Unit Information

‘Units’ in this database are national-level organisations which perform public functions under public authority. These include government departments, agencies, and commercial state-owned enterprises. For further details on the types of organisations included in the database, see the what we have done and why document.

Units can be searched by name, legal form, function, policy area, or date. On each unit’s page, information is available including dates of activity, alternate names, relevant legislation, related units, related events. and also data on characteristics such as legal form, policy area, function, accountability mechanisms, location, and parent bodies. For further details on the data recorded about each unit, see the Codebook

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35 results

National Drugs Advisory Board1966-07-121996-01-01Replaced by Irish Medicines BoardMcGauran et al. 2005; The Statutory Instrument No.163 of 1966; Statutory Instrument No. 291 of 1987; Statutory Instrument No.335 of 1980; Irish Medicines Board Act, 1995
National Archives1988-06-01Took over the functions previously performed by the State Paper Office (1702) and the Public Record Office of Ireland (1867)http://www.nationalarchives.ie/; The National Archives Act 1986
Córas Beostoic agus Feola 1979-10-011994-12-01Created from dissolution of Córas Beostoic agus Feola Teoranta in 1979; Death by merge to form An Bord Bia 1994Córas Beostoic agus Feola Act 1979; An Bord Bia Act 1994
Environmental Information Service1990-09-012009-09-04Office and Information Centre closed in 2009, website maintained by the Library CouncilMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.enfo.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 13 February, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland1992-04-012014-07-30RPI absorbed into EPAMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.rpii.ie/; Radiological Protection Act 1991; Radiological Protection (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2014
Referendum Commission1998-03-022023-02-09Under the Referendum Act 2001 lost its function to put the arguments for and against referendum proposals. Main function at the moment: to explain the subject matter of referendum proposals, to promote public awareness and to encourage the electorate to vote at the poll. Replaced by the Electoral Commission McGauran et al. 2005; Referendum Act 1998; Referendum (Amendment) Act 2001; http://www.refcom.ie/; Electoral Reform Act 2022 (No. 30 of 2022); S.I. No. 32/2023
Safe Food - Food Safety Promotion Board1999-12-02McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.safefoodonline.com/; British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; the North-South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999
Comhairle2000-06-122007-03-30Became Citizens Information Board in 2007Comhairle Act, 2000; Citizens Information Act 2007; S.I. No. 141/2007
An Foras Forbartha Teoranta1964-03-261993-08-01Operated in partnership with UN first 5 yrs. Absorbed by research unit of Environmental Protection Agency in 1993Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992; S.I. No. 215/1993
Road Safety Authority2006-09-01Road Safety Authority Act 2006; http://www.rsa.ie/
Citizens Information Board2007-02-21Formerly known as the National Social Services Board (1984-2000) and Comhairle (2000-2007)Citizens Information Act 2007; http://www.citizensinformationboard.ie/
National Consumer Agency2007-05-012014-10-31Prior to 2007 was known as the Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs (est. in 1978), merged with Competition Authority in 2014 to create the Competition and Consumer Protection Commissionhttp://www.consumerconnect.ie/; Consumer Protection Act 2007; Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014
National Social Service Board (II)1984-07-192000-06-12Replaced by ComhairleNational Social Service Board Act, 1984; S.I. No. 185/1984; S.I. No. 19/1988; Comhairle Act, 2000
National Social Service Board (I)1981-06-011982-12-08Replaced the National Social Service Council; Replaced by National Community Development AgencyNational Community Development Agency Act, 1982; Dáil Éireann - Volume 347 - 25 January, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Seanad Éireann - Volume 103 - 22 February, 1984; Dáil Éireann - Volume 335 - 01 June, 1982--Return to Writ: Dublin West. - National Community Development Agency Bill, 1982: Second Stage
National Social Service Council1971-10-011981-06-01Replaced by the National Social Service BoardDáil Éireann - Volume 347 - 25 January, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Seanad Éireann - Volume 103 - 22 February, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Dáil Éireann - Volume 335 - 01 June, 1982--Return to Writ: Dublin West. - National Community Development Agency Bill, 1982: Second Stage
Institute of Public Administration1957-11-06Became a company limited by guarantee on 31/12/1963; also became a recognised college of the National University of Ireland in 2002 McGauran et al. 2005; www.ipa.ie; 'Improving Public Administration' The Irish Press, 2 November 1957
Institute of Public Health in Ireland1999-11-22CRO lists creation date as 01/10/2002McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.publichealth.ie/; Press release Dept of Health & Children (22/11/99)
National Dairy Publicity Council1964-06-181973-01-01The Council changed from a semi-state body to an industry-financed organisation in 1973 subsequent to Ireland joining the EEC.Dáil Éireann - Volume 226 - 15 February, 1967--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies; http://www.ndc.ie/about/history.asp
Irish Water Safety2006-06-262019-02-18Replaced the Irish Water Safety Association, replaced by Water Safety IrelandS.I. No. 389 of 2006; http://www.iws.ie/; S.I. No. 56/2019; www.watersafety.ie
Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment2016-07-232020-09-24Creation of new Department to succeed Dept of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. Subsequently replaced by Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. Public broadcasting responsibilities also transferred to new Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media S.I. No. 421/2016; www.dccae.gov.ie ; www.merrionstreet.ie/MerrionStreet/en/News-Room/Speeches/Speech_by_An_Taoiseach_Enda_Kenny_TD_Nomination_of_Members_of_the_Government.html; S.I. No. 373/2020; S.I. No. 372/2020
Water Safety Ireland2019-02-18Replaced Irish Water SafetyS.I. No. 56/2019; www.watersafety.ie
Competition and Consumer Protection Commission2014-10-31Resulted from a merger of the Competition Authority and Consumer Protection Agencywww.ccpc.ie; Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014; S.I. No. 367/2014 - Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014 (Establishment Day) Order 2014
Office of the Planning Regulator2019-04-03www.opr.ie; Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2018; S.I. No. 133/2019
Air Accident Investigation Unit2009-12-09www.aaiu.ie; S.I. No. 460/2009
Approved Housing Bodies Regulatory Authority2021-02-01The general functions of the Approved Housing Bodies Regulatory Authority ('the Regulator') are to: (a) establish and maintain a register of approved housing bodies (AHBs); (b) register persons as AHBs; (c) prepare draft standards for approval by the Minister and publish the approved standards; (d) monitor and assess compliance by AHBs, in particular the approved standards; (e) carry out investigations; (f) protect tenants and AHBs and cancel the registration of AHBs; (g) encourage and facilitate the better governance, administration and management, including corporate governance and financial management, of AHBs by the provision of such information and advice, in such form and manner, as the Regulator considers appropriate; (h) with a view to promoting awareness and understanding, make available such information as appears to the Regulator to be expedient to give to the public; (i) collect such information concerning AHBs as the Regulator considers necessary and appropriate for the purposes of the performance of the Regulator’s functions; and (j) publish such information (including statistical information) concerning AHBs as the Regulator considers appropriateSection 7 of the Housing (Regulation of Approved Housing Bodies) Act 2019 (No. 47 of 2019); S.I. No. 27/2021
Ministry for Publicity1922-01-111922-09-09Ministry seemingly discontinued from September 1922Chubb 1970; https://www.gov.ie/ga/foilsiuchan/99eec5-second-dail/
Office of the Postmaster General1922-04-221924-06-02Replaced by the Department of Posts and Telegraphs under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)Chubb 1970; Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)
Electoral Commission2023-02-09The Electoral Commission was established to fulfil a broad range of functions in relation to elections, referenda and the political system, including the regulation of online political advertising. It replaced the Referendum CommissionElectoral Commission Act 2022 (No. 30 of 2022); S.I. No. 31/2023
Tailte Éireann2023-03-01Tailte Éireann is responsible for providing an authoritative property registration system, national mapping and surveying infrastructure and property valuation services for the State. As such, it is the primary national source of property information and geo-spatial data. Tailte Éireann merged the functions of the previous Property Registration Authority, Ordnance Survey Ireland and the Valuation OfficeTailte Éireann Act 2022 (No. 50 of 2022); S.I. No. 58/2023; https://www.valoff.ie/en/about-us/tailte-eireann/
Coimisiún na Meán2023-03-15Coimisiún na Meán assumed the functions of the prior Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. It has also been mandated to establish a regulatory framework for online safety, to update the regulation of television broadcasting and video on-demand. It will also facilitate the transposition of relevant EU directives into Irish lawOnline Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022 (No. 41 of 2022); Broadcasting Act 2009 (No. 18 of 2009) (as amended); S.I. No. 72/2023; https://www.cnam.ie/about-us/
North-Eastern Boundary Bureau1922-10-021925-12-03The North-Eastern Boundary Bureau, or Boundary Bureau, was established pursuant to a minute of the Irish Free State Provisional Government authorising the Assistant Law Adviser to the Provisional Government to take all necessary steps for the collection and compilation of data in connection with possible future hearings before the Boundary Commission. The Bureau was wound up following the suspension of the Boundary CommissionNational Archives of Ireland
An Rialálaí Agraibhia2023-12-13An Rialálaí Agraibhia has two main functions: a price and market analysis and reporting function, and a regulatory enforcement function concerning the enforcement of prohibited unfair trading practicesAgricultural and Food Supply Chain Act 2023 (No. 19 of 2023); https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/49ccd-minister-mcconalogue-announces-the-ceo-designate-for-an-rialalai-agraibhia/
Office of the Chief Deciding Officer of the Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme2024-03-04The Chief Deciding Officer is mandated to make determinations relating to payment eligibility and related matters under the Mother and Baby Institutions Payment SchemeMother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Act 2023 (No. 20 of 2023); S.I. No. 67/2024; S.I. No. 68/2024
An Ghníomhaireacht um Fhoréigean Baile, Gnéasach agus Inscnebhunaithe2024-01-01Cuan is tasked with planning, coordinating and monitoring the development of refuge accommodation for victims of domestic, sexual or gender-based violence, and to perform related functionsDomestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Act 2023 (No. 31 of 2023); S.I. No. 668/2023; https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/1da52-minister-mcentee-opens-cuan-the-new-statutory-domestic-sexual-and-gender-based-violence-agency/
Taighde Éireann2024-08-01Taighde Éireann – Research Ireland promotes and supports the contribution of research and innovation to Ireland’s economic, social, cultural, and environmental development and sustainability, as well as strengthens the engagement between the research and innovation system and enterprise, Government and public bodies, the voluntary sector and society. It amalgamates the functions previously performed by the Irish Research Council and Science Foundation IrelandS.I. No. 375/2024; https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/e0f96-minister-odonovan-announces-establishment-of-taighde-eireann-research-ireland/