limited: Motion
Milling Advisory Committee1933-05-241958-07-29Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act, 1933 to 1956; Dáil Éireann - Volume 168 - 12 June, 1958--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Companies, Commissions, Committees and Advisory Councils; S.I. No. 65/1933 — Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act, 1933 (Parts I To VII) (Commencement) Order, 1933.
Dublin Transport Authority1986-11-121987-12-27Dublin Transport Authority Act, 1986; Dublin Transport Authority (Dissolution) Act, 1987
Dublin Metropolitan Streets Commission1987-02-011987-07-01Dublin Metropolitan Streets Commission Act, 1986; Dublin Metropolitan Streets Commission (Dissolution) Order, 1987
Environmental Research Unit1988-02-101994-01-01Replaced by the Environmental Protection AgencyS.I. No. 20/1988; Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992; S.I. No. 409/1993
Companies Registration Office1908-01-01Also Registrar of Friendly Societies (plan to formally merge)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.cro.ie/; Companies Acts, 1908 To 1917; Companies (Re-Constitution of Records) Act, 1924; Registration of Business Names Act, 1963
Ceimicí Teoranta1947-01-291986-07-30Monarchana Alcóil na hÉireann, Teoranta under 1938 Act; change of name under Industrial Alcohol (Amendment) Act, 1947; went into liquidation in 1986.Industrial Alcohol (Amendment) Act, 1947; '£4.5m. losses force closure of Ceimici Teo' Irish Independent, 31 July 1986
National Council for the Elderly1990-01-011997-03-01Replaced the National Council for the Aged in 1990; replaced by the National Council on Ageing and Older People in 1997.http://www.ncaop.ie/; S.I. No. 120/1997
National Council for the Aged1981-06-011990-01-01Replaced by National Council for the Elderly in 1990.http://www.ncaop.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 372 - 21 May, 1987--Written Answers. - Departmental Advisory Bodies
National Social Service Board (I)1981-06-011982-12-08Replaced the National Social Service Council; Replaced by National Community Development AgencyNational Community Development Agency Act, 1982; Dáil Éireann - Volume 347 - 25 January, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Seanad Éireann - Volume 103 - 22 February, 1984; Dáil Éireann - Volume 335 - 01 June, 1982--Return to Writ: Dublin West. - National Community Development Agency Bill, 1982: Second Stage
National Social Service Council1971-10-011981-06-01Replaced by the National Social Service BoardDáil Éireann - Volume 347 - 25 January, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Seanad Éireann - Volume 103 - 22 February, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Dáil Éireann - Volume 335 - 01 June, 1982--Return to Writ: Dublin West. - National Community Development Agency Bill, 1982: Second Stage
General Nursing Council1919-01-011951-06-07Replaced by the General Nursing Council in 1923 Nurses Registration (Ireland) Act 1919; S.I. No. 8/1923; Browne, R. Statutory Corporations and Commissions, in King, F.Public Administration in Ireland Vol. 1, 1944
Central Midwives Board (II)1945-01-011951-06-07Merge w/General Nursing Council to form An Bord AltranaisMidwives Act, 1944; Nurses Act, 1950; Browne, R. Statutory Corporations and Commissions, in King, F.Public Administration in Ireland Vol. 1, 1944
National Blood Transfusion Association1948-08-201965-04-15Replaced by Blood Transfusion Service BoardFitzGerald, 1963; S.I. No. 78/1965; Dáil Éireann - Volume 111 - 06 July, 1948--Committee on Finance. - Vote 68—Health; Seanad Éireann - Volume 54 - 27 July, 1961--Health (Corporate Bodies) Bill, 1961: Second and Subsequent Stages
Monarchana Alcóil na hÉireann, Teoranta1938-11-111947-01-29Replaced Industrial Alcohol Advisory Board, replaced by Ceimicí TeorantaIndustrial Alcohol Act, 1938; Industrial Alcohol (Amendment) Act, 1947
Industrial Alcohol Advisory Board1935-02-191938-11-11Replaced by Monarchana Alcóil na hÉireann, Teoranta in 1938Industrial Alcohol Act 1934; Industrial Alcohol (Advisory Body) Order 1935; Industrial Alcohol Act, 1938
Pigs Marketing Board1935-09-021940-01-01Merged with Bacon Marketing Board to form Pigs and Bacon CommissionPigs and Bacon Act, 1935; Pigs and Bacon (Amendment) Act, 1939; S.I. 409/1935
Bacon Marketing Board1935-08-061940-01-01Pigs and Bacon Act, 1935; Pigs and Bacon (Amendment) Act, 1939; S.I. No. 262/1935
Turf Development Board, Ltd.1934-07-161946-06-21Replaced by Bord na MónaTurf (Use and Development) Act, 1936; Turf Development Act, 1946
An Bord Fáilte 1952-07-031955-07-01Replaced Irish Tourist Board; Replaced by Bord Fáilte ÉireannTourist Traffic Act 1952; Tourist Traffic Act 1955
Fógra Fáilte1952-01-011955-07-01Merge with An Bord Fáilte to form Bord Fáilte Éireann Tourist Traffic Acts 1952 & 1955
Irish Tourist Board1939-08-011952-07-03Replaced by An Bord FailteTourist Traffic Act, 1939; Tourist Traffic Act, 1952
National Mass-Radiography Association, Ltd.1950-01-011964-06-18Replaced by the Mass-Radiography BoardS.I. No. 152/1964; Seanad Éireann - Volume 54 - 27 July, 1961--Health (Corporate Bodies) Bill, 1961: Second and Subsequent Stages
Min-Fhéir Teo (II)1960-05-011982-01-01Re-formed version of Min-Fheir (I); liquidated in 1982, see Irish Times 05/05/00Grass Meal (Production) Acts, 1959 and 1969; FitzGerald, 1963; Irish Times 05/05/00
Kilkenny Design Workshops Ltd1963-04-191988-11-01Transferred to Kilkenny Civic Trust in Nov 1988Kilkenny Design Workshops Limited Act, 1982; Seanad Éireann - Volume 119 - 26 May, 1988--Adjournment Matter. - Kilkenny Design Workshops
Fuel Importers (Eire) Ltd1940-07-081959-05-27State Guarantees Act, 1954; S.I. No. 88/1961; Dáil Éireann - Volume 81 - 19 February, 1941--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Fuel Importers, Limited; Dáil Éireann - Volume 175 - 27 May, 1959--Committee on Finance. - Vote 50—Industry and Commerce; 'Liquidator for Fuel Importers' Irish TImes, 27 May 1959
Central Midwives Board (I)1918-01-011945-01-01The Central Midwives Board for Ireland was replaced by the Central Midwives Board in 1923Midwives Act 1918; S.I. No. 9/1923; Browne, R. Statutory Corporations and Commissions, in King, F.Public Administration in Ireland Vol. 1, 1944
Tea Importers Ltd1958-01-011973-07-02Replaced Tea Importers (Eire) Ltd.; disbanded in 1973 to conform to EEC regulations - large shareholdings were sold and the resulting company was restructured as the Irish Bank of Commerce Ltd.Tea (Purchase and Importation) Act, 1958; Aylmer, D., 'Tea for the Irish' in the Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, Jun. 1999; Seanad Éireann - Volume 49 - 16 April, 1958--Tea (Purchase and Importation) Bill, 1957—Second Stage; 'Jessel taking stake in Tea Importers group' Irish Independent, 3 July 1973; 'Tea Importers (1958) Limited' Announcement, The Irish Press, 4 October, 1973
Tea Importers (Eire) Ltd1941-07-081958-01-01Replaced by Tea Importers, Ltd.State Guarantees Act, 1954; Tea (Purchase and Importation) Act, 1958; S.I. No. 88/1961; Aylmer, D., 'Tea for the Irish' in the Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, Jun. 1999; Seanad Éireann - Volume 49 - 16 April, 1958--Tea (Purchase and Importation) Bill, 1957—Second Stage
Flax Development Board, Ltd.1943-02-161949-04-07Dáil Éireann - Volume 94 - 14 June, 1944--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - The Flax Board; Dáil Éireann - Volume 97 - 12 July, 1945--Written Answers. - State Companies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 119 - 15 March, 1950--Committee on Finance. - Flax Act, 1936 (Suspension) Bill, 1950—Committee Stage; 'Farming Since the Famine' CSO, 1997; 'Flax Board for Eire Set Up' Irish Times, 17 Feb. 1943; 'Flax Board Activities Come to End' Irish Independent, 7 April 1949
Mining Board (I)1931-12-221940-11-14Replaced by Mining Board (II)Mines and Minerals Act, 1931; S.I. No. 29/1933; Minerals Development Act, 1940; Dáil Éireann - Volume 588 - 06 July, 2004--Written Answers. - State Boards
Animal Feeding Stuffs (Éire) Ltd1939-11-201950-09-01PQ Co Reg No 9887; Dáil Éireann - Volume 79 - 06 March, 1940--Vote 71—Office of the Minister for Supplies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 101 - 04 June, 1946--Committee on Finance. - Vote 29—Agriculture; legal notice in Irish Times 22 August 1950
Mianrai Teoranta1945-06-011955-01-01Amalgamation of the former Slieveardagh Coalfield Development Company Limited and the Minerals Exploration and Development Company, LimitedMinerals Company Acts, 1945 & 1947
Minerals Exploration and Development Company, Limited1941-09-011945-06-01Death by merge into Mianrai TeorantaMinerals Exploration and Development Company Act, 1941; Minerals Company Act, 1945
Slieveardagh Coalfield Development Company Limited1941-05-201945-06-01Merge into Mianrai TeorantaSlievardagh Coalfield Development Act, 1941; Minerals Company Act, 1945
National Organisation for Rehabilitation1955-11-011967-09-21Replaced by National Rehabilitation BoardS.I. No. 300/1967; Dáil Éireann - Volume 160 - 06 December, 1956--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Advisory Councils and Similar Bodies: Health
Min-Fhéir Teo (I)1954-03-051956-01-01Grass Meal (Production) Act, 1953; Dáil Éireann - Volume 158 - 26 June, 1956; Written Answers; Dáil Éireann - Volume 241 - 09 July, 1969
Dublin Rheumatism Clinic Board1980-05-081980-05-30Replaced the Dublin Rheumatism Clinic Association; staff, assets (excluding premises) liabilities etc. transferred to the St. James's Hospital Board upon dissolution.S.I. No. 135/1980; S.I. No. 153/1980
Dublin Rheumatism Clinic Association1942-10-011978-09-07S.I. No. 135/1980; FitzGerald, 1963; IPA Yearbooks
Irish News Agency1950-03-201957-07-15Irish News Agency Act, 1949; Dáil Éireann - Volume 162 - 25 June, 1957--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Irish News Agency; Horgan, J. (2001)'Irish media: a critical history since 1922', London: Routledge; 'News Agency's Directors' Fees' Irish Times, 21 March 1950; 'Irish News Agency Closes Down' Irish Times, 16 July 1957
Special Employment Schemes Office1941-10-231967-03-01Responsibilities transferred to Dept of Local GovernmentDáil Éireann - Volume 108 - 09 October, 1947 - Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - New Government Departments; Dáil Éireann - Volume 226 - 09 February, 1967 - Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Development and Improvement Schemes
Timber Importers Ltd1939-11-201950-04-01Imported Timber (Maximum Prices) (No. 15) Orders 1947-1949; Dáil Éireann - Volume 135 - 04 December, 1952--Adoption Bill, 1952—From Seanad. - Supplies and Services (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1946 (Continuance) Bill, 1952—Second Stage (Resumed); Irish Times 10 Aug 1949
Trustee Savings Bank1992-06-012001-04-01Nationalised and merged with Irish Life & Permanent (formerly Irish Life Assurance and Irish Permanent Building Society)--now trades under the name Permanent TSBTrustee Savings Banks Act, 1989; S.I. No. 55/1992; S.I. No. 175/2001; Palcic and Reeves 2007; MacCarthaigh 2009; http://web.archive.org/web/19991119021859/http://www.tsbbank.ie/
National Disease Surveillance Centre1998-10-012005-01-01Name change in 2005 to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre as part of its move into the Health Service ExecutiveMcGauran et al. 2005; SI 151/2000; SI 865/2004; http://web.archive.org/web/20001216224100/www.ndsc.ie/who_is_ndsc.htm; Written Answers. - National Disease Surveillance Centre. Wednesday, 24 May 2000, Dáil Eireann Debate, Vol. 519 No. 6
Salmon Research Trust of Ireland1955-06-011990-01-01Partially funded by Guinness; became Salmon Research Agency 1990 FitzGerald, 1963; Dáil Éireann - Volume 373 - 25 June, 1987--Written Answers. - Public Service Staff; http://www.marine.ie/
Development Education Support Centre1986-01-011994-06-30Dáil Éireann - Volume 412 - 13 November, 1991--Written Answers. - Development Education Support Centre; Dáil Éireann - Volume 444 - 21 June, 1994
National Development Education Grants Committee1989-01-011994-06-30Dáil Éireann - Volume 444 - 21 June, 1994 - Written Answers. - Development Education Support Centre
Comhairle na nOspidéal1972-06-292005-01-01Replaced by National Hospitals Office of the HSEHealth Acts 1970 & 2004; S.I. No. 164/1972
Oils and Fats (Eire) Ltd1944-02-181950-04-14O'Donovan 1950; MacCarthaigh 2009; Dáil Éireann - Volume 103 - 23 October, 1946--Written Answers. - Directors of State-Controlled Companies; legal notice in Irish Times 5 April 1950
Health Boards Executive2000-03-012005-01-01Death by merge into HSE Health (Eastern Regional Health Authority) Act, 1999; Health Act 2004
Eastern Regional Health Authority2000-03-012005-01-01Replaced Eastern Health Board; Merged into HSEMcGauran et al. 2005; Health (Eastern Regional Health Authority) Act, 1999; Health Act 2004
Office of the Director of Telecommunications Regulation1997-03-102002-12-01Replaced by the Commission for Communications RegulationTelecommunications (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1996; Communications Regulation Act, 2002
Commission for Electricity Regulation1999-07-142002-12-01Replaced by Commission for Energy Regulation (responsibility for Gas added)Electricity Regulation Act, 1999; Gas (Interim) (Regulation) Act, 2002
National Breast Screening Board (I)1998-09-032005-01-01Joint board--included representatives of health boards. Replaced by National Breast Screening Board (II)--reconfigured to work with HSES.I. No. 319/1998; S.I. 891/2004
Civil Service Commissioners (I)1924-01-011957-02-18Replaced by the Civil Service Commissioners (II) (1956-2004) Civil Service Regulation Act, 1924; Civil Service Commissioners Act, 1956; S.I. No. 17/1957
Centre for Housing Research2006-03-012010-05-01Replaced housing unit which was set up as a joint initiative between Department and the local authorities in 1998; Administered by IPA until replacement by Housing and Sustainable Communities AgencyDáil Éireann - Volume 616 - 08 March, 2006--Written Answers. - Social and Affordable Housing; Written Answers - State Agencies--Thursday, 20 January 2011
Currency Commission1927-09-211943-02-01Replaced by Central BankCurrency Act, 1927; Central Bank Act 1942; Pohl, M. & Freitag, S. (1994) 'Handbook on the history of European banks'. Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Central Bank1943-02-012003-05-01Replaced Currency Commission, replaced by Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of IrelandCentral Bank Act 1942; Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Act 2003; S.I. No. 505/1942
Bord Gáis Éireann Teoranta1975-04-181976-09-13Replaced by Bord Gáis Éireann Gas Act, 1976; Dáil Éireann - Volume 291 - 15 June, 1976--Return to Writs: North-East Donegal and Dublin South-West. - Gas Bill, 1976: Second Stage
Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs1978-01-012007-05-01Replaced by National Consumer AgencyConsumer Information Act, 1978; Consumer Protection Act 2007
Board of Control for Mechanical Betting in Ireland1930-01-181945-06-22Replaced by Racing Board in 1945Racing Board and Racecourses Act, 1945; Seanad Éireann - Volume 29 - 18 April, 1945--Racing Board and Racecourses Bill, 1945—Second Stage; 'Betting in Ireland' The Straits Times, 29 March 1930.
Abbey Theatre Amharclann na Mainistreach2006-01-31Replaced the National Theatre Society Ltd. as the company with responsibility for the Abbey Theatrewww.abbeytheatre.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 13 February, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
National Hospital Trustees1933-10-031938-08-06Replaced by Hospitals Trust BoardPublic Hospitals Act, 1933; Public Hospitals (Amendment) Act, 1938; Report dated 4th October in Irish Times of appointment of National Hospital Trustees
Levy Appeals Tribunal1967-01-012000-01-01Industrial Training Act, 1967; S.I. No. 166/1970; S.I. No. 470-474/1998; National Training Fund Act, 2000; Dáil Éireann - Volume 328 - 14 May, 1981--Written Answers. - Administrative Tribunals; Dáil Éireann - Volume 407 - 23 April, 1991--Written Answers. - Semi-State Bodies
Local Supplies Advisory Committee1925-01-011994-01-01Local Authorities Combined Purchasing Acts 1925 & 1939; Dáil Éireann - Volume 324 - 27 November, 1980--Written Answers. - Advisory Bodies; S.I. No. 171/1994
Military Service Registration Board1933-01-071982-07-15Army Pensions Acts, 1932 & 1953; SI No 182 of 1933; Dáil Éireann - Volume 238 - 19 February, 1969--Written Answers. - Government-appointed Boards; Dáil Éireann - Volume 337 - 15 July, 1982--Written Answers. - State Boards Personnel
Energy Advisory Board1994-09-012002-01-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 445 - 11 October, 1994 - Written Answers. - Energy Advisory Board Appointments; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 19 February, 2008 - Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
Railway Tribunal1924-10-141945-01-01Took over functions of the Railway and Canal Commission; upon dissolution, powers given to High Court (Transport Act 1944)Railways Act, 1924; 'First Sitting of the Railway Tribunal' Irish Times, 4 October 1924; Railways (Amendment) Act, 1929; S.I. No. 659/1935; Transport Act 1944
Irish Legal Terms Advisory Committee 1945-09-01Irish Legal Terms Act, 1945; Irish Times Report of 20 September 1945; Dáil Éireann - Volume 437 - 26 January, 1994--Written Answers. - Bodies under Aegis of Department; http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/Ahern%20welcomes%20appointments%20to%20the%20Irish%20Legal%20Terms%20Advisory%20Committee
Council of Defence1924-06-01Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924; Defence Act 1954
Radio Éireann1960-06-011966-03-08Broadcasting Authority Act, 1960; S.I. No. 107/1960; Broadcasting Authority (Amendment) Act, 1966
National Museum of Science and Art1877-08-141997-01-01Became the National Museum of Irelandhttp://www.museum.ie/ Dublin Science and Art Museum Act 1877; National Cultural Institutions Act, 1997
Irish Film Classification Office (IFCO)2008-07-20Replaced Irish Film Censor's Officewww.ifco.ie; Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008
Censorship of Films Appeals Board1923-07-162008-07-20Censorship of Films Act, 1923; Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008
Classification of Films Appeal Board2008-07-20Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008; www.ifco.ie
Forestry Commission1919-01-011927-08-11Absorbed into Dept of Lands and Agriculture. Absorption preceded by a very short lived 'Saorstát Éireann Forestry Commission'Forestry Act, 1919; S.I. No. 68 & 69/1927
General Prisons Board1877-01-011928-12-18Absorbed by Department of JusticeGeneral Prisons (Ireland) Act; S.I. 79/1928--General Prisons Board (Transfer of Functions) Order 1928; http://www.irishprisons.ie/about_us-history.htm
Advisory Council on Development Cooperation1979-12-011991-12-01http://www.dochas.ie/documents/history_of_dochas.pdf; Dáil Éireann - Volume 407 - 07 May, 1991--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 420 - 05 June, 1992--Estimates, 1992. - Vote 39: International Co-Operation (Revised Estimate)
Airports Construction Committee1936-08-011985-01-01To secure Department of Finance sanction for projected works at the State airports, to act as a medium for co-ordinating and reporting progress on the planning and execution of construction projects and for the provision of equipmentDáil Éireann - Volume 255 - 29 June, 1971--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Departmental Committees; Dáil Éireann - Volume 355 - 13 February, 1985--Ceisteanna—Questions Oral Answers - Dublin Airport Runway
Dáil Eireann Courts Winding Up Commission1923-01-011925-04-30Dáil Eireann Courts (Winding-Up) Act, 1923; Dáil Eireann Courts (Winding-Up) Act, 1925
Irish Sea Fisheries Association Ltd1930-11-201952-04-24Dáil Éireann - Volume 37 - 26 February, 1931--Vote 54—Fisheries and Gaeltacht Services; Sea Fisheries Act, 1931; Hire-Purchase Act, 1946; Sea Fisheries Act 1952; Dáil Éireann - Volume 130 - 20 March, 1952--Committee on Finance. - Sea Fisheries Bill, 1952—Second Stage (Resumed)
Aerlinte Eireann Teoranta1947-02-221993-12-21In 1993 Aer Lingus and Aerlinte were restructured into Aer Lingus Group plc.Dáil Éireann - Volume 358 - 16 May, 1985--Written Answers. - State and Semi-State Bodies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 437 - 15 December, 1993--Air Companies (Amendment) Bill, 1993: Committee Stage
Aer Lingus Group plc1993-12-212006-09-01Aer Lingus and Aerlinte Eireann restructured in 1993 into Aer Lingus Group plc.McGauran et al. 2005; Air Companies (Amendment) Act, 1993; Dáil Éireann - Volume 437 - 15 December, 1993--Air Companies (Amendment) Bill, 1993: Committee Stage; http://www.aerlingus.com/
Eradication of Animal Disease Board1988-04-011992-04-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 407 - 18 April, 1991; Dáil Éireann - Volume 429 - 29 April, 1993--Bovine Diseases (Levies) Regulations, 1993: Motion
Inspector of Prisons2007-11-21Replacement of non-statutory Inspector of Prisons and Places of Detention by statutory Inspector of Prisons. First incumbent appointed 21 Nov 2007 to take effect on 1 Jan 2008.http://www.inspectorofprisons.gov.ie/; Prisons Act 2007
Irish Productivity Centre1972-05-302009-03-22Replaced the Irish National Productivity Committee; comprised employer and trade unions reps & grant-aided by Govt. Post 1992 - grant reduced but involved with NESC and considered part of state apparatus. Lost public funding in 1998, dissolved in 2009. IPA Yearbook and Diary 2008 Dáil Éireann - Volume 460 - 23 January, 1996 Written Answers. - Public and Semi-State Bodies. On possible closure see also Dáil Éireann - Volume 418 - 07 April, 1992 Joint Committee on Employment: Motion; Companies Registration Office
Irish Laboratory Accreditation Board1985-07-011995-02-01Predecessor of Irish National Accreditation BoardSI 4/1991; http://www.inab.ie/aboutus/ Dáil Éireann - Volume 465 - 09 May, 1996 Private Members' Business. - National Standards Authority of Ireland Bill, 1996: Second Stage (Resumed). 'Board gives formal accreditation to labs' Irish Times, 16 April 1987; Report of the Laboratory of the Dublin Region Public Analyst for the years 1995 and 1996, Eastern Health Board
Land Registry1892-01-012006-11-04Land Registry - pre-independence body that was subsumed into Home Affairs in 1922 and then Justice. Merged into Property Registration Authority in 2006http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/PR07000396; Dáil Éireann - Volume 588 - 06 July, 2004--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
Registry of Deeds1707-01-012006-11-04Merged with Land Registry into Property Registration Authorityhttp://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/PR07000396; http://www.landregistry.ie/eng/About_Us/Registry_of_Deeds_Services/
National Institute for Higher Education, Limerick1972-01-011989-06-21Opening of National Institute for Higher Education, LimerickDáil Éireann - Volume 319 - 17 April, 1980 National Institute for Higher Education, Limerick, Bill, 1980: Second Stage.
National Transport Authority2009-12-01http://www.nationaltransport.ie/; Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008; Public Transport Regulation Act 2009; S.I. No. 474/2009
An Forás Orgánach2009-07-012012-06-01'Minister Sargent announces appointment of Chair of new organic body Forás Orgánach' Dept. of Agriculture Press Release, 15 July 2009; Written Answers - Organic Farming. Thursday, 15 October 2009, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 692 No. 1; 'Minister McEntee launches a new group called Organic Focus' Dept. of Agriculture Press Release, 6 June 2012
National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence2007-06-250000-00-00In August 2019, the Department of Justice implemented a significant Transformation Programme, most notably in response to the recommendations of the Effectiveness and Renewal Group which was established by Government in January 2018. The Department's work was previously structured by subject areas relating to different parts of the Justice and Equality sector. Cosc - The National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence was an example of thishttp://www.cosc.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 639 - 09 October, 2007--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies
Irish Youth Justice Service2005-12-01http://www.iyjs.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 646 - 05 February, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
Environmental Awareness Bureau1985-02-011988-04-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 367 - 10 June, 1986--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Anti-Litter Film; Dáil Éireann - Volume 373 - 12 June, 1987--Estimates, 1987. - Vote 29: Environment ( Revised Estimate ); Dáil Éireann - Volume 378 - 09 March, 1988--Ceisteanna-Questions. Oral Answers. - Environmental Research Unit
National Asset Management Agency2009-12-21http://www.nama.ie/; National Asset Management Agency Act, 2009
Broadcasting Authority of Ireland2009-10-012023-03-15Created by merge of BCC and BCI. Subsequently replaced by Coimisiún na MeánBroadcasting Act 2009; http://www.bai.ie/; Part 16 of the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022 (No. 41 of 2022); S.I. No. 72/2023
Government Information Bureau1934-02-011973-04-01Press channel for ministerial statements; Replaced by Government Information Services (GIS). Change in office title associated with appointment of Muiris MacConghail as the Head of GIB/GIS in April 1973Dáil Éireann - Volume 54 - 18 December, 1934--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cancellation of Government Advertising
Government Information Services1973-04-01Change in office title associated with appointment of Muiris MacConghail as the Head of GIB/GIS in April 1973Dáil Éireann - Volume 269 - 14 December, 1973--Committee on Finance. - Vote No. 3: Department of the Taoiseach (Resumed); http://www.merrionstreet.ie/
Farm Tax Tribunal1987-02-061990-02-06Farm Tax Act, 1985; S.I. No. 40/1987; O’Connor, Tom (1993) ‘The farm tax – a political casualty’. Seirbhís Phoiblí. April: 21-31.
Farm Classification Office1985-08-261987-03-31Dissolved without legislation under the 1987 budget. Records were transferred to the Valuation office.Farm Tax Act, 1985; Dáil Éireann - Volume 365 - 06 May, 1986--Estimates, 1986. - Vote 19: Farm Classification Office; Dáil Éireann - Volume 371 - 31 March, 1987--Financial Resolutions, 1987. - Financial Statement, Budget, 1987; O’Connor, Tom (1993) ‘The farm tax – a political casualty’. Seirbhís Phoiblí. April: 21-31.
Department of Social Protection (I)2010-05-022017-09-02Replaced Department of Social and Family Affairs. Replaced by Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.http://www.welfare.ie/; S.I. No. 186/2010; S.I. No 366/2017
Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport2010-05-022011-06-02Replaced Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism; Replaced by Department of Arts, Heritage and the GaeltachtS.I. No. 178/2010; S.I. No. 220/2011
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation2010-05-022011-06-02http://www.deti.ie/; S.I. No. 185/2010; S.I. No. 245/2011
Social Welfare Appeals Office1990-09-01Set up under the Programme for Government 1989-1993McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.socialwelfareappeals.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 399 - 29 May, 1990--Written Answers. - Social Welfare Appeals Office
Department of Education and Skills2010-05-022020-10-22Succeeded by Department of Education (II) and some functions transferred to new Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Sciencehttp://www.education.ie/; S.I. No. 184/2010; S.I. No. 450/2020; Ministers and Secretaries and Ministerial, Parliamentary, Judicial and Court Offices (Amendment) Act 2020 (No. 10 of 2020; S.I. No. 451/2020
Broadcasting Advisory Committee1927-03-241952-12-31Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1926; S.I. No. 31/1927; http://www.rte.ie/
Commissioners of Education in Ireland1813-07-101925-03-31Endowed Schools Act 1813 (53 Geo. Ill, c. 107); Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924; S.I. No. 22/1925
National Car Testing Service Ltd.2000-01-04S.I. No. 481/1998; S.I. No. 395/1999; http://www.ncts.ie/
State Pathologist's Office1929-01-01http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/State_Pathologist%27s_Office; Dáil Éireann - Volume 62 - 17 June, 1936--Committee on Finance. - Vote 32—Office of the Minister for Justice (Resumed); Obituary, John McGrath, M.D. M.Sc., British Medical Journal, 26 Jan. 1957 (http://www.bmj.com/cgi/reprint/1/5012/232.pdf)
Great Southern Railway Company1924-11-121945-01-01Merged with Dublin United Transport to form Córas Iompair ÉireannS.I. No. 31/1924; Transport Act, 1944
Irish Public Bodies Mutual Insurances Ltd.1926-09-13Local Authorities (Mutual Assurance) Act, 1926; http://www.ipb.ie/
Compensation (Personal Injuries) Committee1923-01-011926-01-01Payments made in accordance with terms of agreement that were made between the Provisional Government and the British Government in respect of Personal Injury Claims, arising out of the Anglo-Irish conflictDáil Éireann - Volume 3 - 19 April, 1923--CEISTEANNA—QUESTIONS. ORAL ANSWERS. - PRE-TRUCE COMPENSATION CLAIMS
State Agencies Development Cooperation Organisation1979-05-251992-01-01First set up (Sept) 1975 as coordinating forum, did not have formal status until 1979, when it was registered with the CRO.Seanad Éireann - Volume 89 - 31 May, 1978--Joint Committee on State-Sponsored Bodies: Motion.
National Adult Learning Council2002-03-012003-01-01Set up with intention of being placed on statutory footing; however, following a review it became inactive in 2003. Formally disbanded as part of a rationalisation of agencies under the 2008 BudgetMcGauran et al. 2005; Dáil Éireann - Volume 603 - 14 June, 2005--Written Answers. - National Adult Literacy Council; Dáil Éireann - Volume 665 - 04 November, 2008--Written Answers. - Adult Education
Department of Justice and Law Reform2010-06-022011-04-02http://www.justice.ie/; S.I. No. 216/2010; S.I. No. 138/2011
Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs2010-06-022011-06-02S.I. No. 215/2010; S.I. No. 214/2011
Commission on Emigration and Other Population Problems1948-04-051954-07-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 121 - 31 May, 1950--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Commission on Emigration; Dáil Éireann - Volume 147 - 27 October, 1954--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Commission on Emigration
Inland Fisheries Ireland2010-07-01'The replacement of the Central and seven Regional Fisheries Boards, the National Salmon Commission and the eight Fisheries Co-operative Societies with IFI is in keeping with the Government programme for the rationalisation of State bodies.'- DCENR Press Release, 1 July 2010Inland Fisheries Act 2010; http://www.fisheriesireland.ie/
Geological Survey of Ireland1845-01-01Geological Survey Act 1845; Ministers and Secretaries 1924; http://www.gsi.ie/
Quit Rent Office1641-01-011943-01-01Absorbed into Irish Land Commission in 1943.Dáil Éireann - Volume 70 - 30 March, 1938; Committee on Finance. - Vote 30—Quit Rent Office; Dáil Éireann - Volume 93 - 26 April, 1944--Estimates for Public Services. - Vote 52—Lands
Bar Council1897-01-01http://www.lawlibrary.ie/; Legal Services Ombudsman Act 2009
National Health Insurance Commission1911-01-011933-01-02National Insurance Act 1911; Ministers and Secretaries 1924; S.I. No. 17/1924; Dáil Éireann - Volume 20 - 05 July, 1927--IN COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. - Vote 13—Civil Service Commission; S.I. No. 1/1933
Office of the Disability Appeals Officer2007-06-01Disability Act 2005; www.gov.ie/en/publication/08b143-office-of-the-disability-appeals-officer
Curriculum and Examinations Board1984-01-231987-12-08Precursor of National Council for Curriculum and AssessmentDáil Éireann - Volume 348 - 06 March, 1984--Programme for Action in Education: Statements; Dáil Éireann - Volume 358 - 07 May, 1985--Written Answers. - Statutory/Non-Statutory Bodies and Committees; Written Answers - National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Tuesday, 8 April 1997, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 477 No. 2
Public Trustee1903-11-011992-01-01Irish Land Act 1903; Public Trustee Rules, 1904, 1908, 1927 (S.I. No. 14/1927) and 1947 (S.I. No. 94/1947); Seanad Éireann - Volume 134 - 21 October, 1992--Irish Land Commission (Dissolution) Bill, 1989: Second Stage
Council of National Cultural Institutions2001-12-21Heritage Fund Act 2001; http://www.cnci.ie/
Social Workers Registration Board2010-06-07Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 279/2010
Office for Internet Safety2008-03-012019-06-30The functions of the Office for Internet Safety have been incorporated into the Cybercrime division of the Department of Justice and Equalityhttp://www.internetsafety.ie/; www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/Cybercrime;www.oireachtas.ie/ga/debates/question/2018-02-06/250/
Dairy Produce Consultative Council1925-06-251960-01-01Dairy Produce Act, 1924; Dáil Éireann - Volume 168 - 12 June, 1958--Written Answers. - State-sponsored Companies, Commissions, Committees and Advisory Councils
Live Stock Consultative Council1925-07-251965-01-01Live Stock Breeding Act, 1925; Dáil Éireann - Volume 259 - 07 March, 1972--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Livestock Consultative Council
Boundary Commission1924-11-061925-12-03Included Northern Irish and Irish Free State representativesConstitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922; PRIME MINISTER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. HC Deb 03 December 1925 vol 188 cc2655-8
Agricultural Production Council1956-10-181958-01-01Lapsed in 1958S.I. No. 261/1956; Leon, D. (1963) 'Advisory Bodies in Irish Government' Dublin: Institution of Public Administration.
Bookmakers Appeal Committee1994-12-01Irish Horseracing Industry Act, 1994
National Botanic Gardens1878-01-01Gardens originally founded in 1795, came into state control in 1878.Ministers and Secs. 1924; S.I. No. 6/1992; S.I. No. 356/2002; http://www.botanicgardens.ie/
National Youth Work Advisory Committee1997-06-23Youth Work Acts, 1997 & 2001; Dáil Éireann - Volume 481 - 07 October, 1997--Written Answers. - Ministerial Appointments; Dáil Éireann - Volume 654 - 13 May, 2008--Written Answers. - Youth Work Sector; Written answers--Tuesday, 18 May 2010, Department of Health and Children, Youth Services
Investor Compensation Company Ltd. 1998-08-01Investor Compensation Act, 1998; Dáil Éireann - Volume 588 - 06 July, 2004--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies; http://www.investorcompensation.ie/
Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority2003-05-012010-10-01Under the auspices of the Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland until they merged in 2010 to form the Central Bank of IrelandCentral Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Act 2003; http://www.financialregulator.ie/; www.centralbank.ie; Central Bank Reform Act 2010; S.I. No. 469/2010
Skillnet Ireland Ltd.1998-12-17Formerly known as Skillnets Ltd., changed name to Skillnet Ireland in 2018http://www.skillnets.ie/; Seanad Éireann - Volume 187 - 24 October, 2007--Education and Training: Motion; www.skillnetireland.ie
Sealúchais Árachais Teoranta1985-03-152014-10-05Sealuchais Árachais Teoranta (SAT), a statutory company under the Insurance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1985 was a non-trading holding company for Icarom plc (formerly the Insurance Corporation of Ireland) under administration. Insurance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1985; Markets in Financial Instruments and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2007; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 13 February, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies; https://www.kildarestreet.com/wrans/?id=2018-01-23a.292
Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Information2007-05-01S.I. No. 133/2007; www.ocei.gov.ie/en/
Landlord and Tenant Commission1966-01-201982-01-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 258 - 17 February, 1972--Ceisteanna—Questions Oral Answers. - Departmental and semi-State Body Reports; Dáil Éireann - Volume 326 - 19 February, 1981--Ceisteanna — Questions Oral Answers - Landlord and Tenant Act
Aerlód Teoranta1964-07-072001-09-11Subsidiary of CIÉS.I. No. 95/1964; Seanad Éireann - Volume 57 - 13 May, 1964--Report of Joint Committee on Standing Orders (Private Business). - Transport Act, 1950 (Additional Powers) Order, 1964: Motion of Confirmation
Office of the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defensive Measures1939-09-081945-06-18Minister without portfolioMinisters and Secretaries Act 1939; Dáil Éireann - Volume 108 - 09 October, 1947--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - New Ministries and Parliamentary Secretaryships
Garda Síochána1923-08-08Created from merge of Dublin Metropolitan Police and Royal Irish ConstabularyGárda Síochána (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923; Garda Síochána Act, 1924; http://www.garda.ie/
Special Commissioners1842-01-011968-03-26Replaced by Appeal CommissionersFinance Acts, 1923-1968; Dail Eireann - Volume 588 - 06 July 2004--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies
Railway and Canal Commission1854-01-011924-01-01Replaced by Railway TribunalRailway and Canal Traffic Act 1854; S.I. No. 1/1923; Railways Act 1924
Repak Ltd.1996-02-01http://www.repak.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 474 - 29 January, 1997--Adjournment Debate. - Waste Management Crisis; S.I. No. 242/1997; S.I. No. 798/2007
National Dairy Publicity Council1964-06-181973-01-01The Council changed from a semi-state body to an industry-financed organisation in 1973 subsequent to Ireland joining the EEC.Dáil Éireann - Volume 226 - 15 February, 1967--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies; http://www.ndc.ie/about/history.asp
Dublin United Transport Company, Limited1941-03-251945-01-01Replaced Dublin United Tramways CompanyTransport Act, 1944; Murphy, F. 'Dublin Trams 1872-1959', Dublin Historical Record Vol. 33, No. 1 (Dec., 1979), pp. 2-9; 'Buses best form of travel' Irish Times, 26 March 1941
Dublin United Tramways Company1896-09-011941-03-25Replaced by Dublin United Transport Company when trams were replaced by busesDublin United Tramways (Omnibus Services) Act, 1925; Murphy, F. 'Dublin Trams 1872-1959', Dublin Historical Record Vol. 33, No. 1 (Dec., 1979), pp. 2-9; 'Buses best form of travel' Irish Times, 26 March 1941
National Building Advisory Council1963-05-011969-07-22The Council was established in May, 1963. It was incorporated as a Company on 15th December, 1964 under the Companies Act, 1963. Eventually absorbed into An Foras Forbartha. Dáil Éireann - Volume 226 - 15 February, 1967--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 221 - 16 March, 1966--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Building Advisory Council; Dáil Éireann - Volume 231 - 06 December, 1967--Committee on Finance. - Vote 26—Local Government (Resumed); CRO
Consultative Cancer Council1948-04-081949-07-05S.I. No. 125/1948; Dáil Éireann - Volume 118 - 16 November, 1949--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cancer Consultative Council.; Dáil Éireann - Volume 123 - 06 December, 1950--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Council of Health
Housing & Sustainable Communities Agency2010-05-01Set up to take over the functions of the Affordable Homes Partnership, the Centre for Housing Research, the Homeless Agency and the National Building Agency.http://www.housing.ie/; S.I. No. 264/2012
Adoption Authority of Ireland2010-11-01Adoption Act 2010; http://www.aai.gov.ie/; 'New Adoption Authority Appointed' Irish Times, 1 November 2010
Regulator of Premium Rate Telecommunications Services1995-07-172010-07-12S.I. No. 194/1995; Communications Regulation (Premium Rate Services and Electronic Communications Infrastructure) Act 2010; S.I. No. 234/2010; http://web.archive.org/web/20080714181007/http:/www.regtel.ie/
Irish Water Safety2006-06-262019-02-18Replaced the Irish Water Safety Association, replaced by Water Safety IrelandS.I. No. 389 of 2006; http://www.iws.ie/; S.I. No. 56/2019; www.watersafety.ie
Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht2011-06-022016-07-07Creation: S.I. No. 220/2011; Termination: S.I. No. 357/2016; http://www.ahg.gov.ie/
Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government2011-05-022016-07-23Creation: S.I. No. 193/2011, Termination: S.I. No. 394/2016; http://www.environ.ie/
Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport2011-04-022020-09-17Succeeded by Department of Transport (III). Tourism and Sport responsibilities also transferred to new Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and MediaS.I. No. 141/2011; http://www.transport.ie/; S.I. No. 351/2020; S.I. No. 356/2020
Department of Justice and Equality2011-04-022020-11-01Succeeded by Department of Justice (II). Equality and human rights responsibilities also transferred to Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youthhttp://www.justice.ie/; S.I. No. 138/2011; S.I. No. 452/2020; S.I. No. 436/2020
Department of Children and Youth Affairs2011-06-022020-10-15Succeeded by Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. Certain youth justice functions also transferred to Department of Justice (II)http://www.dcya.gov.ie/; S.I. No. 214/2011; S.I. No. 437/2020; S.I. No. 435/2020
Department of Health (II)2011-06-04S.I. No. 219/2011; http://www.dohc.ie/
Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation2011-06-022017-09-02Department replaced by Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation in 2017 following election of Leo Varadkar as Taoiseachhttp://www.deti.ie/; S.I. No. 245/2011 S.I. No. 364/2017, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2017/si/364
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade2011-06-022020-09-24Succeeded by Department of Foreign Affairs (II)http://www.dfa.ie/; S.I. No. 246/2011; S.I. No. 382/2020
Peatlands Council2011-04-07http://www.npws.ie/peatlandsturf-cutting/peatlandscouncil/
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform2011-07-06Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011; S.I. No. 401/2011; http:/​/​per.gov.ie/​
Radiographers Registration Board2011-12-16Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 659/2011
Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Limited2011-10-142013-02-07After the transfer of the business of Irish Nationwide Building Society (INBS) to Anglo Irish Bank Corporation Limited on 1 July 2011, the Bank’s name was changed to Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Limited, and it traded as IBRC until going into special liquidation on 7 February 2013.http:/​/​www.ibrc.ie/​Media_centre/​IBRC_news/​Press_Releases/​Press_Release_Pages/​Change_of_Name_%E2%80%93_Anglo_Irish_Bank_Corporation_Limited.html; Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Act 2013; S.I. No. 36/2013; CRO, Registered Company No. 22045
Irish Fiscal Advisory Council 2011-06-01Established on an interim basis in June 2011, and put on statutory footing under the Fiscal Responsibility Act 2012.http://www.fiscalcouncil.ie/; Written Answers - Departmental Bodies, 1 May 2012, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 763 No. 3; Fiscal Responsibility Act 2012
Disabled Drivers Board of Appeal1989-12-21S.I. No. 340/1989; Dáil Éireann - Volume 403 - 05 December, 1990, Written Answers. - Disabled Drivers' Medical Board of Appeal; Written Answers - Departmental Bodies, 1 May 2012, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 763 No. 3; http://www.nrh.ie/about-nrh/non-clinical-services/disabled-drivers-board-of-appeal/
Irish Life Ltd.2011-03-312013-07-18The Minister for Finance had a 100% direct shareholding in Irish Life and its subsidiary companies. Irish Life was sold in July 2013 to Canada’s Great-West Lifeco. Statement by the Dept of Finance: http://finance.gov.ie/viewdoc.asp?DocID=7295; Laeven & Valencia, 'Systemic Banking Crises Database: An Update', IMF Working Paper WP/12/163, p. 29.; 'State closes €1.3 billion sale of Irish Life to Canada’s Great-West Lifeco', Irish Times, 19 July 2013
Allied Irish Bank2011-04-01The Irish State has been AIB majority shareholder since April 2011 through the National Pension Reserve Fund (now Irish Strategic Investment Fund). The Educational Building Society (EBS) was taken into state ownership through absorption into AIB on 1 July 2011. In 2017, the Shareholding and Financial Advisory Division (SFAD) planned and implemented an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of a portion of the State’s shares in AIB, listing the stock on the premium segment of the Irish and London stock exchanges. The IPO resulted in the sale of 28.75% of the banks ordinary shares (including a greenshoe mechanism) and recouped €3.4 billion for the Irish exchequer. The State now retains about 71% of the bank’s Ordinary Shares.Written answers - Banks Recapitalisation, Wednesday, 20 June 2012, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 769 No. 2; Written Answers - Banking Sector Regulation, Thursday, 29 March 2012, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 761 No. 2; National Pension Reserve Fund Annual Report 2010; http://www.aib.ie/; 'State's Shareholding in Banks' www.gov.ie/en/publication/066a28-banks/
Irish Research Council2012-03-292024-08-01The mission of the Irish Research Council is to enable and sustain a vibrant research community in Ireland. The Irish Research Council was folded into Taighde Éireann 1 August 2024http://www.research.ie/; 'New body sees value of research' Irish Times, 26 April 2012; S.I. No. 375/2024
Credit Review Office2010-03-01The enabling legislation is the guidelines issued under section 210 (1) of the National Asset Management Agency Act 2009http://www.creditreview.ie/; 'Credit Review Office - Information Note' Department of Finance, http://www.finance.gov.ie/viewdoc.asp?DocID=6254
Local Government Management Agency2012-08-01http://www.lgcsb.ie/en; S.I. No. 290/2012
Qualifications and Quality Assurance Authority of Ireland2012-11-06QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) is an independent State agency responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland.Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012; S.I. No. 436/2012; http://www.qualificationsandquality.ie/
Dietitians Registration Board2012-11-01Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 439/2012
Occupational Therapists Registration Board2012-11-01Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 440/2012
Speech and Language Therapists Registration Board2012-11-01Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 441/2012
Insolvency Service of Ireland2013-03-01Personal Insolvency Act 2012; http://www.isi.gov.ie/
Credit Union Restructuring Board2013-01-01As of December 2019, a Bill to dissolve the Credit Union Restructuring Board (ReBo) is before Seanad Éireann, Second Stage.http://www.rebo.ie/; Credit Union and Co-operation with Overseas Regulators Act 2012; www.oireachtas.ie/en/bills/bill/2019/10/
An tSeirbhís Oideachais Leanúnaigh Agus Scileanna2013-10-27SOLAS was established to develop and give strategic direction to the Further Education and Training Sector in Ireland.Further Education and Training Act 2013; http://www.solas.ie/
Physiotherapists Registration Board2013-10-11Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 386/2013
Crawford Art Gallery2006-12-06In 2006, a new company, Crawford Art Gallery Cork Ltd., was established by the Minister of Arts, Sport and Tourism to manage the Gallery, and the Gallery was designated a National Cultural Institution. http://www.crawfordartgallery.ie/; http://www.ahg.gov.ie/en/AboutUs/AgenciesBodiesunderDepartmentsAegis/; Companies Registration Office
Shannon Airport Authority2012-12-31On 5 September 2014 Shannon Airport Authority became part of the Shannon Group plcState Airports Act 2004; S.I. No. 571/2012; http://www.shannonairport.ie; www.shannongroup.ie; State Airports (Shannon Group) Act 2014; S.I. No. 395/2014
Comhairle na Míre Gaile1947-04-22www.bravery.ie/; Deeds of Bravery Act, 1947
Child and Family Agency2014-01-01http://www.tusla.ie/; Child and Family Agency Act 2013; Press Release; Issued on Behalf of the Newly Established Children and Family Agency, 1 January 2014, http:/​/​www.dcya.gov.ie/​viewdoc.asp?fn=/​documents/​HSE_CFA_Press_Release20140101.htm
Pyrite Resolution Board 2014-01-10Pyrite Resolution Act 2013; http://www.pyriteboard.ie/
Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Board2006-09-27http://www.mhclrb.ie/; Criminal Law (Insanity) Act 2006; S.I. No. 499/2006; Written answers, Thursday, 16 January 2014, No.228, Department of Justice and Equality - Departmental Bodies
Student Grants Appeals Board2011-09-08The Board reviews appeals from applicants, under the 2011 Student Grant Scheme onwards, in relation to the decision on their grant application.http://www.education.ie/en/The-Department/Bodies-and-Committees/Student-Grants-Appeals-Board.html; Student Support Act 2011
Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Board2013-03-25The Board of the Fund oversees the use of cash contributions of up to €110m pledged by the religious congregations to support the needs of some 15,000 survivors of residential institutional child abuseResidential Institutions Statutory Fund Act 2012; S.I. No. 95/2013; Written Answers, Wednesday, 22 January 2014, No. 80 - Departmental Bodies Establishment; http://www.education.ie/en/The-Department/Agencies/Residential-Institutions-Statutory-Fund-Board.html; http://www.caranua.ie/
Irish Water2013-03-29Water Services Act 2013; S.I. No. 108/2013; http://www.water.ie/; CRO Registered Company No. 530363
Pensions Council2014-03-07Social Welfare and Pensions (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2013; S.I. No. 103/2014
Pensions Authority2014-03-07Replaced the Pensions Boardhttp://www.pensionsauthority.ie/; Social Welfare and Pensions (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2013; S.I. No. 103/2014
Committee for Judicial Studies2011-01-25http://www.aji.ie/supports/judicial_education; http://www.ejtn.eu/About/EJTN-Affiliates/Members/Ireland/
Comhairle Radio Éireann1953-01-011960-05-31Replaced by Radio Éireann under the Broadcasting Authority Act, 1960.Advisory Committee - Dáil Éireann - Volume 168 - 12 June, 1958, Written Answers. - State-sponsored Companies, Commissions, Committees and Advisory Councils; Dáil Éireann - Volume 179 - 24 February, 1960, Committee on Finance. - Broadcasting Authority Bill, 1959 [Seanad]—Second Stage; Broadcasting Authority Act, 1960
Congested Districts Board1891-08-051923-07-24Absorbed into Irish Land Commission in 1923Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891; Congested Districts Board (Ireland) Act 1899; Land Law (Commission) Act, 1923
Exported Live Stock (Insurance) Board1940-07-131984-07-04Exported Live Stock (Insurance) Act, 1940; Exported Live Stock (Insurance) Act, 1984; Exported Live Stock (Insurance) Bill, 1942—Second Stage. Wednesday, 20 January 1943; Exported Live Stock (Insurance) Bill, 1984: Second Stage. Thursday, 28 June 1984
Tariff Commission1926-07-311939-03-22Suspended prior to dissolution - its functions had largely been taken up by the Prices CommissionTariff Commission Act, 1926, Tariff Commission (Repeal) Act, 1939; Seanad Éireann - Volume 22 - 15 March, 1939 - Tariff Commission (Repeal) Bill, 1939—Committee and Final Stages.
Prices Commission1932-12-231958-04-17Control of Prices Act, 1932; Control of Prices Act, 1937; Prices Commission (Extension of Functions) Act, 1938; Prices Act, 1958
Student Universal Support Ireland2012-05-22Replaced the sixty-six local awarding authorities that existed previously.http://www.susi.ie/; Student Support Act 2011; S.I. No. 161/2012
Social Finance Foundation2007-01-25In 2012, SFF was given responsibility for the administration of a Microfinance Loan Fund through their subsidiary Microfinance Ireland (Microenterprise Loan Fund Act 2012).http://www.sff.ie/; Microenterprise Loan Fund Act 2012; CRO, company registration number 433581; Written answers, Wednesday, 12 February 2014, Department of Finance, Departmental Bodies
Council of Education1950-04-041962-01-01Report of the Department of Education, 1949-1950, p. 55; Dáil Éireann - Volume 194 - 04 April, 1962 - Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Council of Education
Independent Monitoring Commission2004-01-072011-03-31Established by agreement between the Government of Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain And Northern IrelandIndependent Monitoring Commission Act 2003; S.I. No. 160/2011; Written answers Thursday, 20 October 2011, Department of Justice, Equality and Defence, Departmental Bodies
Independent International Commission on Decommissioning1997-09-242011-03-31Decommissioning Act, 1997; S.I. No. 159/2011; Written answers Thursday, 20 October 2011, Department of Justice, Equality and Defence, Departmental Bodies
Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council2002-02-01http://www.fawac.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 13 February, 2008, Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies.
Healthcare Pricing Office2014-01-01From 1st January 2014 the National Casemix Programme and the Health Research and Information Division at the ESRI became the Healthcare Pricing Office (HPO).http://www.hpo.ie/
Office of the Regulator of the National Lottery2014-02-27National Lottery Act 2013; S.I. No. 102/2014
Defence Forces Canteen Board1944-01-01Written Answers - Departmental Bodies. Wednesday, 13 February 2008, Dáil Eireann Debate - Vol. 647 No. 1; Written answers, Tuesday, 5 July 2011, Department of Justice, Equality and Defence, Departmental Agencies
Industrial Research Council1934-03-201946-08-27Dáil Éireann - Volume 50 - 23 February, 1934, Supplementary Estimate, 1933-34. - Vote No. 56—Industry and Commerce; Dáil Éireann - Volume 102 - 03 July, 1946 Industrial Research and Standards Bill, 1946—Second Stage; Industrial Research and Standards Act, 1946
Office of the Controller of Plant Breeders' Rights1980-07-14Plant Varieties (Proprietary Rights) Act, 1980; http://www.agriculture.gov.ie/farmingsectors/crops/officeofthecontrollerplantbreedersrights/
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine2011-10-17S.I. No. 455/2011; http://www.agriculture.gov.ie/
Office of the Confidential Recipient2007-04-30S.I. No. 168/2007
Microfinance Ireland2012-09-27Microenterprise Loan Fund Act 2012; http://microfinanceireland.ie/; http://www.sff.ie/; CRO No. 516555
Royal College of Physicians in Ireland1692-12-15Royal charter granted in 1692 replaced previous charter and extended College of Physicians' remit to whole of Ireland, and although modified through other legislation remains the governing document of the College.http://www.rcpi.ie/; Royal College of Physicians Act, 1761; S.I. No. 38/1926; The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (Charter and Letters Patent Amendment) Act, 1979
Tobacco Advisory Committee1934-11-011956-01-01Tobacco Act, 1934; Dáil Éireann - Volume 118 - Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Tobacco Advisory Committee. Wednesday, 7 December 1949
Inspector of Mental Hospitals1845-01-012002-04-05Originally known as the Inspector of Lunatics, the two names were used through the 1920s and 1930s. Officially known as the Inspector of Mental Hospitals from 1 Jan 1947 under the Mental Treatment Act 1945.Central Criminal Lunatic Asylum (Ireland) Act, 1845; http://www.dippam.ac.uk/eppi/documents/12357/eppi_pages/304786; Lunatics Asylums (Ireland) Act, 1875; Mental Treatment Act, 1945; S.I. No. 329/1946; Mental Health Act, 2001; S.I. No. 90/2002; http://lenus.ie/hse/bitstream/10147/250248/1/AnnualReportOfTheInspectorOfMentalHospitals1943.pdf
Victims of Crime Office2008-09-01http://www.victimsofcrimeoffice.ie/; Written answers, Wednesday, 12 February 2014, Department of Justice and Equality - Departmental Bodies
Commission for the Support of Victims of Crime2005-03-01http://www.csvc.ie/; Written answers, Wednesday, 16 October 2013, Department of Justice and Equality, Departmental Funding
Active Citizenship Office2008-01-012009-11-01Set up to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Active Citizenship; Dissolved on the advice of the Report of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure ProgrammesReport of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure Programmes, Volume II: Detailed Papers; Dáil debates - Wednesday, 12 March 2008, Ceisteanna - Questions - Programmes for Government; Written answers, Wednesday, 24 September 2008, Department of An Taoiseach, Task Force on Active Citizenship; Written answers, Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Department of An Taoiseach - Departmental Bodies
Advisory Board for Irish Aid2002-08-012008-10-31Dáil Éireann - Volume 644 - 19 December, 2007, Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies; Written answers, Thursday, 21 January 2010, Department of Foreign Affairs, Departmental Bodies
Irish Aid Advisory Committee1993-01-012002-08-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 644 - 19 December, 2007, Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies
Ireland Newfoundland Partnership2001-04-012009-01-01Written Answers - Ireland Newfoundland Partnership, Tuesday, 2 November 2010, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 720 No. 3; http://web.archive.org/web/20070217141232/http://www.inp.ie/; Report of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure Programmes, Volume II: Detailed Papers
Development Education Advisory Committee 2003-01-012013-09-01Written answers, Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Departmental Bodies Data; http://www.irishaid.ie/about-us/our-organisation/our-advisory-groups/development-education-advisory-committee/; "Deepening Public understanding of International Development: development education strategy plan 2003-2005", Department of Foreign Affairs
Ervia2014-06-20Holding company for Gas Networks Ireland and Irish WaterESB (Electronic Communications Networks) Act 2014; S.I. No. 287/2014
Gas Networks Ireland2014-06-03Gas Regulation Act 2013; S.I. No. 229/2014
Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs2016-07-072017-08-01Creation of new Department by Enda Kenny following election 2016 and minority government. Formerly Department of Arts, Heritage and the GaeltachtCreation: S.I. No. 357/2016; Termination: S.I. No. 350/2017; Dail Debates 6 May 2016 www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2016-05-06/8/ ; www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Culture,_Heritage_and_the_Gaeltacht Note: Name announced by Taoiseach was Rural Development, Rural Affairs, Arts and the Gaeltacht but SI was Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.
Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment2016-07-232020-09-24Creation of new Department to succeed Dept of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. Subsequently replaced by Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. Public broadcasting responsibilities also transferred to new Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media S.I. No. 421/2016; www.dccae.gov.ie ; www.merrionstreet.ie/MerrionStreet/en/News-Room/Speeches/Speech_by_An_Taoiseach_Enda_Kenny_TD_Nomination_of_Members_of_the_Government.html; S.I. No. 373/2020; S.I. No. 372/2020
Sport Ireland2015-10-01Replaced the Irish Sports Council and National Sports Development Authoritywww.sportireland.ie/; Sport Ireland Act 2015
Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government2016-07-232017-08-01Creation of new Department following 2016 General Election. Successor of Department of the Environment, Community and Local GovernmentS.I. No. 394/2016 - Environment, Community and Local Government (Alteration of Name of Department and Title of Minister) Order 2016, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2016/si/394 www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2016-05-06/8/
Transport Infrastructure Ireland2015-08-01Replaced the National Roads Authority and the Railway Procurement Agency www.tii.ie; Roads Act 2015; Roads Act 2015 (Operational Name of National Roads Authority) Order 2015
Optical Registration Board2015-02-06www.coru.ie; Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 41/2015
Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government2017-08-012020-09-30New Department after Leo Varadker takes over as Taoiseach; succeeds Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. Community function formally transferred to Department of Community and Rural Affairs in 2018. Succeeded by Department of Housing, Local Government and HeritageS.I. No. 358/2017 - Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government (Alteration of Name of Department and Title of Minister) Order 2017, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2017/si/358 Also http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2018/si/165/made/en/print; S.I. No. 408/2020
Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht2017-08-012020-09-30New Department following election of Leo Varadkar as Taoiseach; succeeds Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. Rural affairs function formally moves to new Department of Community and Rural Affairs in 2018. Subsequently replaced by Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. Heritage responsibilities also transferred to new Department of Housing, Local Government and HeritageS.I. No. 350/2017 - Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (Alteration of Name of Department and Title of Minister) Order 2017, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2017/si/350; Also http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2018/si/165/made/en/print; S.I. No. 403/2020; S.I. No. 339/2020
Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation2017-09-022020-11-10New Department created following election of Leo Varadkar as Taoiseach, succeeds Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. Subsequently replaced by Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (II)S.I. No. 364/2017, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2017/si/364; S.I. No. 519/2020
Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection2017-09-022020-10-21New Department created to replace Department of Social Protection (I). Subsequently replaced by Department of Social Protection (II). Employment Affairs responsibilities also moved to new Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment S.I. No 366/2017, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2017/si/366; S.I. No. 447/2020; S.I. No. 438/2020
Department of Rural and Community Development2017-07-19Creation of new department, taking Rural Affairs from the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and Community from the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. Islands-related responsibilities transferred to this Department on 23 September 2020Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2017, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2017/act/18 S.I. No. 165/2018 - Community Development (Transfer of Departmental Administration and Ministerial Functions) Order 2018, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2018/si/165 S.I. No. 348/2017 - Charities (Transfer of Departmental Administration and Ministerial Functions) Order 2017, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2017/si/348 S.I. No. 357/2017 - Community Development (Transfer of Departmental Administration and Ministerial Functions) Order 2017, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2017/si/357 S.I. No. 354/2017 - Rural Affairs (Transfer of Departmental Administration and Ministerial Functions) Order 2017, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2017/si/354; S.I. No. 379/2020
Water Safety Ireland2019-02-18Replaced Irish Water SafetyS.I. No. 56/2019; www.watersafety.ie
Competition and Consumer Protection Commission2014-10-31Resulted from a merger of the Competition Authority and Consumer Protection Agencywww.ccpc.ie; Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014; S.I. No. 367/2014 - Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014 (Establishment Day) Order 2014
Workplace Relations Commission2015-10-01New agency created to assume roles and functions of the National Employment Rights Authority, Equality Tribunal, Labour Relations Commission, Rights Commissioners Service and the Employment Appeals Tribunalwww.workplacerelations.ie; Workplace Relations Act 2015; S.I. No. 412/2015 - Workplace Relations Act 2015 (Establishment Day) Order 2015
International Protection Office2016-12-31Replaced the Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner (ORAC)www.ipo.gov.ie; International Protection Act 2015; S.I. No. 661/2016 - International Protection Act 2015 (Establishment Day) Order 2016
International Protection Appeals Tribunal2016-12-31Replaced the Refugee Appeals Tribunal​www.protectionappeals.ie; International Protection Act 2015; S.I. No. 661/2016 - International Protection Act 2015 (Establishment Day) Order 2016
Residential Tenancies Board2016-04-07Replaced the Private Residential Tenancies Board and absorbed functions of the Rent Tribunal. The Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2019 provided the RTB with additional powers to regulate the rental sector, including a new investigations and sanctions unit www.rtb.ie; Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2015; S.I. No. 151/2016; S.I. No. 4/2016; Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2019
Psychologists Registration Board2017-07-21www.coru.ie; Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 324/2017
Medical Scientists Registration Board2016-10-17www.coru.ie; Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 531/2016
Counsellors and Psychotherapists Registration Board2018-11-30www.coru.ie; Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 500/2018
Social Care Workers Registration Board2014-12-01www.coru.ie; Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 518/2014
Podiatrists Registration Board 2018-07-13http:/​/​www.coru.ie; Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 239/2018
Shannon Group plc2014-09-05Shannon Group is a public limited company whose principal activities include the operation, management and development of Shannon Airport, the management and development of the commercial property portfolio held by Shannon Commercial Properties (formerly part of Shannon Development) and the operation of the tourism sites managed by Shannon Heritage. A fourth business unit of the Group is the International Aviation Services Centre (IASC) which is focused on further development of the aviation business cluster in Shannon. www.shannongroup.ie; www.gov.ie; State Airports (Shannon Group) Act 2014; S.I. No. 395/2014; S.I. No. 396/2014
Ireland Strategic Investment Fund2014-12-22ISIF has a statutory mandate to invest on a commercial basis in a manner designed to support economic activity and employment in Ireland. Its predecessor was the National Pensions Reserve Fund (NPRF).www.ntma.ie; www.isif.ie; National Treasury Management Agency (Amendment) Act 2014; S.I. No. 586/2014
Tax Appeals Commission2016-03-21Replaced the Office of the Appeal Commissionerswww.taxappeals.ie; Finance (Tax Appeals) Act 2015; S.I. No. 111/2016
Legal Services Regulatory Authority2016-10-01www.lsra.ie; Legal Services Regulation Act 2015; S.I. No. 507/2016
Climate Change Advisory Council2016-01-18Established under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015, the Climate Change Advisory Council The Climate Change Advisory Council is an independent advisory body tasked with assessing and advising on how Ireland is making the transition to a low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy by 2050. www.climatecouncil.ie; Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015; S.I. No. 25/2016
Policing Authority2016-01-01www.policingauthority.ie; Garda Síochána (Policing Authority and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2015; S.I. No. 611/2015
Garda Síochána Inspectorate2006-07-28www.gsinsp.ie; Garda Síochána Act 2005; S.I. No. 401/2006
Oberstown Children Detention Campus2016-06-01Under the Children (Amendment) Act 2015 child detention schools in the state were amalgamated into one national detention campus. www.oberstown.com; Children (Amendment) Act 2015; S.I. No. 273/2016
Health Products Regulatory Authority2014-07-01Replaced the Irish Medicines Boardwww.hpra.ie; Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Act 2013; S.I. No. 205/2014
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland2012-10-02NMBI replaced An Bord Altranais (Irish Nursing Board)​www.nmbi.ie; Nurses and Midwives Act 2011; S.I. No. 385/2012
Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board2018-01-01Limited liability company that replaced the Turf Club as regulatory body for horseracingwww.ihrb.ie; Horse Racing Ireland Act 2016
Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman2018-01-01Result of merger of the Office of the Pensions Ombudsman and Financial Services Ombudsman Bureau in January 2018www.fspo.ie; Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Act 2017; S.I. No. 524/2017
National Shared Services Office2018-01-01The National Shared Services Office (NSSO) is a Scheduled Body which is a Shared Services provider for HR, pensions and payroll administration for Government Departments and Bodies.www.gov.ie; National Shared Services Office Act 2017; S.I. No. 579/2017
National Rural Water Services Committee2008-12-152018-06-11In June 2018 the National Rural Water Services merged with the Public Water Forum to form The Water ForumWater Services Act 2007; S.I. No. 522/2008; Water Services Act 2017; S.I. No. 193/2018
Public Water Forum2015-05-292018-06-11In June 2018 the Public Water Forum merged with the National Rural Water Services Committee to form The Water ForumWater Services Act 2014; S.I. No. 234/2015; Water Services Act 2017; S.I. No. 193/2018
The Water Forum2018-06-11Created by a merge of the Public Water Forum and National Rural Water Services Committeewww.nationalwaterforum.ie; Water Services Act 2017; S.I. No. 193/2018
Home Building Finance Ireland2018-12-05www.hbfi.ie; Home Building Finance Ireland Act 2018; S.I. No. 518/2018
Office of the Planning Regulator2019-04-03www.opr.ie; Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2018; S.I. No. 133/2019
Hepatitis C Compensation Tribunal1995-12-162002-10-09Established on a non-statutory basis in December 1995, became statutory on 1 November 1997. Replaced by the Hepatitis C and HIV Compensation Tribunal.www.hepccomptrib.com; Hepatitis C Compensation Tribunal Act 1997; S.I. No. 443/1997; Hepatitis C Compensation Tribunal (Amendment) Act 2002; S.I. No. 473/2002
Hepatitis C and HIV Compensation Tribunal2002-10-09Replaced the Hepatitis C Compensation Tribunalwww.hepccomptrib.com; Hepatitis C Compensation Tribunal (Amendment) Act 2002; S.I. No. 473/2002
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 2014-11-01Result of a merger of the Human Rights Commission and the Equality Authoritywww.ihrec.ie; Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014; S.I. No. 450/2014
Charities Regulatory Authority2014-10-16www.charitiesregulator.ie; Charities Act 2009; S.I. No. 456/2014; S.I. No. 457/2014
Charity Appeals Tribunal2016-08-01www.gov.ie/en/organisation-information/672545-charity-appeals-tribunal; Charities Act 2009; S.I. No. 209/2018
Air Accident Investigation Unit2009-12-09www.aaiu.ie; S.I. No. 460/2009
Central Bank of Ireland2010-10-01Replaced the Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland and Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authoritywww.centralbank.ie; Central Bank Reform Act 2010; S.I. No. 469/2010
Social Welfare Tribunal1982-10-05The Social Welfare Tribunal is a statutory tribunal established in 1982 to deal with cases where entitlement to Jobseeker's Benefit or Jobseeker's Allowance is refused due to an involvement in a trade disputewww.welfare.ie/en/Pages/Social-Welfare-Tribunal; Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 1981; Social Welfare (No. 2) Act 1982; S.I. No. 309/1982
Permanent TSB Group Holdings p.l.c2011-07-26In 2011, Permanent TSB p.l.c received significant support from the Irish State in the context of the financial crisis. As a result of these State support measures, the Minister for Finance of Ireland then became the owner of 99.2% of the issued ordinary shares of the Company. In April 2015, this interest reduced to 74.92% following the successful completion of a €400m equity capital raise, an open offer take up for €2m and through the sale by the Minister for Finance of 21.8 million shares.www.permanenttsbgroup.ie; www.permanenttsbgroup.ie/media/press-releases/2011/26-07-2011; www.assets.gov.ie/5907/220119171401-73204346db4a45f9b88b0b4cd64066a7.pdf; www.gov.ie/en/publication/066a28-banks/; Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Act 2010
Children's Health Ireland2018-12-04Children’s Health Ireland was established on 4th December 2018 to take over responsibility for services currently provided by Dublin’s three children’s hospitals and run the new children’s hospital in due course.www.newchildrenshospital.ie/the-project/the-childrens-hospital-group; Children's Health Act 2018; S.I. No. 506/2018
Land Development Agency2018-09-142022-03-31www.lda.ie; S.I. No. 352/2018; S.I. No. 144/2022
Judicial Council2019-12-17Replaced the Interim Judicial Council, established on a non-statutory basis in November 2011. Judicial Council Act 2019; S.I. No. 641/2019
The Interim Judicial Council2011-11-182019-12-17Established on a non-statutory basis in November 2011, replaced by the statutory Judicial Council under the Judicial Council Act 2019www.aji.ie/supports/the-interim-judicial-council/; Judicial Council Act 2019; S.I. No. 641/2019
Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications2020-09-24Replaced Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment S.I. No. 373/2020; https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-the-environment-climate-and-communications/?referrer=http://www.gov.ie/decc/
Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media2020-09-30Replaced Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht S.I. No. 403/2020
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage2020-09-30Replaced Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government; https://www.housing.gov.ie/ S.I. No. 408/2020
Department of Transport (III)2020-09-17Replaced Department of Transport, Tourism and SportS.I. No. 351/2020; https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-transport/
Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science2020-08-02Creation of a new Department which assumed a number of responsibilities within the remit of the prior Department of Education & Skills (as it then was)Ministers and Secretaries and Ministerial, Parliamentary, Judicial and Court Offices (Amendment) Act 2020 (No. 10 of 2020); https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-higher-education-innovation-and-science/
Department of Education (II)2020-10-22Replaced Department of Education and Skills and followed transfer of certain functions to new Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and ScienceS.I. No. 450/2020; https://www.education.ie/en/
Department of Justice (II)2020-11-01Replaced Department of Justice and Equality S.I. No. 452/2020; http://www.justice.ie/
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth2020-10-15Replaced Department of Children and Youth AffairsS.I. No. 437/2020; https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-children-equality-disability-integration-and-youth/
Department of Foreign Affairs (III)2020-09-24Replaced Department of Foreign Affairs and TradeS.I. No. 382/2020; https://www.dfa.ie/
Department of Social Protection (II)2020-10-21Replaced Department of Employment Affairs and Social ProtectionS.I. No. 447/2020; https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-social-protection/
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (II)2020-11-10Replaced Department of Business, Enterprise and InnovationS.I. No. 519/2020; https://www.enterprise.gov.ie/en/
Constituency Commission1997-09-302017-06-27The function of the Constituency Commission is to periodically make reports in relation to the constituencies for the election of members to the Dáil, and/or the election of representatives to the European Parliament. In certain circumstances a European Parliament Constituencies Committee may be formed in lieu of the Constituency Commission. Note: A single ISAD entry is used for this body but it should be noted that the 'start' and 'end' date indicates the period of time in which various separate Constituency Commissions have been intermittently activated and deactivated. Part II of the Electoral Act 1997 (No. 25 of 1997); S.I. No. 374/2016; S.I. No. 396/2011; S.I. No. 174/2007; S.I. No. 292/2003; S.I. No. 393/1997; http://www.constituency-commission.ie/cc/cc-oldreports.html
European Parliament Constituency Committee2013-07-252018-09-24Where 1) a Constituency Commission has presented its latest report and afterwards the total number of members of the European Parliament to be elected in the State specified pursuant under the treaties governing the European Union is different from the total number to which the Constituency Commission had regard in preparing its report; 2) a Constituency Commission is not due to be established and to present a report before the next European Parliament election; then 3) a European Parliament Constituency Committee may be established to do so. Note: A single ISAD entry is used for this body but it should be noted that the 'start' and 'end' date indicates the period of time in which various separate European Parliament Constituency Committees have been intermittently activated and deactivated.Section 5(1A) of the Electoral Act 1997 (No. 25 of 1997); S.I. No. 282/2013; S.I. No. 279/2018; http://www.constituency-commission.ie/ep/ep-index.htm
Teastas1995-09-012001-02-26Teastas (the Irish National Certification Authority) was established on a non-statutory interim basis in September 1995. This was pending the enactment of new legislation formally establishing the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland, FETAC and HETAC, following the 'Teastas report' in 1998https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/1996-10-22/193/?highlight%5B0%5D=teastas&highlight%5B1%5D=teastas; https://www.irishtimes.com/news/education/the-teastas-report-1.128991; Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999 (No. 26 of 1999); S.I. No. 57/2001
Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland2014-09-12The Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) was established in 2014 to avail of both national and international funding for the purpose of making low-cost credit available to Irish small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Credit is provided through on-lending partners who, in turn, lend directly to SMEsStrategic Banking Corporation of Ireland Act 2014 (No 22 of 2014); https://sbci.gov.ie/about-us; https://core.cro.ie/e-commerce/company/582344
Rásaíocht Con Éireann2020-10-01Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI)/ Rásaíocht Con Éireann (RCÉ) (formerly known as the Irish Greyhound Board (IGB)/Bord na gCon) - is a commercial semi-state body responsible for the control and development of the greyhound industry in the Republic of IrelandGreyhound Racing Act 2020 (No. 15 of 2019); S.I. No. 399/2020; https://www.grireland.ie/About-GRI/news/igb-rebrands-to-gri/
National Oversight and Audit Commission2014-07-01The National Oversight & Audit Commission (NOAC) is a statutory body established to oversee the local government sectorSection 126B of the Local Government Act 2001 (No. 37 of 2001); S.I. 297/2014; http://noac.ie/background-functions/
CervicalCheck Tribunal2020-10-21An independent body set up under the CervicalCheck Tribunal Act 2019 to provide an alternative system for dealing with claims arising from CervicalCheckCervicalCheck Tribunal Act 2019 (No. 31 of 2019); S.I. No. 453/2020
Intellectual Property Office of Ireland2019-12-02The Intellectual Property Office of Ireland is the national intellectual property agency, responsible for the administration of Intellectual Property (IP) rights in IrelandSection 42 of the Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Law Provisions Act 2019 (No. 19 of 2019); S.I. No. 586/2019
Approved Housing Bodies Regulatory Authority2021-02-01The general functions of the Approved Housing Bodies Regulatory Authority ('the Regulator') are to: (a) establish and maintain a register of approved housing bodies (AHBs); (b) register persons as AHBs; (c) prepare draft standards for approval by the Minister and publish the approved standards; (d) monitor and assess compliance by AHBs, in particular the approved standards; (e) carry out investigations; (f) protect tenants and AHBs and cancel the registration of AHBs; (g) encourage and facilitate the better governance, administration and management, including corporate governance and financial management, of AHBs by the provision of such information and advice, in such form and manner, as the Regulator considers appropriate; (h) with a view to promoting awareness and understanding, make available such information as appears to the Regulator to be expedient to give to the public; (i) collect such information concerning AHBs as the Regulator considers necessary and appropriate for the purposes of the performance of the Regulator’s functions; and (j) publish such information (including statistical information) concerning AHBs as the Regulator considers appropriateSection 7 of the Housing (Regulation of Approved Housing Bodies) Act 2019 (No. 47 of 2019); S.I. No. 27/2021
Ministry of Home Affairs1922-01-101924-06-02Predated Saorstát Éireann.'Departments of State' referred to in general terms under Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Éireann) Act, 1922. Subsequently replaced by Department of Justice (I) under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)Article 56 and the 'Transitory Provisions' of the Schedule to the Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922 (No. 1 of 1922); http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/An_early_history_of_the_Department; Chubb 1970; https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/#second-dail-2nd-ministry-post-treaty
Ministry of Defence 1922-01-101924-06-02Predated Saorstát Éireann.'Departments of State' referred to in general terms under Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922. Subsequently replaced by Department of Defence under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)Article 56 and the 'Transitory Provisions' of the Schedule to the Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922 (No. 1 of 1922); Chubb 1970; https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/#second-dail-2nd-ministry-post-treaty
Ministry of External Affairs1922-08-301924-06-02Predated Saorstát Éireann.'Departments of State' referred to in general terms under Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922. Subsequently replaced by Department of External Affairs under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)Article 56 and the 'Transitory Provisions' of the Schedule to the Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922 (No. 1 of 1922); Chubb 1970
Ministry of Finance 1922-01-101924-06-02Predated Saorstát Éireann.'Departments of State' referred to in general terms under Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922. Subsequently replaced by Department of Finance under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)Article 56 and the 'Transitory Provisions' of the Schedule to the Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922 (No. 1 of 1922); Chubb 1970; https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/#second-dail-2nd-ministry-post-treaty
Ministry of Industry and Commerce 1922-09-091924-06-02Predated Saorstát Éireann.'Departments of State' referred to in general terms under Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922. Subsequently replaced by Department of Industry and Commerce (I) under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)Article 56 and the 'Transitory Provisions' of the Schedule to the Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922 (No. 1 of 1922); Chubb 1970
Ministry of Agriculture 1922-01-111924-06-02Predated Saorstát Éireann.'Departments of State' referred to in general terms under Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922. Subsequently replaced by Department of Lands and Agriculture under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)Article 56 and the 'Transitory Provisions' of the Schedule to the Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922 (No. 1 of 1922); Chubb 1970; https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/
Ministry of Fisheries 1922-12-141924-06-02Existed intermittently prior to Saorstát Éireann.'Departments of State' referred to in general terms under Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922. Subsequently replaced by Department of Fisheries (I) under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)Article 56 and the 'Transitory Provisions' of the Schedule to the Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922 (No. 1 of 1922); Chubb 1970
Ministry of Education1922-01-111924-06-02Predated Saorstát Éireann.'Departments of State' referred to in general terms under Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922. Subsequently replaced by Department of Education (I) under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)Article 56 and the 'Transitory Provisions' of the Schedule to the Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922 (No. 1 of 1922); Chubb 1970; https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/
Ministry of Local Government 1922-01-101924-06-02Predated Saorstát Éireann.'Departments of State' referred to in general terms under Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922. Subsequently replaced by Department of Local Government and Public Health under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)Article 56 and the 'Transitory Provisions' of the Schedule to the Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922 (No. 1 of 1922); Chubb 1970; https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/#second-dail-2nd-ministry-post-treaty
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1922-01-101922-09-09Replaced by Ministry of External Affairs (1922)Chubb 1970; https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/#second-dail-2nd-ministry-post-treaty
Ministry of Labour1922-01-111922-09-09May also have incorporated the 'trade and commerce' portfolio for a time. Subsumed into new Ministry of Industry and Commerce from September 1922 Chubb 1970; https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/
Ministry of Economic Affairs1922-01-101922-09-09Appears to have been subsumed into new Ministry of Industry and Commerce from September 1922Chubb 1970; https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/#second-dail-2nd-ministry-post-treaty
Ministry for Publicity1922-01-111922-09-09Ministry seemingly discontinued from September 1922Chubb 1970; https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/
Office of the President of the Executive Council1922-12-061924-06-02An Office of the President of the Executive Council existed prior to the establishment of a Department of the President of the Executive Council in June 1924Chubb 1970; Comptroller and Auditor General Appropriation Report 1923-1924: https://www.audit.gov.ie/en/find-report/publications/appropriation%20accounts/appropriation-accounts-1923-24.pdf
Office of the Chairman of the Provisional Government1922-01-101922-12-06An Office of the Chairman of the Provisional Government is assumed to have preceded the Office of the President of the Executive Council, the position created under the Saorstát Constitution effective 6 December 1922Chubb 1970
Ministry of Trade 1922-01-111922-09-09Appears to have been subsumed into a new Ministry of Industry and Commerce from September 1922https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/
Office of the Postmaster General1922-04-221924-06-02Replaced by the Department of Posts and Telegraphs under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)Chubb 1970; Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)
Office of the Law Officer 1922-01-101922-09-09Hugh Kennedy was the first Law Officer, serving under the Provisional Government and, later, as Attorney General Chubb 1970
Office of the Attorney General (I)1922-09-091924-06-02Replaced the previous position of Law Officer. Hugh Kennedy continued in post as Attorney GeneralChubb 1970
Royal Veterinary College of Ireland1900-01-011977-01-01Incorporated by Royal Charter and began its work in October 1900. Following the withdrawal of the Department of Agriculture as a direct employing agency in 1960, two separate veterinary schools were run by UCD and TCD at the Ballsbridge site and this continued until 1977 when the two schools were merged and fully incorporated into UCD and the college ceased to be a separate entityhttps://www.ucd.ie/archives/collections/universityarchives/items/collectionname,235378,en.html#accordion1
Office of the Registrar of District Court Clerks1922-04-011926-09-01Replaced the Office of the Registrar of Petty Sessions Clerks and was abolished in 1926District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923); Section 50 of the Court Officers Act 1926 (No. 27 of 1926)
Post Office Savings Bank 1861-05-17Established in 1861, originally to facilitate small savings backed by the Government. Certain functions now delegated to the National Treasury Management Agency, with continuation of Post Office Savings Bank legislationPost Office Savings Bank Act 1861; https://www.anpost.com/Money/State-Savings
Metropolitan School of Art 1877-01-011936-01-01The origins of the College date from 1746 when Robert West had a private drawing school in George's Lane, Dublin, which was taken over by the Dublin Society (later the RDS). From 1854 the institution was controlled by the Department of Science and Art, London. In 1877 it was renamed The Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. The Department of Education took control in 1924, and twelve years later it became the National College of Arthttps://www.ncad.ie/about/
National College of Art1936-01-011971-12-01The origins of the College date from 1746 when Robert West had a private drawing school in George's Lane, Dublin, which was taken over by the Dublin Society (later the RDS). From 1854 the institution was controlled by the Department of Science and Art, London. In 1877 it was renamed The Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. The Department of Education took control in 1924, and twelve years later it became the National College of Art. In 1972 the National College of Art and Design was established under an Act of the Oireachtashttps://www.ncad.ie/about/
National College of Art and Design1971-12-01The origins of the College date from 1746 when Robert West had a private drawing school in George's Lane, Dublin, which was taken over by the Dublin Society (later the RDS). From 1854 the institution was controlled by the Department of Science and Art, London. In 1877 it was renamed The Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. The Department of Education took control in 1924, and twelve years later it became the National College of Art. On 1 May 1972 the National College of Art and Design was established under an Act of the Oireachtas passed on 1 December 1971https://www.ncad.ie/about/; National College of Art and Design Act 1971 (No. 28 of 1971); S.I. No. 108/1972
Royal College of Science for Ireland1867-01-011926-01-01An institute for higher education in Dublin which existed from 1867 to 1926, specialising in physical sciences and applied science. It was originally based on St. Stephen's Green, moving in 1911 to a purpose-built "Royal College of Science" building on Merrion Street. In 1926 it was absorbed into University College Dublin (UCD) as the faculty of Science and Engineering.https://www.ucd.ie/merrionstreet/rcsci.html
Museum of Irish Industry1854-01-011866-01-01A museum dedicated to the exhibition of the various, display-worthy materials from, and donated by, the industries of mining and manufacturing established in Ireland. In addition, the museum gave lectures on the subject, and related subject matters, to thhttps://web.archive.org/web/20120306001947/http://www.ucd.ie/archives/html/university/mii.htm; https://web.archive.org/web/20050331014146/http://www.bopcris.ac.uk/eppi/ref12709.html
Electricity Commissioners1919-12-231924-06-19The Electricity Commissioners was established ‘to promote, regulate and supervise the supply of electricity’ under the direction of the Board of Trade. It provided for the formation of electricity districts and, where necessary, the establishment of joint electricity authorities, ‘to provide or secure the provision of a cheap and abundant supply of electricity’Electricity (Supply) Act 1919 (9 & 10 Geo. 5. c. 100); Electricity Commissioners (Transfer of Functions) Order 1924 (No. 7 of 1924)
National Education Board1831-10-011923-08-16The National Education Board was established in 1831 for the purpose of administering a fund placed at the disposal of the Lord Lieutenant for the education of the poor in Ireland. Their powers were based on a set of instructions drawn up by Chief Secretary Stanley and were not defined in any enactmenthttps://irelandxo.com/ireland-xo/history-and-genealogy/timeline/board-commissioners-national-education-formed; National Education Commissioners Order, 1923 (S.I. No. 10/1923)
Intermediate Education Commissioners1923-01-011925-03-31Replaced the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland. The statutory objective of the Commissioners was to promote intermediate secular education in Ireland, using funds at their disposalIntermediate Education Commission Order, 1923 (S.I. No 7/1923); The Intermediate Education Commissioners (Transfer of Functions) Order, 1925 (S.I. No. 17/1925); The Intermediate Education Commissioners (Statutory Funds Winding-Up) Order, 1925 (S.I. No. 18/1925)
Intermediate Education Board for Ireland1878-08-161923-01-01The statutory objective of the Board was to promote intermediate secular education in Ireland, using funds at their disposal. Replaced by the Intermediate Education Commissioners in 1923Intermediate Education (Ireland) Act 1878; Intermediate Education Commission Order, 1923 (S.I. No. 7/1923)
National Education Commissioners1923-08-161935-08-02The National Education Commissioners replaced the previous National Educational Board and was subsequently absorbed into the Department of EducationNational Education Commissioners Order, 1923 (S.I. No. 10/1923); National Education Commissioners (Transfer of Functions) Order 1935 (S.I. 264/1935)
Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools1909-04-012007-03-01The Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools was a Ministerial appointee mandated to inspect 'certified schools' under the Children Act 1908. The position likely fell into abeyance by c. 2000, following closure of the remaining certified schools in the late 1990s. The 1908 Act itself (including the inspector provisions) was fully repealed in 2007Children Act 1908 (8 Edw. 7. c. 67) https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1908/67/pdfs/ukpga_19080067_en.pdf; Schedule 2 of the Children Act 2001 (No. 24 of 2001); Children Act 2001 (Commencement) Order 2007 (S.I. No. 64/2007); http://www.childabusecommission.ie/
Local Government Board for Ireland1872-08-101924-06-02The Local Government Board for Ireland took over the functions of the Irish Poor Law Commissioners with respect to Boards of Guardians of Poor Law Unions, and also dealt with urban municipal government (town commissioners and borough corporations). The Board continued for a time post-independence, though its personnel and functions were moved to other parts of the Government administration. The Board's functions appear to have been formally subsumed into the Department of Local Government and Public Health by 1924Local Government Board (Ireland) Act 1872; Third Part of the Schedule to the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924); Mary E. Daly, 'The Buffer State: The Historical Roots of the Department of the Environment' (Institute of Public Administration, 1997)
Board of Trade 1861-01-011924-06-02Existed under various guises and officially known as the Board of Trade from 1861. The Board would evolve gradually into a government department with considerable power and a diverse range of functions, including regulation of domestic and foreign commerce, the development, implementation and interpretation of the Acts of Trade and Navigation, and the review and acceptance of legislation passed in the colonies. Powers conferred on the Board under certain legislation applicable to Ireland continued to apply post-independence but were effectively exercised by the Minister for Industry and Commerce. The Board's functions in Ireland are assumed to have been formally absorbed by the Department of Industry and Commerce by 1924https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110203025220/http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/catalogue/displaycataloguedetails.asp?CATLN=1&CATID=38&SearchInit=4&SearchType=6&CATREF=BT; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Trade; Companies Acts, 1908 To 1917 (S.I. No. 12/1923); Sixth Part of the Schedule to the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)
Office of the Paymaster General1861-01-01The Office of the Paymaster General, including its Ireland-related functions, was formed in 1861 with the merger of a number of pre-existing offices, including the Paymaster of the Civil Service in Ireland. The Office continued in being post-independence. The Office has two operational arms: one provides a banking service to Departments and Offices while the other pays pensions on an agency basis to certain retired civil servants, office holders and VEC staff. The Office is administered from within the Department of Finance https://www.thegazette.co.uk/Belfast/issue/39/page/379; First Part of the Schedule to the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924); https://www.kildarestreet.com/wrans/?id=2012-01-31.867.0
Hospitals Trust (1940) Limited1940-01-011987-03-01The Irish Hospital Sweepstakes was established in 1930 and was promoted by a private company, Hospitals' Trust (1940) Limited, in pursuance of a 'standing agreement' with a sweepstake committee appointed by the governing bodies of various hospitals. The Hospitals' Trust Fund was used to channel the net proceeds of the sweepstakes to hospitals for capital purposes. Statutory responsibility for the Hospitals' Trust Fund was with the Minister for Health and that for the running of the sweepstakes by Hospitals' Trust (1940) Limited with the Minister for Justice. The company's operations were opaque in certain respects. It went into voluntary liquidation in 1987, having failed to secure the contract for the new National LotteryPublic Hospitals Act 1933 (No. 18 of 1933); Public Hospitals (Amendment) Act 1990 (No. 30 of 1990); https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2000-06-29/27/?highlight%5B0%5D=hospitals&highlight%5B1%5D=trust&highlight%5B2%5D=1940; https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/follow-the-money-the-hidden-tale-of-greed-behind-the-first-irish-hospitals-sweepstakes-and-where-those-millions-went-39748023.html; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Hospitals%27_Sweepstake
Inspectorate of Factories 1901-01-011956-10-01The Inspectors of Factories were appointed under the Factory and Workshop Act 1901. The Chief and District Inspector were vested with statutory powers specified under the Act. Their post-independence remit included health and safety, as well as wage-related, compliance. Upon independence, the Irish inspectors are assumed to have initially transferred to the Ministry of Labour and later to Industry and Commerce. The Factories Inspectorate was administratively merged with the Mines and Quarries Inspectorate, creating the Industrial Inspectorate, by 1971Factory and Workshop Act 1901 (1 Edw. VII, c. 22); Factories Act 1955 (No. 10 of 1955); S.I. No. 160/1956; http://www.tara.tcd.ie/bitstream/handle/2262/4520/jssisiVolXv45_53.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y; Houses of the Oireachtas Library, Annual Report of the Industrial Inspectorate for 1 June 1970 to 31 December 1971
Industrial Inspectorate1956-10-011989-11-01An administrative merger of the Factories Inspectorate and the Quarries and Mines Inspectorate by 1971 created a new regime for industrial, particularly health and safety, inspections. This was administered by an Industrial Inspectorate in the Department of Labour. Functions subsequently assumed by the National Authority for Occupational Safety and HealthFactories Act 1955 (No. 10 of 1955); Mines and Quarries Act 1965 (No. 7 of 1965); S.I. No. 73/1970; Annual Reports of the Industrial Inspectorate, Houses of the Oireachtas Library; Section 4 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989 (No. 7 of 1989); S.I. No. 236/1989
The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland 1839-01-01The Royal Institute of the Architects was founded by royal charter in 1839. It is the public competent authority and professional body for architects in Irelandhttps://www.riai.ie/the-riai/about-the-riai; Building Control Act 2007 (No. 21 of 2007); S.I. No. 50/2008
The Future of Media Commission2020-09-012022-07-12The Future of Media Commission was set up by the Government in September 2020 to examine the future of the media in Ireland. This includes Ireland’s public service broadcasters, commercial broadcasters, print and online media platforms. The Commission published its report in July 2022https://futureofmediacommission.ie/; https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/ccae8-report-of-the-future-of-media-commission/#:~:text=Established%20by%20Government%20in%20September,of%20delivering%20public%20service%20aims.
Technological University Dublin2019-01-01Technological University Dublin was an amalgamation of the prior Dublin Institute of Technology with the Institutes of Technology Blanchardstown and TallaghtTechnological Universities Act 2018 (No. 3 of 2018); S.I. No 437/2018
Munster Technological University 2021-01-01Munster Technological University was an amalgamation of the prior Cork and Tralee Institutes of Technology Technological Universities Act 2018 (No. 3 of 2018); S.I. No. 568/2020
Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest2021-10-01Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest was an amalgamation of the prior Athlone and Limerick Institutes of Technology Technological Universities Act 2018 (No. 3 of 2018); S.I. No. 360/2021
The Railway and Canal (Extension of Time) Commission1923-02-051924-07-23The Railway and Canal (Extension of Time) Commission was a transitional body established to perform specific land-related functions under the pre-independence Defence of the Realm (Acquisition of Land) Act 1916. The establishment of a body was deemed necessary for this purpose, as the Railway and Canal Commission had ceased to have authority in Saorstát ÉireannS.I. No. 1/1923; Defence of the Realm (Acquisition of Land) Act 1916 (6 & 7 Geo. V., ch. 63); section 23 of the Railways Act 1924 (No. 29 of 1924); https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/seanad/1923-02-14/6/?highlight%5B0%5D=railway&highlight%5B1%5D=railway
Light Railway Commissioners1896-08-141923-06-02The Light Railways Commission was established for the purpose of facilitating the construction and working of light railways. It later assumed related functions, for example advising on charges for tramway undertakingsLight Railways Act 1896 (59 & 60 Vict.) Ch. 48; Tramways (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920 (10 & 11 Geo. 5.) Ch. 14
The Light Railway Commission1923-06-021945-01-01The Light Railway Commission was established to exercise in Saorstát Éireann the functions which were previously exercised by the Light Railway Commissioners under Section 2 of the Tramways (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920. This transitional body is assumed to have fallen away upon the enactment of the Transport Act 1944, which repealed the 1920 ActS.I. No. 6/1923; Transport Act 1944 (No. 21 of 1944)
General Nursing Council1923-06-221951-06-07The General Nursing Council was established to take over the functions of the previous General Nursing Council for Ireland. It was subsequently merged into An Bord Altranais S.I. No. 8/1923; Nurses Act, 1950 (No. 27 of 1950)
Central Midwives Board (I)1923-06-221947-01-01The Central Midwives Board (I) replaced the previous Central Midwives Board for Ireland. It was subsequently replaced by the Central Midwives Board (II)S.I. No. 9/1923; Nurses Act 1944 (No. 10 of 1944)
Land Development Agency (II)2022-03-31The Land Development Agency (II) is the successor to the prior Land Development Agency, reconstituted and conferred with expanded functions Land Development Agency Act 2021 (No. 26 of 2021); S.I. No. 143/2022
Atlantic Technological University 2022-04-01Atlantic Technological University amalgamated the previous institutes of technology of Galway-Mayo, Letterkenny and Sligo. St Angela's College, Sligo, was also incorporated laterTechnological Universities Act 2018 (No. 3 of 2018); S.I. No. 56/2022; S.I. No. 356/2023
South East Technological University2022-05-01South East Technological University amalgamated the previous Waterford and Carlow Institutes of TechnologyTechnological Universities Act 2018 (No. 3 of 2018); S.I. No. 175/2022
Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland1900-01-011931-04-01The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland was established as a separate department for Ireland prior to 1922, the functions of which continued for a period following independence. This body had a broad mandate with respect to the development of agriculture and industry, encompassing educational, regulatory, funding and statistical functions. Certain functions of this body were transferred to the Department of Lands in 1924 and Education and Fisheries in 1927. This body was dissolved in 1931 and its remaining functions transferred to the Departments of Agriculture and Industry and CommerceAgriculture and Technical Instruction (Ireland) Act 1899 (62 & 63 Vict.), Ch. 50; Agriculture Act 1931 (No. 8 of 1931)
Rates Advisory Committee 1925-03-021944-12-08A Rates Advisory Committee was established to perform certain advisory functions for charges, rates etc. pertaining to harbours, docks and piers under pre-independence legislation carried forward. It is assumed this body ceased to exist following enactment of the Transport Act 1944 and associated legislative repealsS.I. No. 11/1925; Harbours, Docks, and Piers (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920 (10 & 11 Geo. 5.), ch. 21
Office of Arms 1552-02-021943-04-01The Office of Arms was Ireland's oldest Office of State, formally established in the 16th century to perform heraldic and genealogical functions. The Office was peculiar in that it retained a direct link to the British Crown through its officeholder until 1943, when it was transferred to the Irish public administrationS. Hood, 'Royal Roots, Republican Inheritance: The Survival of the Office of Arms' (2002, Woodfield Press) ('Hood')
Corporate Enforcement Authority2022-07-07The Corporate Enforcement Authority's functions include: promoting compliance with company law; investigating instances of suspected breaches of company law; taking appropriate enforcement action in response to identified breaches of company law; supervising the activities of liquidators of insolvent companies; and operating a regime of restriction and disqualification undertakings in respect of directors of insolvent companies. The CEA replaced the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcementhttps://cea.gov.ie/en-ie/About; Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Act 2021 (No. 48 of 2021); S.I. No. 337/2022
The Irish Sailors and Soldiers Land Trust1923-07-161987-01-01The Irish Sailors and Soldiers Land Trust was a body established under the Irish Free State (Consequential Provisions) Act, 1922 (UK). This body was tasked with 'providing in Ireland cottages, with or without plots or gardens, for the accommodation of men who served in any of His Majesty's naval, military, or air forces in the late war, and for other purposes incidental thereto'. The Saorstát Éireann Land Trust Powers Act 1923 enabled the Trust, subject to certain conditions, to 'acquire and hold land in Saorstát Eireann and such other powers as may be necessary to enable the Trust to carry out in Saorstát Eireann the purposes of [the UK legislation]'. Under the UK legislation, the Trust was comprised of 5 members, 3 of whom were appointed by a British Secretary of State, 1 of whom was appointed by the President of the Executive Council of Saorstát Éireann and 1 of whom was appointed by the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland. A winding up the Trust appears to have been carried out in 1987 and excess monies were divided between the Governments. Irish Free State (Consequential Provisions) Act, 1922(13 Geo. 5 Session 2), Ch. 2; Land Trust Powers Act 1923 (No. 25 of 1923); Irish Sailors and Soldiers Land Trust Act 1987, ch. 48; Irish Sailors and Soldiers Land Trust Act 1988 (No. 33 of 1988)
Mines and Quarries Inspectorate1894-08-251970-01-01An inspectorate responsible for mines and quarries was established in 1894. This built on an inspectorate previously responsible for mines only. Upon independence, the Irish inspectors are assumed to have initially transferred to the Ministry of Labour and later to Industry and Commerce. Reference is made to the pre-independence legislation in the Mines and Quarries Act 1965 (No. 7 of 1965). The Mines and Quarries Inspectorate was administratively merged with the Inspectorate of Factories to form the Industrial Inspectorate by 1971Quarries Act, 1894 (57 & 58 Vict.), Ch 42; Metalliferous Mines Regulation Act, 1872 (35 & 36 Vict.), Ch. 77; Mines and Quarries Act, 1965 (No. 7 of 1965); Houses of the Oireachtas Library, Annual Report of the Industrial Inspectorate for 1 June 1970 to 31 December 1971
Electoral Commission2023-02-09The Electoral Commission was established to fulfil a broad range of functions in relation to elections, referenda and the political system, including the regulation of online political advertising. It replaced the Referendum CommissionElectoral Commission Act 2022 (No. 30 of 2022); S.I. No. 31/2023
Irish Air Navigation Service2023-05-01The Irish Air Navigation Service was established to perform a number of functions with respect to the operation and management of air navigation in Irish and other airspace. The IANS assumed certain functions of the Irish Aviation Authority Part 2 of the Air Navigation and Transport Act 2022 (No. 40 of 2022); S.I. No. 218/2023; https://core.cro.ie/e-commerce/company/5035589
Tailte Éireann2023-03-01Tailte Éireann is responsible for providing an authoritative property registration system, national mapping and surveying infrastructure and property valuation services for the State. As such, it is the primary national source of property information and geo-spatial data. Tailte Éireann merged the functions of the previous Property Registration Authority, Ordnance Survey Ireland and the Valuation OfficeTailte Éireann Act 2022 (No. 50 of 2022); S.I. No. 58/2023; https://www.valoff.ie/en/about-us/tailte-eireann/
Coimisiún na Meán2023-03-15Coimisiún na Meán assumed the functions of the prior Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. It has also been mandated to establish a regulatory framework for online safety, to update the regulation of television broadcasting and video on-demand. It will also facilitate the transposition of relevant EU directives into Irish lawOnline Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022 (No. 41 of 2022); Broadcasting Act 2009 (No. 18 of 2009) (as amended); S.I. No. 72/2023; https://www.cnam.ie/about-us/
Office of Director of Authorised Intervention, Tuam2023-03-20The Office of Director of Authorised Intervention, Tuam, is mandated to, inter alia, arrange for the forensic excavation and recovery of human remains buried in a manifestly inappropriate manner and to make final arrangements for human remains recovered. The establishment of this Office relates, in particular, to inappropriate historic burials of childrens' remains on the grounds of a Mother and Baby Home at Tuam, County GalwayMinisterial Order under section 9(1) of the Institutional Burials Act 2022 (No. 18 of 2022)
Office of the Registrar of Petty Sessions Clerks1858-08-021923-03-27The Office of the Registrar of Petty Sessions Clerks was responsible for regulating, in particular, the fees payable to clerks appointed by judges of lower courts, known as Petty Sessions. The Registrar was previously known as the Clerk of Fines and Penalties. Replaced by the Office of the Registrar of District Court Clerks in 1923Petty Sessions Clerk (Ireland) Act, 1858 (c. 100); District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923)
North-Eastern Boundary Bureau1922-10-021925-12-03The North-Eastern Boundary Bureau, or Boundary Bureau, was established pursuant to a minute of the Irish Free State Provisional Government authorising the Assistant Law Adviser to the Provisional Government to take all necessary steps for the collection and compilation of data in connection with possible future hearings before the Boundary Commission. The Bureau was wound up following the suspension of the Boundary CommissionNational Archives of Ireland
Maritime Area Regulatory Authority 2023-07-17MARA administers a streamlined consenting system for the maritime area, including: Assessing Maritime Area Consent (MAC) applications for the maritime area, which are required by developers before development permission can be granted; granting marine licencing for specified activities; compliance and enforcement of MACs; licenses and offshore development consents; investigations and prosecutions; administration of the existing Foreshore consent portfolio; and fostering & promoting co-operation between regulators of the maritime area.Maritime Area Planning Act 2021 (No. 50 of 2021); S.I. No. 369/2023; https://www.maritimeregulator.ie/
An Rialálaí Agraibhia2023-12-13An Rialálaí Agraibhia has two main functions: a price and market analysis and reporting function, and a regulatory enforcement function concerning the enforcement of prohibited unfair trading practicesAgricultural and Food Supply Chain Act 2023 (No. 19 of 2023); https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/49ccd-minister-mcconalogue-announces-the-ceo-designate-for-an-rialalai-agraibhia/
Office of the Chief Deciding Officer of the Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme2024-03-04The Chief Deciding Officer is mandated to make determinations relating to payment eligibility and related matters under the Mother and Baby Institutions Payment SchemeMother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Act 2023 (No. 20 of 2023); S.I. No. 67/2024; S.I. No. 68/2024
An Ghníomhaireacht um Fhoréigean Baile, Gnéasach agus Inscnebhunaithe2024-01-01Cuan is tasked with planning, coordinating and monitoring the development of refuge accommodation for victims of domestic, sexual or gender-based violence, and to perform related functionsDomestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Act 2023 (No. 31 of 2023); S.I. No. 668/2023; https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/1da52-minister-mcentee-opens-cuan-the-new-statutory-domestic-sexual-and-gender-based-violence-agency/
Taighde Éireann2024-08-01Taighde Éireann – Research Ireland promotes and supports the contribution of research and innovation to Ireland’s economic, social, cultural, and environmental development and sustainability, as well as strengthens the engagement between the research and innovation system and enterprise, Government and public bodies, the voluntary sector and society. It amalgamates the functions previously performed by the Irish Research Council and Science Foundation IrelandS.I. No. 375/2024; https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/e0f96-minister-odonovan-announces-establishment-of-taighde-eireann-research-ireland/