Unit Information

‘Units’ in this database are national-level organisations which perform public functions under public authority. These include government departments, agencies, and commercial state-owned enterprises. For further details on the types of organisations included in the database, see the what we have done and why document.

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117 results

State Laboratory1924-01-01Created from amalgamation of the laboratory of the Revenue Commissioners with the chemistry laboratory of the Department of Agriculture McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.statelab.ie/;
Irish National Productivity Committee1959-01-011972-05-30Functions taken over by Irish Productivity CentreDáil Éireann - Volume 190 - 14 June, 1961--Committee on Finance. - Vote 44—Industry and Commerce; Dáil Éireann - Volume 262 - 11 July, 1972--Committee on Finance. - Vote 40: Industry and Commerce
President's Award1985-03-28Gaisce or ‘great achievement’ is a self-development programme for young people between the ages of 15-25 and has been in existence since 1985.McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.gaisce.ie/; Finance Act, 1985 (Section 16)
National Statistics Board1986-02-01Was initially set up on a non-statutory basis in 1986; and was established on a statutory basis in 1994McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nsb.ie/; The Statistics Act 1993
Environmental Information Service1990-09-012009-09-04Office and Information Centre closed in 2009, website maintained by the Library CouncilMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.enfo.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 13 February, 2008--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
Fulbright Commission Ireland1992-02-03An Bord Scoláireachtaí Cómalairte, established in 1957 by means of the Scholarship Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1957, was replaced under the Educational Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1991.http://www.fulbright.ie/; Scholarship Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1957; the Educational Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1991; S.I. No. 354/1991.
National Council for Forest Research and Development1993-04-15Merged back into Dept in 2009 but still an entity within itMcGauran et al. 2005; Dáil Éireann - Volume 588 - 06 July, 2004--Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies; http://www.coford.ie/
International Education Board of Ireland1993-01-012009-11-30ceased trading on 30th November 2009 and its main functions transferred to Enterprise IrelandMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.educationireland.ie/
Irish Horse Board1993-10-302008-01-01Absorbed into Horse Sport Ireland as the Breeding Sub-Board of Horse Sport Ireland.http://www.irishsporthorse.com/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 613 - 25 January, 2006--Written Answers. - Irish Horse Board; 'Equestrian: Kennedy slams IHB plans for merger' Parkes, L., Irish Independent, 4 June 2008; 'Walsh launches new Horse Board' Irish Independent, 1 November 1993.
National Economic and Social Forum1993-06-232010-03-01Was assigned new roles in 1997 (monitoring the national policy process) and in 2003 (to convene public consultations on public policy issues). Is part of the National Economic and Social Development Office (NESDO) est. in January 2007. Absorbed into National Economic and Social CouncilMcGauran et al. 2005; National Economic and Social Development Act 2006; National Economic and Social Forum and National Centre for Partnership and Performance Dissolution Order 2010
National Economic and Social Council1973-11-02Is part of the National Economic and Social Development Office (NESDO) est. in January 2007McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nesc.ie/; National Economic and Social Development Act 2006
National Centre for Partnership and Performance2001-10-222010-04-01On 1 January 2007 was placed on a statutory footing as part of the new National Economic and Social Development Office (NESDO)McGauran et al. 2005; National Economic and Social Development Act 2006; S.I. No 140/2010; Taoiseach's Address at the Launch of the National Centre for Partnership and Performance, 22/10/2001
NDP/CSF Evaluation Unit1996-01-012006-06-01Replaced by Central Expenditure Evaluation Unit in Dept. of Finance (Later Dept. of Public Expenditure and Reform)McGauran et al. 2005; http://publicspendingcode.per.gov.ie/about-us/; Written Answers - Departmental Expenditure. Wednesday, 28 June 2006, Dáil Eireann Debate Vol. 622 No. 78; Written Answers - Departmental Expenditure. Wednesday, 7 February 2007, Dáil Eireann Debate Vol. 631 No. 1
Expert Group on Future Skills Needs1997-01-01http://www.skillsireland.ie/
National Competitiveness Council1997-05-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.competitiveness.ie/
ERDF and Cohesion Fund Financial Control Unit1998-01-012006-06-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ndp.ie/; ERDF and Cohesion Fund Financial Control Unit Annual Reports 1999-2006; Dáil debates, Wednesday, 29 January 2014 - Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed)
National Centre for Technology in Education1998-03-012011-09-01No Board existed for the NCTE in 2011. Since September 2011, the NCTE is within the remit of Dublin West Education Centre alongside the Department’s largest support service, the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST). McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ncte.ie/; Written Answers - Departmental Agencies, Wednesday, 21 March 2012, Dáil Éireann Debate Vol. 758 No. 7
National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism1998-01-012008-12-30Closed due to budgetary cutbacksMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nccri.ie/
Comhar - National Sustainable Development Partnership1999-02-262012-01-02Absorbed into NESC in January 2012McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nesc.ie/
National Crime Council1999-09-012008-10-14The NCC ceased operations on 14 October 2008 as a result of a Government decision to rationalise State Agencies in the context of Budget 2009McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.irlgov.ie/crimecouncil/
Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences2000-01-012012-03-29McGauran et al. 2005; http://research.ie/; Written answers, Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Department of Education and Skills -Departmental Bodies Data
National Advisory Committee on Drugs2000-07-01During 2000-2002 acted under the auspices of the Dept. of Tourism, Sport and Recreation. Also established on a non-statutory basis iniatially for a three year period starting with 2000; and then extended to 2008 McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nacd.ie/
Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology2001-06-012012-03-29McGauran et al. 2005; http://research.ie/; Written answers, Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Department of Education and Skills -Departmental Bodies Data
National Children's Advisory Council2001-05-01Was established as part of the National Children's StrategyMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.dcya.gov.ie/viewdoc.asp?fn=%2Fdocuments%2FNational_Childrens_Advisory_Council_.htm
National Forum on Europe2001-10-182009-04-01www.forumoneurope.ie/
Parole Board2001-04-01Replaced Sentence Review Group and was established on an interim administrative basis in 2001. Placed on a statutory footing via the Parole Act 2019 (No. 28 of 2019)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/Parole_Board; Parole Act 2019 (No. 28 of 2019); S.I. No. 406/2021
Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education2002-10-312008-11-30Funding ceased 30 November 2008 as a result of a Government decision to rationalise State Agencies in the context of Budget 2009http://www.cecde.ie/, http://www.budget.gov.ie/(Annex D, 2009)
Reception and Integration Agency2001-04-02Replaced the Directorate for Asylum Support Services and the Refugee Agency (est. in 1991)McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ria.gov.ie/
Irish Council for Bioethics2002-05-152010-12-01Established by the Royal Irish Academy in 2002 in response to the Oct. 2000 report by Inter-Departmental Group on Modern Biotechnology. Status changed to company limited by guarantee not having share capital in 2008. A National Advisory Committee on Bioethics was established in March 2012 to advise the Minister for Health in this area.http://www.bioethics.ie/; CRO; http://www.dohc.ie/about_us/divisions/bioethics.html
Irish Universities Quality Board2003-02-012012-11-06Universities Act 1997 set up Quality Assurance framework, from which the IUQB was developed; CRO has it registered form 21/02/06http://www.iuqb.ie/; Universities Act 1997; Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012; S.I. No. 436/2012; http:/​/​www.qualificationsandquality.ie/​
National Treatment Purchase Fund2002-04-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ntpf.ie/; S.I. No. 179/2004
Irish Water Safety Association (I)1971-04-011987-12-18Established on a statutory basis on August 1 1980. The National Road Safety Association, the Fire Prevention Council and the Irish Water Safety Council were merged in 1987 to form the National Safety Council.S.I. No. 244/1980; S.I. No. 327/1987; Dáil Éireann - Volume 261 - 20 June, 1972--Committee on Finance. - Vote 26: Local Government
Irish Expert Body on Fluorides and Health2004-04-07http://www.fluoridesandhealth.ie/
Office of the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government2004-06-232012-10-26Was established in 2004 as part of a reorganised governance structure for the Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (ICSTI),now known as the Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation. In 2012 was absorbed into Science Foundation Ireland with the Director General of Science Foundation Ireland taking on the role of Chief Scientific Adviser.http://www.chiefscientificadviser.ie/; 'Tánaiste announces appointment of Ireland's first Chief Science Adviser', press release, Dept. of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation; SFI Press Release 26 October 2012, 'Director General of SFI to take on additional role of Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government'; 'Summary of agency rationalisation measures as at January 2014: Table B', Dept. of Public Expenditure and Reform
Dormant Accounts Board2006-01-042012-12-31Composed after the Dormant Accounts Fund Disbursements Board was dissolved--government was given discretion over accountsDormant Account Acts 2001 and 2005; Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Act 2012
National Property Services Regulatory Authority2006-12-01http://www.npsra.ie/; 'Debate on property regulation bill to start in Seanad next week' Irish Times, 14 May 2009; Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011
National Employment Rights Authority2007-02-012015-10-01Established in February 2007 on an interim basis pending the enactment of the Employment Law Compliance Bill which will give NERA a statutory footing. Merged with other organisations into the Workplace Relations Commission in 2015. Workplace Relations Act 2015http://www.employmentrights.ie/en/
Social Services Inspectorate1999-04-012007-04-21The SSI was administered by the Department of Health and Children (DoHC) until May 2007, when it was established on a statutory basis as the Office of the Chief Inspector of Social Services within the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA). Health Act 2007; http://web.archive.org/web/20060108031204/http://www.issi.ie/; Dail Eireann - Volume 554 - 09 October, 2002--Written Answers. - Social Services Inspectorate
National Heritage Council1988-09-051995-07-10Predecessor of Heritage Councilhttp://www.heritagecouncil.ie/
Advisory Committee on Cultural Relations1949-01-012005-02-01Replaced by Culture IrelandDáil Éireann - Volume 127 - 21 November, 1951 - Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cultural Relations Committee; Dáil Debate - Vol. 647 No. 1, 13 Feb 2008 Q. 232
National Manpower Service1971-06-011988-01-01Merged into FASLabour Services Act, 1987; 'Manpower Service puts 800 in jobs' Irish Times, 25 Sept. 1971
Bord na Leabhar Gaeilge1952-09-052008-01-01Absorbed into Foras na Gaeilge; functions are now carried out under the name of Clár na Leabhar Gaeilgehttp://www.gaeilge.ie/Foras_na_Gaeilge/Clar_na_Leabhar_Gaeilge.asp; 'Book Body Meets' the Irish Press, 5 Sept. 1952; http://www.educationmatters.ie/2007/10/31/irish-language-books-board-disbanded/
Irish Folklore Commission1935-04-011971-04-01Archives now held at UCDS.I. No. 16/1957; S.I. No. 193/1957; http://www.ucd.ie/ucdnews/may95/folklore.html; O'Sullivan, S. (1974) 'The Work of the Irish Folklore Commission', University College Dublin.
Committee on Court Practice and Procedure1962-04-13Question Posed By: Deputy Leo Varadkar--Subject: Departmental Bodies--Date: 13 February 2008--Question Number: 371, 373, 378; http://www.jcfj.ie/pqs/index.php?option=com_sobi2&sobi2Task=sobi2Details&catid=180&sobi2Id=569&Itemid=27
Office for Health Gain1994-01-012005-01-01Health Act 2004; McGauran et al. 2005
National Council for Vocational Awards1991-11-292001-06-11Replaced by FETACQualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999; Dáil Éireann - Volume 420 - 05 June, 1992--Estimates, 1992. - Vote 29: Third-Level and Further Education (Revised Estimate); http://web.archive.org/web/20010201070000/http://www.ncva.ie/
National Committee for Development Education1994-06-302002-12-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 644 - 18 December, 2007 - Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies; http://web.archive.org/web/20011214234002/http://www.ncde.ie/index.html
National Science Council1968-01-041978-04-05Established on OECD recommendation; Replaced by National Board for Science and TechnologyDáil Éireann - Volume 293 - 04 November, 1976; National Board for Science and Technology Bill, 1976: Second Stage; National Board for Science and Technology Act 1977; 'Science Policy Necessary' Irish Times, 5 January 1968.
National Industrial and Economic Council1963-10-091973-11-02Chaired by T.K. Whitaker 1963-1967 (http://www.pgil-eirdata.org/html/pgil_datasets/authors/w/Whitaker,TK/life.htm). Replaced by NESC in 1973Lee, J., 1991; Dáil Éireann - Volume 233 - 06 March, 1968--Committee on Finance. - Vote 40—Industry and Commerce; Dáil Éireann - Volume 205 - 23 October, 1963--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - National Industrial Economic Council
National Film Studios of Ireland1975-06-011982-04-01Ardmore Film Studios were purchased by the Government in 1973, run by RTE until 1975 when name changed to NFSI; statutory basis in 1980; closed and went into receivership & company liquidated April 1982National Film Studios of Ireland Limited Act, 1980; Dáil Éireann - Volume 334 - 18 May, 1982--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Ardmore Studios Closure; Dáil Éireann - Volume 340 - 02 March, 1983--Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - National Film Studios
National Savings Committee1955-12-211985-01-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 241 - 08 July, 1969--Committee on Finance. - Vote 6: Office of the Minister for Finance; Dáil Éireann - Volume 168 - 12 June, 1958--Written Answers. - State-sponsored Companies, Commissions, Committees and Advisory Councils; Private Members' Business. - Protection of Investments: Motion (Resumed). Wednesday, 15 February 1984, Dáil Éireann Debate - Vol. 347 No. 13
An Coiste Téarmaíochta1968-01-011999-12-02Committees of Irish-language experts were set up as early as 1927 in order to provide terminology for the education system. An Buanchoiste Téarmaíochta (The Permanent Terminology Committee) was established by the Minister of Education in 1968. Merged into Foras na Gaeilge 1999the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; the North-South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999; http://gaeilge.ie/Foras_na_Gaeilge/The_Terminology_Committee.asp
An Gúm1925-03-061999-12-02Merged into Foras na Gaeilgehttp://gaeilge.ie/Foras_na_Gaeilge/An_Gum.asp; the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999; the North-South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999; Dáil Éireann - Volume 42 - 28 June, 1932, Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - An Gúm.
National Validation Body on Social Work Qualifications and Training1994-01-011997-02-27Replaced by statutory National Social Work Qualifications BoardS.I. No. 97/1997; Dáil Éireann - Volume 455 - 20 September, 1995--Written Answers. - Ministerial Appointments
Cospóir1978-02-101999-07-01Replaced by statutory Irish Sports CouncilIrish Sports Council Act 1999; Dáil Éireann - Volume 323 - 05 November, 1980--Ceisteanna—Questions . Oral Answers . - Departmental Advisory Bodies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 463 - 28 March, 1996--Written Answers. - Sports Activities Recognition
Refugee Agency 1991-04-012001-04-02Merge w/ Directorate for Asylum Support Services to form the Reception and Integration Agency Dáil Éireann - Volume 533 - 03 April, 2001--Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies; http://www.ria.gov.ie/
Sentence Review Group1989-12-012001-04-01Replaced by Parole BoardDáil Éireann - Volume 537 - 31 May, 2001--Written Answers. - Sentence Review Group; Dáil Éireann - Volume 394 - 13 December, 1989--Written Answers. - Long-Term Prisoners; http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/Parole_Board
Comhairle na Gaeilge1969-06-131978-11-01predecessor of Bord na GaeilgeSeanad Éireann - Volume 89 - 07 June, 1978--An Bille um Bord na Gaeilge, 1978: An Dara Céim. Bord na Gaeilge Bill, 1978: Second Stage; 'Taking another look at Irish: Haughey's new council' Irish Times, 14 June 1969
National Council for the Elderly1990-01-011997-03-01Replaced the National Council for the Aged in 1990; replaced by the National Council on Ageing and Older People in 1997.http://www.ncaop.ie/; S.I. No. 120/1997
National Council for the Aged1981-06-011990-01-01Replaced by National Council for the Elderly in 1990.http://www.ncaop.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 372 - 21 May, 1987--Written Answers. - Departmental Advisory Bodies
National Social Service Board (I)1981-06-011982-12-08Replaced the National Social Service Council; Replaced by National Community Development AgencyNational Community Development Agency Act, 1982; Dáil Éireann - Volume 347 - 25 January, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Seanad Éireann - Volume 103 - 22 February, 1984; Dáil Éireann - Volume 335 - 01 June, 1982--Return to Writ: Dublin West. - National Community Development Agency Bill, 1982: Second Stage
National Social Service Council1971-10-011981-06-01Replaced by the National Social Service BoardDáil Éireann - Volume 347 - 25 January, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Seanad Éireann - Volume 103 - 22 February, 1984--National Social Service Board Bill, 1983: Second Stage; Dáil Éireann - Volume 335 - 01 June, 1982--Return to Writ: Dublin West. - National Community Development Agency Bill, 1982: Second Stage
Special Employment Schemes Office1941-10-231967-03-01Responsibilities transferred to Dept of Local GovernmentDáil Éireann - Volume 108 - 09 October, 1947 - Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - New Government Departments; Dáil Éireann - Volume 226 - 09 February, 1967 - Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Development and Improvement Schemes
Development Education Support Centre1986-01-011994-06-30Dáil Éireann - Volume 412 - 13 November, 1991--Written Answers. - Development Education Support Centre; Dáil Éireann - Volume 444 - 21 June, 1994
National Development Education Grants Committee1989-01-011994-06-30Dáil Éireann - Volume 444 - 21 June, 1994 - Written Answers. - Development Education Support Centre
Board for the Employment of the Blind1957-04-252006-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; FitzGerald, 1963; Dáil Éireann - Volume 168 - 12 June, 1958--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Companies, Commissions, Committees and Advisory Councils; Dáil Éireann - Volume 253 - 20 April, 1971--Written Answers. - Departmental Committees and State-Sponsored Bodies
Butter Marketing Committee1935-06-291961-05-17A Butter Marketing Committee was in existence at creamery industry level pre 1930 and had some official standing. The Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Act, No 21 of 1935 enabled the Minister to give recognition to marketing organisations e.g. the Butter Marketing Committee. Substance was given to this recognition in SI 354/1935 - Butter (Levy and Bounty) Order 1935; Replaced by An Bord BainneS.I. No. 354/1935; S.I. No. 205/1952; Dairy Produce Marketing Act, 1961
Centre for Housing Research2006-03-012010-05-01Replaced housing unit which was set up as a joint initiative between Department and the local authorities in 1998; Administered by IPA until replacement by Housing and Sustainable Communities AgencyDáil Éireann - Volume 616 - 08 March, 2006--Written Answers. - Social and Affordable Housing; Written Answers - State Agencies--Thursday, 20 January 2011
Energy Advisory Board1994-09-012002-01-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 445 - 11 October, 1994 - Written Answers. - Energy Advisory Board Appointments; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 19 February, 2008 - Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies
Advisory Council on Development Cooperation1979-12-011991-12-01http://www.dochas.ie/documents/history_of_dochas.pdf; Dáil Éireann - Volume 407 - 07 May, 1991--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 420 - 05 June, 1992--Estimates, 1992. - Vote 39: International Co-Operation (Revised Estimate)
Irish Laboratory Accreditation Board1985-07-011995-02-01Predecessor of Irish National Accreditation BoardSI 4/1991; http://www.inab.ie/aboutus/ Dáil Éireann - Volume 465 - 09 May, 1996 Private Members' Business. - National Standards Authority of Ireland Bill, 1996: Second Stage (Resumed). 'Board gives formal accreditation to labs' Irish Times, 16 April 1987; Report of the Laboratory of the Dublin Region Public Analyst for the years 1995 and 1996, Eastern Health Board
National Institute for Higher Education, Limerick1972-01-011989-06-21Opening of National Institute for Higher Education, LimerickDáil Éireann - Volume 319 - 17 April, 1980 National Institute for Higher Education, Limerick, Bill, 1980: Second Stage.
Higher Education Authority1968-08-15Placed on a statutory footing in 1972 McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.hea.ie/; Higher Education Authority Act 1971; 'Higher Education Authority Formed' Irish Times, 16 August 1968
Airports Construction Committee1936-08-011985-01-01To secure Department of Finance sanction for projected works at the State airports, to act as a medium for co-ordinating and reporting progress on the planning and execution of construction projects and for the provision of equipmentDáil Éireann - Volume 255 - 29 June, 1971--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Departmental Committees; Dáil Éireann - Volume 355 - 13 February, 1985--Ceisteanna—Questions Oral Answers - Dublin Airport Runway
An Forás Orgánach2009-07-012012-06-01'Minister Sargent announces appointment of Chair of new organic body Forás Orgánach' Dept. of Agriculture Press Release, 15 July 2009; Written Answers - Organic Farming. Thursday, 15 October 2009, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 692 No. 1; 'Minister McEntee launches a new group called Organic Focus' Dept. of Agriculture Press Release, 6 June 2012
Environmental Awareness Bureau1985-02-011988-04-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 367 - 10 June, 1986--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Anti-Litter Film; Dáil Éireann - Volume 373 - 12 June, 1987--Estimates, 1987. - Vote 29: Environment ( Revised Estimate ); Dáil Éireann - Volume 378 - 09 March, 1988--Ceisteanna-Questions. Oral Answers. - Environmental Research Unit
Government Information Bureau1934-02-011973-04-01Press channel for ministerial statements; Replaced by Government Information Services (GIS). Change in office title associated with appointment of Muiris MacConghail as the Head of GIB/GIS in April 1973Dáil Éireann - Volume 54 - 18 December, 1934--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cancellation of Government Advertising
Salmon Research Trust of Ireland1955-06-011990-01-01Partially funded by Guinness; became Salmon Research Agency 1990 FitzGerald, 1963; Dáil Éireann - Volume 373 - 25 June, 1987--Written Answers. - Public Service Staff; http://www.marine.ie/
Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation1997-04-012005-04-01Under aegis of Forfas; ICSTI was replaced by Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovationhttp://web.archive.org/web/20021219022343/www.forfas.ie/icsti/; Address by Mr Noel Treacy T.D. Minister for Science, Technology and Commerce to the Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation on Tuesday, 14 September 1999
Commission on Emigration and Other Population Problems1948-04-051954-07-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 121 - 31 May, 1950--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Commission on Emigration; Dáil Éireann - Volume 147 - 27 October, 1954--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Commission on Emigration
Quit Rent Office1641-01-011943-01-01Absorbed into Irish Land Commission in 1943.Dáil Éireann - Volume 70 - 30 March, 1938; Committee on Finance. - Vote 30—Quit Rent Office; Dáil Éireann - Volume 93 - 26 April, 1944--Estimates for Public Services. - Vote 52—Lands
Curriculum and Examinations Board1984-01-231987-12-08Precursor of National Council for Curriculum and AssessmentDáil Éireann - Volume 348 - 06 March, 1984--Programme for Action in Education: Statements; Dáil Éireann - Volume 358 - 07 May, 1985--Written Answers. - Statutory/Non-Statutory Bodies and Committees; Written Answers - National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Tuesday, 8 April 1997, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 477 No. 2
National Adult Learning Council2002-03-012003-01-01Set up with intention of being placed on statutory footing; however, following a review it became inactive in 2003. Formally disbanded as part of a rationalisation of agencies under the 2008 BudgetMcGauran et al. 2005; Dáil Éireann - Volume 603 - 14 June, 2005--Written Answers. - National Adult Literacy Council; Dáil Éireann - Volume 665 - 04 November, 2008--Written Answers. - Adult Education
Landlord and Tenant Commission1966-01-201982-01-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 258 - 17 February, 1972--Ceisteanna—Questions Oral Answers. - Departmental and semi-State Body Reports; Dáil Éireann - Volume 326 - 19 February, 1981--Ceisteanna — Questions Oral Answers - Landlord and Tenant Act
Railway and Canal Commission1854-01-011924-01-01Replaced by Railway TribunalRailway and Canal Traffic Act 1854; S.I. No. 1/1923; Railways Act 1924
Legal Aid Board (incl. Refugee Legal Service)1979-12-22Was set up as a statutory body on foot of the Civil Legal Aid Act 1995McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.legalaidboard.ie; Civil Legal Aid Act 1995; Dáil Éireann - Volume 337 - 02 July, 1982--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies
National Building Advisory Council1963-05-011969-07-22The Council was established in May, 1963. It was incorporated as a Company on 15th December, 1964 under the Companies Act, 1963. Eventually absorbed into An Foras Forbartha. Dáil Éireann - Volume 226 - 15 February, 1967--Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 221 - 16 March, 1966--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Building Advisory Council; Dáil Éireann - Volume 231 - 06 December, 1967--Committee on Finance. - Vote 26—Local Government (Resumed); CRO
Advisory Council for Science Technology and Innovation2005-04-012012-01-01Established as a successor body to The Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (est. in 1997)https://publicpolicy.ie/perspectives/fostering-innovation-in-irish-innovation-policy/
Coiste an Asgard1968-01-012010-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.asgard2.ie/
Housing & Sustainable Communities Agency2010-05-01Set up to take over the functions of the Affordable Homes Partnership, the Centre for Housing Research, the Homeless Agency and the National Building Agency.http://www.housing.ie/; S.I. No. 264/2012
Industrial Development Authority1949-05-011994-01-01Merged with Eolas to form Forfas and its subsidiaries (IDA Ireland and Forbairt)Industrial Development Authority Act, 1950; Industrial Development Act, 1993
Peatlands Council2011-04-07http://www.npws.ie/peatlandsturf-cutting/peatlandscouncil/
Irish Fiscal Advisory Council 2011-06-01Established on an interim basis in June 2011, and put on statutory footing under the Fiscal Responsibility Act 2012.http://www.fiscalcouncil.ie/; Written Answers - Departmental Bodies, 1 May 2012, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 763 No. 3; Fiscal Responsibility Act 2012
Irish Research Council2012-03-292024-08-01The mission of the Irish Research Council is to enable and sustain a vibrant research community in Ireland. The Irish Research Council was folded into Taighde Éireann 1 August 2024http://www.research.ie/; 'New body sees value of research' Irish Times, 26 April 2012; S.I. No. 375/2024
Comhairle Radio Éireann1953-01-011960-05-31Replaced by Radio Éireann under the Broadcasting Authority Act, 1960.Advisory Committee - Dáil Éireann - Volume 168 - 12 June, 1958, Written Answers. - State-sponsored Companies, Commissions, Committees and Advisory Councils; Dáil Éireann - Volume 179 - 24 February, 1960, Committee on Finance. - Broadcasting Authority Bill, 1959 [Seanad]—Second Stage; Broadcasting Authority Act, 1960
Institute of Public Administration1957-11-06Became a company limited by guarantee on 31/12/1963; also became a recognised college of the National University of Ireland in 2002 McGauran et al. 2005; www.ipa.ie; 'Improving Public Administration' The Irish Press, 2 November 1957
Council of Education1950-04-041962-01-01Report of the Department of Education, 1949-1950, p. 55; Dáil Éireann - Volume 194 - 04 April, 1962 - Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Council of Education
Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council2002-02-01http://www.fawac.ie/; Dáil Éireann - Volume 647 - 13 February, 2008, Written Answers. - Departmental Bodies.
Healthcare Pricing Office2014-01-01From 1st January 2014 the National Casemix Programme and the Health Research and Information Division at the ESRI became the Healthcare Pricing Office (HPO).http://www.hpo.ie/
Defence Forces Canteen Board1944-01-01Written Answers - Departmental Bodies. Wednesday, 13 February 2008, Dáil Eireann Debate - Vol. 647 No. 1; Written answers, Tuesday, 5 July 2011, Department of Justice, Equality and Defence, Departmental Agencies
Industrial Research Council1934-03-201946-08-27Dáil Éireann - Volume 50 - 23 February, 1934, Supplementary Estimate, 1933-34. - Vote No. 56—Industry and Commerce; Dáil Éireann - Volume 102 - 03 July, 1946 Industrial Research and Standards Bill, 1946—Second Stage; Industrial Research and Standards Act, 1946
Commission for the Support of Victims of Crime2005-03-01http://www.csvc.ie/; Written answers, Wednesday, 16 October 2013, Department of Justice and Equality, Departmental Funding
Active Citizenship Office2008-01-012009-11-01Set up to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Active Citizenship; Dissolved on the advice of the Report of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure ProgrammesReport of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure Programmes, Volume II: Detailed Papers; Dáil debates - Wednesday, 12 March 2008, Ceisteanna - Questions - Programmes for Government; Written answers, Wednesday, 24 September 2008, Department of An Taoiseach, Task Force on Active Citizenship; Written answers, Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Department of An Taoiseach - Departmental Bodies
Advisory Board for Irish Aid2002-08-012008-10-31Dáil Éireann - Volume 644 - 19 December, 2007, Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies; Written answers, Thursday, 21 January 2010, Department of Foreign Affairs, Departmental Bodies
Irish Aid Advisory Committee1993-01-012002-08-01Dáil Éireann - Volume 644 - 19 December, 2007, Written Answers. - Departmental Agencies
Development Education Advisory Committee 2003-01-012013-09-01Written answers, Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Departmental Bodies Data; http://www.irishaid.ie/about-us/our-organisation/our-advisory-groups/development-education-advisory-committee/; "Deepening Public understanding of International Development: development education strategy plan 2003-2005", Department of Foreign Affairs
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment1987-12-08Put on statutory footing by Education Act 1998McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ncca.ie/; Written Answers - National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Tuesday, 8 April 1997, Dáil Éireann Debate, Vol. 477 No. 2; Education Act 1998; S.I. No. 470/1999
The Interim Judicial Council2011-11-182019-12-17Established on a non-statutory basis in November 2011, replaced by the statutory Judicial Council under the Judicial Council Act 2019www.aji.ie/supports/the-interim-judicial-council/; Judicial Council Act 2019; S.I. No. 641/2019
Teastas1995-09-012001-02-26Teastas (the Irish National Certification Authority) was established on a non-statutory interim basis in September 1995. This was pending the enactment of new legislation formally establishing the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland, FETAC and HETAC, following the 'Teastas report' in 1998https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/1996-10-22/193/?highlight%5B0%5D=teastas&highlight%5B1%5D=teastas; https://www.irishtimes.com/news/education/the-teastas-report-1.128991; Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999 (No. 26 of 1999); S.I. No. 57/2001
Office of the Registrar of District Court Clerks1922-04-011926-09-01Replaced the Office of the Registrar of Petty Sessions Clerks and was abolished in 1926District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923); Section 50 of the Court Officers Act 1926 (No. 27 of 1926)
Metropolitan School of Art 1877-01-011936-01-01The origins of the College date from 1746 when Robert West had a private drawing school in George's Lane, Dublin, which was taken over by the Dublin Society (later the RDS). From 1854 the institution was controlled by the Department of Science and Art, London. In 1877 it was renamed The Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. The Department of Education took control in 1924, and twelve years later it became the National College of Arthttps://www.ncad.ie/about/
National College of Art1936-01-011971-12-01The origins of the College date from 1746 when Robert West had a private drawing school in George's Lane, Dublin, which was taken over by the Dublin Society (later the RDS). From 1854 the institution was controlled by the Department of Science and Art, London. In 1877 it was renamed The Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. The Department of Education took control in 1924, and twelve years later it became the National College of Art. In 1972 the National College of Art and Design was established under an Act of the Oireachtashttps://www.ncad.ie/about/
National Education Board1831-10-011923-08-16The National Education Board was established in 1831 for the purpose of administering a fund placed at the disposal of the Lord Lieutenant for the education of the poor in Ireland. Their powers were based on a set of instructions drawn up by Chief Secretary Stanley and were not defined in any enactmenthttps://irelandxo.com/ireland-xo/history-and-genealogy/timeline/board-commissioners-national-education-formed; National Education Commissioners Order, 1923 (S.I. No. 10/1923)
National Education Commissioners1923-08-161935-08-02The National Education Commissioners replaced the previous National Educational Board and was subsequently absorbed into the Department of EducationNational Education Commissioners Order, 1923 (S.I. No. 10/1923); National Education Commissioners (Transfer of Functions) Order 1935 (S.I. 264/1935)
Board of Trade 1861-01-011924-06-02Existed under various guises and officially known as the Board of Trade from 1861. The Board would evolve gradually into a government department with considerable power and a diverse range of functions, including regulation of domestic and foreign commerce, the development, implementation and interpretation of the Acts of Trade and Navigation, and the review and acceptance of legislation passed in the colonies. Powers conferred on the Board under certain legislation applicable to Ireland continued to apply post-independence but were effectively exercised by the Minister for Industry and Commerce. The Board's functions in Ireland are assumed to have been formally absorbed by the Department of Industry and Commerce by 1924https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110203025220/http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/catalogue/displaycataloguedetails.asp?CATLN=1&CATID=38&SearchInit=4&SearchType=6&CATREF=BT; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Trade; Companies Acts, 1908 To 1917 (S.I. No. 12/1923); Sixth Part of the Schedule to the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 (No. 16 of 1924)
The Future of Media Commission2020-09-012022-07-12The Future of Media Commission was set up by the Government in September 2020 to examine the future of the media in Ireland. This includes Ireland’s public service broadcasters, commercial broadcasters, print and online media platforms. The Commission published its report in July 2022https://futureofmediacommission.ie/; https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/ccae8-report-of-the-future-of-media-commission/#:~:text=Established%20by%20Government%20in%20September,of%20delivering%20public%20service%20aims.
North-Eastern Boundary Bureau1922-10-021925-12-03The North-Eastern Boundary Bureau, or Boundary Bureau, was established pursuant to a minute of the Irish Free State Provisional Government authorising the Assistant Law Adviser to the Provisional Government to take all necessary steps for the collection and compilation of data in connection with possible future hearings before the Boundary Commission. The Bureau was wound up following the suspension of the Boundary CommissionNational Archives of Ireland