Unit Information

‘Units’ in this database are national-level organisations which perform public functions under public authority. These include government departments, agencies, and commercial state-owned enterprises. For further details on the types of organisations included in the database, see the what we have done and why document.

Units can be searched by name, legal form, function, policy area, or date. On each unit’s page, information is available including dates of activity, alternate names, relevant legislation, related units, related events. and also data on characteristics such as legal form, policy area, function, accountability mechanisms, location, and parent bodies. For further details on the data recorded about each unit, see the Codebook

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30 results

Combat Poverty Agency1986-09-152009-06-30McGauran et al. 2005; The Combat Poverty Agency Act 1986; S.I. No. 308/1986; Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008
Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development1999-09-272002-06-19Rural Development units added, then cededS.I. 307/1999; S.I. No. 306/2002; http://www.agriculture.gov.ie/; DAFRD Annual Reports 1999-2001
National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism1998-01-012008-12-30Closed due to budgetary cutbacksMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nccri.ie/
Equality Tribunal1999-10-182015-10-01Also known as the Office of the Director of Equality Investigations--name changed to Equality Tribunal by the Equality Act 2004 (section 30). Merged with the National Employment Rights Authority, Labour Relations Commission, Rights Commissioners Service and the Employment Appeals Tribunalin 2015 to create the Workplace Relations Commission.http://www.equalitytribunal.ie/; Employment Equality Act 1998; Equal Status Act 2000; Equality Act 2004; Workplace Relations Act 2015; S.I. No. 412/2015 - Workplace Relations Act 2015 (Establishment Day) Order 2015
National Advisory Committee on Drugs2000-07-01During 2000-2002 acted under the auspices of the Dept. of Tourism, Sport and Recreation. Also established on a non-statutory basis iniatially for a three year period starting with 2000; and then extended to 2008 McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nacd.ie/
Reception and Integration Agency2001-04-02Replaced the Directorate for Asylum Support Services and the Refugee Agency (est. in 1991)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ria.gov.ie/
National Council for Special Education2003-12-24First established as an independent statutory body by order of the Minister for Education and Science in December 2003; formally established under the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004.S.I. No.270/2004; Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004; http://www.ncse.ie/
Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs1997-07-122002-06-19S.I. No. 307/1997; S.I. No. 310 of 2002; http://www.welfare.ie/
Special Education Appeals Board2006-04-03Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004
Area Development Management Ltd.1992-10-142005-07-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.pobal.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 458 - 21 November, 1995--Written Answers. - Establishment of ADM; Dáil Éireann - Volume 663 - 14 October, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies
Pobal2005-07-01Previously known as Area Development Management Limited (est. in 1992): ADM was established following the second national social partnership agreement, the Programme for Economic and Social Progress (PESP), 1991-1993. In 2005 the company changed its name to Pobalhttp://www.pobal.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 663 - 14 October, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies
Welfare Service1969-01-011979-01-01As a service was established in 1962 under the title: 'Probation and After-Care Service'. In 1969 was re-named to the 'Welfare Service'. In 1979 was re-named to the 'Probation and Welfare Service'http://www.probation.ie/
National Rehabilitation Board1967-12-202000-06-12Replaced the National Organisation for Rehabilitation; in 2000 dissolved and absorbed into Comhairle, Eastern Regional Health Authority, FÁS, and the National Disability AuthorityS.I. No. 300/1967; S.I. No. 171/2000
Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs 2002-06-192010-06-02S.I. No. 308/2002; S.I. No. 215/2010
Department of Equality and Law Reform1993-01-211997-07-08Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 20/1993; S.I. No. 297/1997
National Social Service Board (II)1984-07-192000-06-12Replaced by ComhairleNational Social Service Board Act, 1984; S.I. No. 185/1984; S.I. No. 19/1988; Comhairle Act, 2000
National Community Development Agency1982-12-081984-07-19Replaced National Social Service Board (I); Replaced by National Social Service Board (II)National Community Development Agency Act, 1982; National Social Service Board Act, 1984
Probation and Welfare Service1979-01-012006-06-26Previously known as the 'Welfare Service'. In 1979 was re-named to the 'Probation and Welfare Service'. Restructured as the 'Probation Service' in 2006. The Probation of Offenders Act (1907) provided for statutory supervision of offenders in the community and is the foundation for probation work in Ireland. McGauran et al. 2005; Criminal Justice (Community Service) Act 1983; Criminal Justice Act 2006; http://www.probation.ie/
Refugee Agency 1991-04-012001-04-02Merge w/ Directorate for Asylum Support Services to form the Reception and Integration Agency Dáil Éireann - Volume 533 - 03 April, 2001--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies; http://www.ria.gov.ie/
Directorate for Asylum Support Services1999-11-012001-04-02Merged w/ Refugee Agency to form the Reception and Integration Agency in 2001. Before November 1999 the Eastern Health Board was responsible for the provision of accommodation for asylum seekers. Dáil Éireann - Volume 528 - 12 December, 2000--Written Answers. - Accommodation for Asylum Seekers; Dáil Éireann - Volume 532 - 06 March, 2001--Written Answers. - Asylum Support Services; http://www.ria.gov.ie/
National Social Service Board (I)1981-06-011982-12-08Replaced the National Social Service Council; Replaced by National Community Development AgencyNational Community Development Agency Act, 1982; Dáil Éireann - Volume 347 - 25 January, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Seanad Éireann - Volume 103 - 22 February, 1984; Dáil Éireann - Volume 335 - 01 June, 1982--Return to Writ: Dublin West. - National Community Development Agency Bill, 1982: Second Stage
National Social Service Council1971-10-011981-06-01Replaced by the National Social Service BoardDáil Éireann - Volume 347 - 25 January, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Seanad Éireann - Volume 103 - 22 February, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Dáil Éireann - Volume 335 - 01 June, 1982--Return to Writ: Dublin West. - National Community Development Agency Bill, 1982: Second Stage
National Organisation for Rehabilitation1955-11-011967-09-21Replaced by National Rehabilitation BoardS.I. No. 300/1967; Dáil Éireann - Volume 160 - 06 December, 1956--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Advisory Councils and Similar Bodies: Health
Office for Social Inclusion2002-12-012009-07-01Absorbed into the Dept. of Social and Family Affairs as the Social Inclusion Divisionhttp://www.socialinclusion.ie/; http://www.welfare.ie/; DSFA Annual Reports 2004-2007; National Action Plan against Poverty and Social Exclusion: 2003–2005; Social Inclusion Division Strategic Plan 2009 -2011
Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs2010-06-022011-06-02S.I. No. 215/2010; S.I. No. 214/2011
Social Workers Registration Board2010-06-07Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005; S.I. No. 279/2010
Department of Justice and Equality2011-04-022020-11-01Succeeded by Department of Justice (II). Equality and human rights responsibilities also transferred to Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youthhttp://www.justice.ie/; S.I. No. 138/2011; S.I. No. 452/2020; S.I. No. 436/2020
Social Finance Foundation2007-01-25In 2012, SFF was given responsibility for the administration of a Microfinance Loan Fund through their subsidiary Microfinance Ireland (Microenterprise Loan Fund Act 2012).http://www.sff.ie/; Microenterprise Loan Fund Act 2012; CRO, company registration number 433581; Written answers, Wednesday, 12 February 2014, Department of Finance, Departmental Bodies
Workplace Relations Commission2015-10-01New agency created to assume roles and functions of the National Employment Rights Authority, Equality Tribunal, Labour Relations Commission, Rights Commissioners Service and the Employment Appeals Tribunalwww.workplacerelations.ie; Workplace Relations Act 2015; S.I. No. 412/2015 - Workplace Relations Act 2015 (Establishment Day) Order 2015
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth2020-10-15Replaced Department of Children and Youth AffairsS.I. No. 437/2020; https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-children-equality-disability-integration-and-youth/