| from
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| description
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Department of Justice (I) | 1970-05-07 | 1973-06-18 | Minister | Fianna Fáil | http://www.oireachtas.ie/members-hist/ | 5 | |
Department of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism | 1980-01-23 | 1981-06-30 | Minister | "Fianna Fáil; previously Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy" | http://www.oireachtas.ie/members-hist/ | 5 | |
Department of Industry and Commerce (I) | 1977-07-05 | 1977-09-23 | Minister | "Continued as Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy" | http://www.oireachtas.ie/members-hist/ | 5 | |
Department of Industry, Commerce and Energy | 1977-09-23 | 1980-01-23 | Minister | "Fianna Fáil; Continued as Minister for Industry, Commerce and Tourism" | http://www.oireachtas.ie/members-hist/ | 5 | |
Department of Trade, Commerce and Tourism | 1982-03-09 | 1982-10-06 | Minister | Resigned following a failed leadership challenge | Resignation | http://www.oireachtas.ie/members-hist/ | 5 |
Department of Industry and Commerce (II) | 1989-07-12 | 1992-11-04 | Minister | Progressive Democrat | Election New Goverment | http://www.oireachtas.ie/members-hist/; http://www.taoiseach.gov.ie/eng/Taoiseach_and_Government/History_of_Government/Twenty-Sixth_D%C3%A1il.html | 5 |