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‘Units’ in this database are national-level organisations which perform public functions under public authority. These include government departments, agencies, and commercial state-owned enterprises. For further details on the types of organisations included in the database, see the what we have done and why document.

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54 results

Commissioners of Irish Lights1867-01-01Under the Dublin Port Act (1867), responsibility for lighthouses, lightships, buoys and beacons around the coast of Ireland was vested in the Commissioners of Irish Lights. The British-Irish Act 1999 provided for merge with Foyle Fisheries Commission into the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission as the 'Lights Agency' however this did not take place (see http://www.northsouthministerialcouncil.org/index/north-south-implementation-bodies/foyle_carlingford-and-irish-lights.htm) McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.cil.ie/; " An Act for Promoting the Trade of Dublin, by rendering its Port and Harbour more commodious, 1786"; "Merchant Shipping Act of 1854"; "Dublin Port Act (1867); No. 661/1935: Irish Lights Commissioners (Adaptation) Order, 1935; No. 37/1997: MERCHANT SHIPPING (COMMISSIONERS OF IRISH LIGHTS) ACT, 1997; British-Irish Agreement Act, 1999
Aer Lingus1936-05-221993-12-21Aer Lingus and Aerlinte Eireann restructured in 1993 into Aer Lingus Group plc.http://www.aerlingus.com/; Air Navigation and Transport Act 1936; Air Companies (Amendment) Act, 1993
Córas Iompair Éireann1945-01-01Was established in 1944 as limited company, but converted to Statutory Corporation in 1950. Formed from the dissolution of the Great Southern Railways Company and the Dublin United Transport Company, Limited. Also took over the functions of the Board of Control of the Royal Canal and the Grand Canal Company. It currently consists of three subsidiary public companies: Iarnród Éireann-Irish Rail; Bus Éireann-Irish Bus; Bus Átha Cliath-Dublin Bus. Former statutory subsidiaries are Aerlód Teoranta and Óstlanna Iompair Eireann Teo. McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.cie.ie/; Various Transport Acts starting with 1950 , especially Transport Act 1974 and Transport (Re-organization of Córas Iompair Éireann) Act 1986
Medical Bureau of Road Safety1968-11-27McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.ucd.ie/legalmed/mbrs.html; Road Traffic Act 1968; S.I. No. 241/1968
Dublin Bus1987-02-02Prior to 1987, didn't exist as a separate subsidiary company, but as a part of CIÉ. In 1987 was given a new status: an operating subsidiary company with CIÉ as a holding companyMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.dublinbus.ie/; The Transport (Re-organization of Córas Iompair Éireann) Act 1986
Iarnród Éireann1987-02-02Prior to 1987, didn't exist as a separate subsidiary company, but as a part of the CIÉ. In 1987 was given a new status: an operating subsidiary company with the CIÉ as a holding company McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.irishrail.ie/; The Transport (Re-organization of Córas Iompair Éireann) Act 1986
Bus Éireann1987-02-02Prior to 1987, didn't exist as a separate subsidiary company, but as a part of the CIÉ. In 1987 was given a new status: an operating subsidiary company with the CIÉ as a holding companyMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.buseireann.ie/; The Transport (Re-organization of Córas Iompair Éireann) Act 1986
Department of Transport (II)2002-06-192011-04-02http://www.transport.ie/; S.I. No. 305/2002; S.I. No. 141/2011
Irish Aviation Authority1994-01-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.iaa.ie/; Irish Aviation Authority Act 1993
National Roads Authority1993-12-232015-08-01Dissolved, merged into Transport Infrastructure IrelandMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.nra.ie/; Roads Act 1993; S.I. No. 407/1993; Roads Act 2015; S.I. No. 297 of 2015
Dublin Transportation Office1995-11-092009-12-01Legislation to replace Dublin Transport Office with Dublin Transport Authority (Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008) enacted on same day as legislation to rename Dublin Transport Authority as National Transport Authority (Public Transport Regulation Act 2009)McGauran et al. 2005; The Dublin Transportation Office (Establishment ) Order: S.I. No. 289/1995; S.I. No. 474/2009
Department of Transport, Energy and Communications1993-01-221997-07-11S.I. No. 17/1993; S.I. No. 299/1997; http://www.transport.ie/; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of Transport (I)1980-01-251984-01-02Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 11/1980; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1983
Department of Tourism and Transport (II)1987-03-201991-02-06S.I. 83/1987; S.I. 25/1991; http://www.transport.ie/; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications1991-02-071993-01-22http://www.transport.ie/; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1; S.I. No. 25/1991; S.I. No. 17/1993
Department of Tourism and Transport (I)1977-09-241980-01-24Tourism policy responsibility transferred to Industry, Commerce and Tourism in 1980Coakley & Gallagher 2005; S.I. No. 305/1977; S.I. No. 11/1980
Waterways Ireland1999-12-02McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.waterwaysireland.org/; the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999
Shannon Foynes Port Company2000-09-18Was formed by the amalgamation of Shannon Estuary Ports and Foynes Port Company under the Harbours Act 2000. Shannon Estuary Ports was established by the Harbours Act 1996 from the former Limerick Harbour Commissioners. Foynes Port Company was est. by the Harbours act 1996 from the former Foynes Harbour TrusteesMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.sfpc.ie/; Harbours Act 2000; S.I. 283/2000
Commission for Aviation Regulation2001-02-272023-05-01The Commission for Aviation Regulation was dissolved and its functions transferred to the Irish Aviation Authority on 1 May 2023McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.aviationreg.ie/; Aviation Regulation Act 2001; S.I. No. 219/2023
Railway Procurement Agency2001-12-012015-08-01Dissolved, merged into Transport Infrastructure IrelandMcGauran et al. 2005; http://www.rpa.ie/; Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Act 2001; Roads Act 2015; S.I. No. 297 of 2015
British and Irish Steam Packet Company, Ltd1965-03-151992-01-01First founded in 1836, nationalized in 1965, privatized in 1992--taken over by Irish Ferries (division of Irish Continental Group)Palcic and Reeves, 2007; British & Irish Steam Packet Company Limited (Acquisition) Act, 1965
Shannon Estuary Ports1997-03-032000-09-18Death by merge into Shannon Foynes Port Company Harbours Act 1996; the Harbours Act 2000; S.I. No. 283/2000; http://www.sfpc.ie/
Foynes Port Company1997-03-032000-09-18Death by merge into Shannon Foynes Port CompanyHarbours Act 1996; the Harbours Act 2000; http://www.sfpc.ie/
Commission for Taxi Regulation2004-09-012011-01-01Its powers were significantly extended on the basis of the Taxi Regulation Act 2003 (Part3) (Commencement) Order 2005 (S.I. No.610/2005)Taxi Regulation Act 2003; S.I. No. 610/2005; Public Transport Regulation Act 2009; S.I. No. 614/2010
daa2004-10-01In October 2004 Dublin Airport Authority assumed responsibility for all the assets, liabilities and contracts of the former Aer Rianta. In 2014 Dublin Airport Authority was renamed daa under the State Airports Shannon Group) Act 2014.State Airports Act 2004; http://www.dublinairportauthority.com/
Commission for Railway Regulation2006-01-01Previously named the Railway Safety Commission, renamed as Commission for Railway Regulation in February 2016Railway Safety Act 2005; http://www.rsc.ie/; www.crr.ie; Public Transport Act 2016; S.I. No. 69/2016
Department of the Marine1987-03-191997-07-11S.I. No. 82/1987; S.I. No. 301/1997; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Department of Transport and Power1959-07-271977-09-23Coakley & Gallagher 2005; Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1959; S.I. No. 305/1977
Road Safety Authority2006-09-01Road Safety Authority Act 2006; http://www.rsa.ie/
Department of Public Enterprise1997-07-122002-06-18S.I. No. 299/1997; S.I. No. 305/2002; http://www.transport.ie/; IPA Administration Journal 2007, Vol. 55 No. 1
Aer Rianta1937-04-052004-10-01Under the 2004 State Airports Act, the DAA assumed responsibility for all the assets, liabilities and contracts of the former Aer Rianta; eventually some responsibility will go to Cork and Shannon Airport Authorities. Aer Rianta was originally the holding company for Aer Lingus and Aerlinte EireannAir Navigation and Transport Act, 1936; S.I. No. 177/1938; Air Companies Act, 1966; State Airports Act 2004; http://www.dublinairportauthority.com/company-profile/company-history.html
Motor Insurance Advisory Board1984-11-162004-09-01S.I. No. 299/1984; Dáil Éireann - Volume 603 - 25 May, 2005--Written Answers. - Motor Insurance
Irish Maritime Development Office2000-07-01McGauran et al. 2005; http://www.imdo.ie/; Marine Institute Act 1991; Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1999
Irish Shipping Ltd1941-03-211984-11-14Irish Shipping Limited Act, 1947; Dáil Éireann - Volume 353 - 14 November, 1984--Irish Shipping Limited: Motion
Dublin Transport Authority1986-11-121987-12-27Dublin Transport Authority Act, 1986; Dublin Transport Authority (Dissolution) Act, 1987
Dublin Metropolitan Streets Commission1987-02-011987-07-01Dublin Metropolitan Streets Commission Act, 1986; Dublin Metropolitan Streets Commission (Dissolution) Order, 1987
Railway Tribunal1924-10-141945-01-01Took over functions of the Railway and Canal Commission; upon dissolution, powers given to High Court (Transport Act 1944)Railways Act, 1924; 'First Sitting of the Railway Tribunal' Irish Times, 4 October 1924; Railways (Amendment) Act, 1929; S.I. No. 659/1935; Transport Act 1944
Airports Construction Committee1936-08-011985-01-01To secure Department of Finance sanction for projected works at the State airports, to act as a medium for co-ordinating and reporting progress on the planning and execution of construction projects and for the provision of equipmentDáil Éireann - Volume 255 - 29 June, 1971--Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Departmental Committees; Dáil Éireann - Volume 355 - 13 February, 1985--Ceisteanna—Questions Oral Answers - Dublin Airport Runway
Aerlinte Eireann Teoranta1947-02-221993-12-21In 1993 Aer Lingus and Aerlinte were restructured into Aer Lingus Group plc.Dáil Éireann - Volume 358 - 16 May, 1985--Written Answers. - State and Semi-State Bodies; Dáil Éireann - Volume 437 - 15 December, 1993--Air Companies (Amendment) Bill, 1993: Committee Stage
Aer Lingus Group plc1993-12-212006-09-01Aer Lingus and Aerlinte Eireann restructured in 1993 into Aer Lingus Group plc.McGauran et al. 2005; Air Companies (Amendment) Act, 1993; Dáil Éireann - Volume 437 - 15 December, 1993--Air Companies (Amendment) Bill, 1993: Committee Stage; http://www.aerlingus.com/
National Transport Authority2009-12-01http://www.nationaltransport.ie/; Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008; Public Transport Regulation Act 2009; S.I. No. 474/2009
National Car Testing Service Ltd.2000-01-04S.I. No. 481/1998; S.I. No. 395/1999; http://www.ncts.ie/
Great Southern Railway Company1924-11-121945-01-01Merged with Dublin United Transport to form Córas Iompair ÉireannS.I. No. 31/1924; Transport Act, 1944
Aerlód Teoranta1964-07-072001-09-11Subsidiary of CIÉS.I. No. 95/1964; Seanad Éireann - Volume 57 - 13 May, 1964--Report of Joint Committee on Standing Orders (Private Business). - Transport Act, 1950 (Additional Powers) Order, 1964: Motion of Confirmation
Railway and Canal Commission1854-01-011924-01-01Replaced by Railway TribunalRailway and Canal Traffic Act 1854; S.I. No. 1/1923; Railways Act 1924
Dublin United Transport Company, Limited1941-03-251945-01-01Replaced Dublin United Tramways CompanyTransport Act, 1944; Murphy, F. 'Dublin Trams 1872-1959', Dublin Historical Record Vol. 33, No. 1 (Dec., 1979), pp. 2-9; 'Buses best form of travel' Irish Times, 26 March 1941
Dublin United Tramways Company1896-09-011941-03-25Replaced by Dublin United Transport Company when trams were replaced by busesDublin United Tramways (Omnibus Services) Act, 1925; Murphy, F. 'Dublin Trams 1872-1959', Dublin Historical Record Vol. 33, No. 1 (Dec., 1979), pp. 2-9; 'Buses best form of travel' Irish Times, 26 March 1941
Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport2011-04-022020-09-17Succeeded by Department of Transport (III). Tourism and Sport responsibilities also transferred to new Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and MediaS.I. No. 141/2011; http://www.transport.ie/; S.I. No. 351/2020; S.I. No. 356/2020
Shannon Airport Authority2012-12-31On 5 September 2014 Shannon Airport Authority became part of the Shannon Group plcState Airports Act 2004; S.I. No. 571/2012; http://www.shannonairport.ie; www.shannongroup.ie; State Airports (Shannon Group) Act 2014; S.I. No. 395/2014
Transport Infrastructure Ireland2015-08-01Replaced the National Roads Authority and the Railway Procurement Agency www.tii.ie; Roads Act 2015; Roads Act 2015 (Operational Name of National Roads Authority) Order 2015
Air Accident Investigation Unit2009-12-09www.aaiu.ie; S.I. No. 460/2009
Department of Transport (III)2020-09-17Replaced Department of Transport, Tourism and SportS.I. No. 351/2020; https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-transport/
Rates Advisory Committee 1925-03-021944-12-08A Rates Advisory Committee was established to perform certain advisory functions for charges, rates etc. pertaining to harbours, docks and piers under pre-independence legislation carried forward. It is assumed this body ceased to exist following enactment of the Transport Act 1944 and associated legislative repealsS.I. No. 11/1925; Harbours, Docks, and Piers (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920 (10 & 11 Geo. 5.), ch. 21
Irish Air Navigation Service2023-05-01The Irish Air Navigation Service was established to perform a number of functions with respect to the operation and management of air navigation in Irish and other airspace. The IANS assumed certain functions of the Irish Aviation Authority Part 2 of the Air Navigation and Transport Act 2022 (No. 40 of 2022); S.I. No. 218/2023; https://core.cro.ie/e-commerce/company/5035589